Being female and easy mode

Ok.. maybe its a bit of an overexaggeration to say being female is life on easy mode but lets just focus on dating and SMV. Women clearly have a huge advantage. They seriously do not have to make an ounce of effort to thrive in the sexual marketplace. In fact men pay them for sex even if there an ugly slut. And look at the effort it takes for a man to acheive an attractive physique vs. What it takes for a woman to do so. A womans beach bod takes zero effort just dont eat like a hippo everyday and your good. For men its years of blood sweat and tears and hard work and strict dieting and even drugs. Women just let chad come to her. She does nothing but sit down and wait. He comes to her. And they say they want a nice guy but if an ugly guy opens the door for her she gets creeped out and if a bodybuilder grabs her ass she giggles. You can be a 400 pound land whale and if you post your pic in casual sex you will have as many messages in your inbox as the amount of pounds you weigh within a day.
So... my question is...
Why is it that whenever i red pill a woman on how easy they have it when it comes to dating they reeee and deny it? Its so blatantly obvious its all true.

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While women do live life on easy mode, their controller is also given lots of handicaps.

So in essence, the life of a woman is like those novelty games where the idea of the game is simple but controlling it is a pain (see: Octodad, Surgeon Simulator, QWOP, etc...)

Things like periods, lowerIQ, moodswings, and smaller/weaker body frames makes every day life difficult and even simple choices for us makes becomes a tough moment that can induce panic for them.

*for us males

Why does autocorrect think males should be changed to makes all the time

You're ignoring a dimension.


Females only live life on easy mode during their prime (16-25 years old). After that, it's all down hill. The next generation of 16-25 year old pussy takes the pedestal.

Men have a much longer, more stable, plateau of desirability. 18-50 years old, depending on his wealth, and how fast/slow he matures etc. LOTS of women become depressed when they reach 26, and become highly jealous of the younger girls.

This. The problem is making women realize this when they are all becoming nihilistic.

She cute

>easy mode
>bleed from your vagina every month for a week
>requires protection
>unable to befriend an entire gender since they will always be thinking about sex with you
>Employers won't want to hire you because they fear you will go on maternity leave.

Seems like being a woman is a shit deal.

as a woman who never dated anyone idk if we really do have life on easy mode but i think your talking about basic bitches who unfortunately represent 90% of woman......(at least in the west) P.s these woman are retarded and toxic (even with other female)

being a woman generally sucks from the physical aspect and like another user said, their time frame is shitty.
IF they were not so ridiculously stupid in their good zone though, they'd truly be on easy mode.

>literally everything is obligatorily feminist
>women get to cherrypick everything
>you can't tell the truth about the women without being """sexist"""

I guess. They make bad decisions in their younger years these days though. What woman at age 18 isnt feeling the urge to go to college and become a career money making woman on birth control? Then at 30 they wonder what happened.

Yea.. they all have the chance to marry up with a provider in younger years and be able to just stay at home and take care of family rather than work. But instead these days they get on birth control and hop on the cock carousel. I dont see why women are so unable to see reality for what it is. I dont understand how they think getting a career is going to make them any more valuable to men. They say stupid shit like, "oh im not getting a career to please a man!" Then when they are 30+ they wonder where all the good men are. They just really all seem so dense and unable to figure out what they want out of lifem whereas men always know exactlt what they want. Men also arent complacent in marriage like womem are.

>A womans beach bod takes zero effort just dont eat like a hippo everyday
False. There is a billion dollar industry dedicated to exercise, diet and beauty for women. Every picture of a woman you see is photoshopped or taken in the best light. Reality is far crueler and most women are woefully insecure about their bodies.

It's almost as if working out, dieting, exercising and self improvement are important for both sexes.

They would get all the exorcise they need with a broom, vacuum, scrubbing, working the garden and walks in the park after she cooked dinner

>im not like other grills xD
That's what you all say/think

True. The diet a fitness industry is marketed to women and playing on their insecurity. They really do not have to make any effort. What man wants a woman to lift weights and have a chiseled physique and six pack abs? Men dont want this. Hell you can eat a shitty diet and as a fat woman you can still get fucked by men with one quick call or click on the internet. Men have to work out real hard to score any women or even resort to dangerous drugs like anabolic steroids.

Many people require extended periods of aerobic activity (swimming, running stairs) IN ADDITION to manual labor around the house.

But yeah, I've never understood man or woman who outsources their domestic labor and goes to the gym instead. Pussies, the lot of them.

I disagree somewhat. I think most women want a kind, confident man who is put together, interesting, dresses nicely (not necessarily expensive, but takes care to groom well) who is also a gentleman. A guy doesn't have to be a chad bodybuilder. Saying all women want a bodybuilder is the same as saying all men want a supermodel. There just aren't enough chads and supermodels to go around.

its a double-edged sword for women and sex. on one hand its very easy for them to get sex. on the other, the sex is big swinging cocks that grunt and pump and dump them.

NOPE, only YOUNG females have easy modo. Roasties are a dying breed.

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You're wrong man. Your argument only applies to like the top 10% looks-wise and only then up until their 30s. After that they have severely diminishing assets. And if you're unfortunate enough to be an ugly woman then god help you as most have nothing but looks going for them. Ugly men often have other things that can compensate for lack of looks.

I've grown to hate my own little sister because of how fucking entitled the little shit is. She literally doesn't need to work and just sponges off my mother and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is even getting fed up with her and dumps her all the time. I'm convinced he feels like he's stuck with her, because I over heard her threatening to tell everyone he raped her once when he dumped her. Me and my brothers were kicked out the moment the bennies stopped and forced to fend for ourselves but not my little cunt of a sister, just sits around smoking weed all day staring into her phone (probably harassing her poor fuck of a boyfriend while he's in work all day, accusing him of cheating) her bf is shit scared of me and my brothers and I'm convinced she using it against him and threatening him with us. I don't get to talk with him much but if I do, I'm giving the green light to belt the little cunt if he wants to. Also my mother is a cunt too. Another bitch of a woman who's lived life on easy mode, without having to work a day in her life all because she opened her stinking fucking legs. Fuck, women piss me the fuck off.

it's all about what your expectations are
also this male is an adjective-noun hybrid. pluralizing it is gender studies jargon, not real English

women have it all handed to them while theyre young. but it runs out fast. trust me, shes going to be miserable if she continues to be a useless set of holes.

Ugly men and ugly women are forced to work on their personality and 'inner beauty'. If they are lucky, they end up with each other and can have long, happy, fruitful marriages. Everyone is ugly after 50 anyway, it's more important to be interesting, kind, funny and good with money.

Uhhh... what about ugly fat men? Lets take an ugly fat man who dresses well and is a kind hearted white knight gentleman and have him go out and do his kind deeds for women. Women will either be creeped out or just say thank you if he does things like give up a chair for her or hold the door open but they would NEVER consider dating him. If your a fat ugly woman you can still get plenty of cock. Even if your old as an old cougar plenty of men wanr to fuck you its just unlikely a man will marrt you when they can marry fresh young virgin pussy. Fat ugly men only get pussy if they pay.

>Fat ugly men only get pussy if they pay.
No, they can get an ugly woman. Problem is they want a 10 and that isn't going to happen unless they pay.

Better off everyone working on personality, self improvement and long-term health and fitness. All of the happy old 70 year olds you see together have something that lasts - and that isn't looks.

Last time male and female uggos got together was probably 1970 and even then it hardly ever happened. The nineties it was still possible but as soon as online dating came around the smv for 90 percent of men plummeted.

Upgraded to standard mode for likelihood of being raped by nogs and islasmists

Yeah, pretty sure her bf only goes back to her purely for the sex, because she's fucking useless as far as women go. She don't cook or clean and expects everyone to do it for her. I'm also pretty sure, she knows how fucking useless she is and doesn't care because despite being a useless cunt, she is very pretty and idiots like her bf don't see past her looks. Proper poisonous cunt, she is. I hope he cheats on her one day and she fucking kills herself.

Yea these damn iphones have fucked women up even more beyond repair. Instead of cleaning and cooking their worried about their social media or tinder accounts.

>women just sit down and wait for the fat rolls to melt
Lmao it is very hard to find a guy when they all want a woman who has dated before, who is liberal and "into the arts". I just want to post memes and have white kids, 10 or more of them but fucking dipshits like you think we have it easy just because some desperate beta orbiters surround us.

> leaf

Hah. Like an ugly woman would dare settle for someone of equal level of attractiveness or lower. While men always have to go for a woman who is less atrractive than he is. Because if a woman is as attractive as her husband or more so she is more likely to cheat because when the woman is less attractive than husband theres that fear in her that if she fucks up she will never end up with a male again that is more attractive to her. Women all know they are easily able to sleep with a man who is much more attractive than them. As a woman your sexual market value is always significantly higher than a mans.

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Maybe it's time to change that. If you want a long term partner you need to lower your standards, as does she. Better to find someone who likes your taste in music, vidya and humor. Because those things will last and looks will not. Maybe a dating site where you use an avatar instead of a selfie. The cleverest people would get the most swipes.

>Women all know they are easily able to sleep with a man who is much more attractive than them.
I really don't think that's true. All the women I know are insecure and neurotic and have terrible self esteem. All a guy has to do is to convince her how lucky she is to be in the relationship. Not the other way around.

Thats exactly right. Thats what i tell men all the time. The key is to go for the butterfaces. Women with lower sexual market value. These are the only women who can be true to you as attractive women have way too much privilage and mobility. Uglier women know that if a hot guy married them that the chance of that ever happening again are slim to none so they actually behave and cook and clean for their husband and care for kids. This is what happens to women 30+ in the past they used to be married at much younger age and instead of riding the cock carosel they are married and then when old abd have 4 kids they realise their sexual market value plummets so they stick do their good husband... problem is back in the day men would abuse this and slap their homely wives around and thus feminism was born.

I love being a woman. Especially in this day and age.

Finally, with the protection of the state, we can assume our role as the dominate gender. We can beat the shit out of our husbands, emotionally torment them, even cheat on them and there is nothing they can do about it and ugly men will never have a chance to even be with us.

For example, my husband filed for divorce a little over a year ago when he discovered I was having an affair. I wasn't even ashamed when he walked in on me fucking another man, because I was sick of him and his bullshit inability to satisfy me sexually. I continued to sleep with my black lover for weeks after he found out, sometimes even while my husband was home. He had to listen to us fucking and me getting pleased by a superior black cock while he slept on the couch. He eventually lost it and smacked me, giving me just the justification I needed to press assault charges and file for a restraining order. Under advice of legal counsel, I cleaned out our joint checking account and froze it and froze our credit cards while he was in jail, to prevent him from being able to afford to hire a competent lawyer.

Yesterday, I was awarded full owenership of the house, custody of the children he doesn't even realize aren't his, 1,450 dollars a month in child support, 3,725 dollars a month in alimony and basically suffered no consequences for being unfaithful. All this for being willing and able to take a smack across the face :)

He whined like a little girl to the judge, claiming he had to get a roomate now, because he can't afford to rent an apartment by himself and pay me what he owes me. So pathetic.

Exactly why women dont need child support and alimony. As sarcastic as you may be trying to sound. This is how things go.

Cool Story Jewboy

When it comes to fucking, females have an advantage. But what if that is not what they really want? They want to hold down a Chad male and that can be pretty hard.

>being a attractive female is life on easy mode

They want validation not truth.

Game of Life:
Objective: To Continue Playing The Game Of Life

Hardmode: Male: 44% chance of Game Over.
Easymode: Female: 12% chance of Game Over.

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In other words, a good looking man.

>being an attractive female is life on easy mode
>being a Chad is life on easy mode
>having won the game of life is life on easy mode
It's not surprising. You only need to recognize that life is a competition and that there will be winners and that there will be losers.

>Why is it that whenever I yell at women they don't like it?

It's a mystery.

>if an ugly guy opens the door for her she gets creeped out and if a bodybuilder grabs her ass she giggles
This meme needs to die. Opening the door for somebody means jack shit and people who attach importance to trivial things like that are already displaying a level of immaturity that women have every right to find unattractive.
Now consider the bodybuilder:
> For men its years of blood sweat and tears and hard work and strict dieting and even drugs
By simply having the body he does, the bodybuilder conveys to the girl that he is a hard worker, treats himself well, and is capable of committing to large projects. By grabbing her ass, he also lets her know that he has a high (read: healthy) self esteem and isn't disconnected from his sexuality in the way that many dickess, beta men are in this day and age. This is why she giggles.

Women clearly have an advantage in the dating market: If they want a dick, they can have a dick. Life's unfair like that, and men don't whine about it because men aren't whiners. However, when it comes to finding a high quality partner, women and men are in the same boat. Men want the hottest girl they can get, while women want a man with the traits that the bodybuilder possesses. If you need any evidence, just look at how the sexes swipe on tinder. Men swipe on any girl that looks good in a two-piece, while women, bombarded by options, swipe on men that are not only sexy, but display status, charm and charisma. Wealth helps, but it's a trait that women settle for rather than seek out. If it hasn't hit you yet, all this implies that MEN, not women, are the superficial gender. But wait, let's circle back to the bodybuilder: just as his physique conveys all sorts of attractive traits, a healthy, fit, beautiful woman's body does the same. There is nothing superficial about liking a person's body, and you CAN in fact judge a book, if not by its cover, then at least by the first chapter.