So this... Is the power

So this... Is the power
Of the UK.

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What happened? They once conquered a third of the world, and now the third world rules them!

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Just nuke us pls

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Theresa May and Justin Trudeau are so cool!!!!!

I find it sad because I find the British empire really interesting, how did it all change like this?

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Jews got into power.

Why did the brits get May into power again?

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It's not like we had much of a choice

What do you mean? There were no alternatives?

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The only other alternative was Corbyn who was a full blown communist



>whites literal minority

Are Indians and pakis really that many in England, or are countries like Turkey also listed as "Asian"?

All of the middle east is 'asian' in bongland. I'd assume that extends to Turkey

When the fuck will she accept the entire fucking UK hates her and leave so we can vote in Rees-Mogg?

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Why are Arabs listed separately then? If they're nafris then aren't they listed as African?

le 29% face

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also bear in mind that was a 2011 census
I don't even want to think about what those numbers look like now

you'll vote comrade corbyn

I just got back from asda and saw a bunch of single moms with niglet spawn looking dead inside, I fucking hate traitors

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According to the guy Nige put on in his radio show, the UK gets another million migrants every 3 years, and they tend to settle in cities so you get the drill..

Jesus christ....

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> tmw there are more muslims than whites

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I've literally read all world war 3 prophecies and I take comfort in knowing my country is absolutely fucked in all of them.

It's over

thank fuck

Good.Can't wait for that shithole to burn

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Why the fuck would you let a woman lead your country?

It's an affront to the natural state.

We didn't. Cameron was voted into power, but since he lost the brexit referendum he chickened out and quit. The torries then put may in power without an election. The dumb bitch then called a snap election and didn't bother to campaign on it, sacrificing a small majority government and ending up with a minority government and the only reason she didn't outright lose is because her opposition (Corbyn) is a communist disaster waiting to happen. The fact she nearly lost to him speaks volumes about her.

Women run this country because most of the men are either subhuman inbred cro mags or literal homosexuals, as in they get erections thinking of men. The empire was a fortunate accident, Ireland is our natural state. Potato famine 2.0 coming soon, and it will affect both islands

Never trust or pity an Anglo.

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I don't get all the suicidal pessimism here, is it really THAT bad?
I mean I know how multiculturalism can destroy a hometown, I know how it is to deal with brainwashed normies and see Muslim women walk down the street with 9 kids, but I and many of my people know there is hope because the whole situation is unnatural and we are bound to prevail, as our history has shown.
What is different about Britain? Do we not have the same fears and problems? Are the people there too brainwashed or something?

propably the same way of categorising as in USA or over here.
When they make the papers they put a check on their ethnicity and some want to have written arab in it and many want to have asian in it.
Wonder how many "white" people checked "white"

Not a single person voted for her. Noone likes her.
Her party was actually against brexit but they did a referendum vote and didnt expect people to want to leave.
When it turned out we did they had no idea how to go about it and they didnt want to do it.
No wonder its shit

God I hope so.

>no dab
>no flossing


if noone voted for her, how can she be prime minister?

I mean, we didn't let her, she kinda snaked her way into it.

Rather dead than red. I used to vote only Labour because i was poor. Now I just dont vote for the main parties, no point anymore.

>inb4 Muh blaming jews

This is unironically true. you can just compare and contrast before and after jews gained controll of media and finance and see exactly what happened

Trump take notice. THIS is how you get trade deals!

Just got back from pub lunch, everyone was white. FeelsGoodMan I love living in Surrey


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We voted for the party she represents. When the old leader stepped down, the party chose her to lead.

god she acts like a literal no no

Britpigs aren't even human

Look at them, just look
Fucking apexcringe
Mere robots running on Aryan blood
Theresa May is the epitome of a britpig
Ugly as hell, desperately trying to be human
This is even worse than ZUCC-tier

Thank God they voted BREXIT to stop mass immigration.

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leaders of partys are elected by the party, labour are not an option to vote for, conservative was the only realistic option, both shite

they could all have voted for UKIP instead

Atleast she is not twerking.


please no

The year of UDI.

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So basically Asians as in Pakis and Arabs as in ME?
Who’s worse?

Theresa May converts to Islam in this powerful video

bu-but she's trying to be personable!

>le 29% face

>tfw your shitty PM is making Trudeau look hip and cool
lol poor bongos

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Good this island of inbreds and mutts should've been put down long ago. Maybe will Britain falls under we can stop getting these tourist that act more like niggers than white people in our countries.

I bet the British regret this, but its too late right now.

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>Swedish-tier matriarchal society ruled by women at home and increasingly in government and private sector
>outdated cultural Class system that makes everyone very paranoid about how they are being viewed, as it can result in social isolation very quickly
>genetically subhuman violent underclass that infests every part of the country that are used as a threat should you fall through the cracks of the capitalistic economic and class system. most of the traditional working and even middle class are also starting to emulate them as they become poorer
>brutal US-tier capitalist economy where money is everything, but with a that money, and any economic output that does end up being produced gets taken by foreigners anyway. this results in most people being more debt ridden than Americans but with less to show for it apart from a shitty car and 30 year mortgage on a shoe box house
>police state legal and judicial system
>filled with immigrants who either act obnoxiously foreign (wahabbi muslims, bhangra listening Sikhs, black criminal gangs etc.) or end up trying to fit in by emulating the subhuman underclass
>small extremely overpopulated and overdeveloped island with most of the rural land left restricted for development due to land owning gentry and "natural parks" so people are pushed even further together resulting in insane traffic and living density
>media is now just Aussie-tier reality TV and soaps for the underclass or left wing SJW shit on the BBC. no British films, music, games etc.

I could go on....

>184328619 #
This. They’re everywhere here. England really is ground zero for the Rothschild NWO when the antichrist returns.

I don’t even think Sweden can compare to us

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>yfw you realized the artist intentionally cut off the movie poster so it would read "Now playin'"

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What is up with the English underclass? I know niggers and spics can be uppity, and pakis are horrid, but what qualities does this underclass possess that make it so bad?

Same as what happened to Greece, Rome and all great empires ...

.... we got lazy, unmotivated, self indulgent, divided and weak

>who is Benjamin Disraeli

the problem goes a lot deeper than just the jews brainlet

holy shit its cab calloway all the way

reminds me of that 80s music video that had the puppet Thatcher

*>brutal US-tier capitalist economy where money is everything, but with less ways to actually make that money

British people let things get this bad because there was always the "I'll just emigrate" back up plan for those that didn't like it, a legacy of the empire (move to the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, South Africa, even Rhodesia, Kenya, Hong Kong, France, Spain, Germany, Cyprus etc.) Now that isn't an option, so we're left with this absolute shit show of a country, which Prime Minister May succinctly represents.

Merkel if fucking you up just as bad if not worse

this blatant cultural appropriation

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If you knew anything about empires you would know this happens to all of them.
It's almost like the universe has some warped sense of social justice. "You occupied them, now they occupy you"

The death of Britain makes me sad.

go back to bed cyriak

topkek is this dr Kissinger?

To add:
Our votes are literally meaningless and have no effect on the outcome of an election

No guns (or knives (or spoons)) so good luck defending yourself. But that applies to the police too in most cases so you're fucked either way.

Our Education system tells you next to nothing about British History. I remember doing a brief touch on each of the British Monarchs from William I to Charles I (as in everybody in the class got assigned one monarch each to research, nothing else) and past that is was the American slave trade and the Holocaust again and again and again. I remember watching the Diary of Anne Frank movie in class at about 10/11.

The upper/middle class give no shits because they live in the 99.9% white areas, so it's 'trendy' to be liberal since they see none of the consequences

Nothing resembling a constitution (not one as vehemently defended as the US constitution at least) so any laws or rights the gov doesn't like are fair game to kill as they see fit

As well as our trash entertainment media, all news comes from tabloid rags


The West is different. It invites the people it once conquered.
No other race/culture did or does that.
What makes white race superior is now destroying it.

how embarrassing

Britain is a has-been Country, I know I liv there.

>The upper/middle class give no shits because they live in the 99.9% white areas, so it's 'trendy' to be liberal since they see none of the consequences

That is fuckin far from just a British priblem m8. Its pathological across the West

I hav to stick up for May a bit, she was imitating the dancer's moves in fun they weren't her moves.

Good Goy. You cant win, its all over, just stfu and learn to love your hostile muzzie neighbors

By themselves, they act like US ghetto nogs. A part of why US blacks act the way they do is probably a legacy of interacting with the Irish, some of them even genetically mixed with them. Football hooliganism, chavs, the Troubles in Ireland, binge drinking and alcoholism, white gypsies, lad culture, British regionalism and thick aggressive dialect accents etc. are all legacies of this underclass. Even when they are not openly violent, there is a constant tension that could lead to violence or social isolation/bullying/mockery for anyone that doesn't act just like them, kind of like when a white American has to interact or work around black ghetto people. Add the outdated class system where any expression of personality that doesn't conform to "traditional working class" is seen as a personal attack of them, and it makes them intolerable to be around.

This wouldn't be so bad if we weren't stuck on an overpopulated island having to work and live around these people. It's hard enough trying to survive in this shitty country with its fucked up laws, culture and economy, but add having to deal with the underclass on top of it, and its unbearable. A Clockwork Orange basically sums up this problem, and there is plenty of media that offers a glimpse into these people.

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Can we just wall off the entirety of the British isles and use it as a containment zone for the shitskins of Europe? It's not like there's anything left to lose there.

Yeah that's true enough I guess, even as I was writing it I was thinking of the Hollywood types who do the same shit.
They love to virtue signal from their sheltered suburban homes and point at their token Poo dentist/doctor neighbour to show how tolerant they are.

That doesn't make what I said incorrect. I never said what method they use to occupy us, I just said they do it.

Oh look. Its trying human things.

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Britain has the worst electoral system in Europe, it is called First-Past-the-Post and makes virtually impossible for any new Political Parties to make any impact and get into Power. In an election an alliance of two smaller parties got 25% of the Vote the socialist Labour Party got 27% 2% points different, the Labour Party got 209 seats, whereas the Alliance with 2 % points less got 23, yes 23, about 1/10th of the Labour Party's amount.

In another election the anti-EU party, UKIP got 13% of the vote but ended up with just 1 MPs out of 650 MPs if it had proportional UKIP would have got about 94 MPs, for its 13% of the vote it 0.15% of the seats.

Yeah it was two elections back.
The Conservatives got the majority in parliament with under 40% of the vote.
UKIP got a single seat with about 12% and the SNP got over 50 seats with only 5%

london really has seen better days

Any White woman with a Black baby should be forced to liv in a Black Country!

I literally see nothing wrong with friendly cultural exchanges

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She is the textbook definition of pandering politician. she literally will do anything, act any way, say anything, to fit in with whatever group and win their votes. What a shameless old hag.

Britain gets ONE IMMIGRANT EVERY MINUTE! over a million every two Years. You been replaced in the time it took to read this thread.

She's better than Corbyn.