Live in economically depressed state

>live in economically depressed state
>trying to get a part time job as supplemental income while looking for a real job in my field of study
>"must have full time availability including early morning, days, evenings, nights, weekends and holidays"
>"must be open to constantly changing schedule"
>35-39 hours so no benefits
How the fuck do I get ahead in life if these corporate Jews never let me have time to go to interviews or answer my phone?

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move out of economically depressed state.

Ya, and temp agency might help too.

It's everywhere, I'm applying for an entry level sales job despite having 2 years of strong experience in b2b and they're dragging me through the mud with interviews and shit. These fuckers hire college kids (I have a degree by the way) with no experience and they want to hassle me with this shit, then as we're closing in on an offer they have the nerve to tell me the job isnt just 9 working hours a day but you work till the job is done each day so who knows how long that is, you're on call 24/7 for your clients, have to work 1 Saturday a month and find another 8 overtime hours beyond all that other stuff a month. Fucking insane

>muh wage slave
sky king is played out here, go try lereddit.

Oh and salaried of course if it wasn't clear

Are you really complaining about those things? Shit has to get done, and you sound fucking whiney. I would never fucking hire you.

t. Tesla Engineer

It's for a 36k a year job while I told them I'm making 60k right now doing 40 hours a week you retard. It was a recruiter that reached out to me and I'm telling them to fuck off now that they've revealed the position is shit

stop being poor and get a firm handshake


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Well are you making 60k right now? If you are, why bother with a second job?

>real job in a field of my study
Lol oh buddy let me tell ya something, that wont happen unless you're willing to move very far away

>How the fuck do I get ahead in life if these corporate Jews never let me have time to go to interviews or answer my phone?
you are simply not suppose to
they want you struggling

I try to humor recruiters since my wife had one reach out to her leading to a job that paid twice as much as where she was

I’m retarded because your communication skills blow. Right.

You're retarded for defending that shit

You are a fucking idiot.

I know, I already drive 2 hours away go go to interviews, but I just don't have to money to relocate to some big city on the other side of the country
Besides I feel like if I leave the Midwest I'll just even more competition

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jfc I typed like a retard in this post fml

found the shill

it's okay user, we're all retarded here

-Willing to do all that shit
-Not willing to move to an area with a better economy

3rd worlders who can't speak english are moving thousands of miles to make less than min wage. You can't move to a better city?

Oh dude the midwest is dead, unless you have some weird skill some little manufacturing company needs like package engineering, robotic hydraulic specialist, or industrial diesel equipment; you're fucked lol
My degree is worthless here, so now I gotta find some stupid ladder to climb to get money or save up and start at the bottom somewhere where my degree matters

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>someone disagrees with me

Just leave California

I'm in Michigan.

Soooooo fucking close to sextuplets

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Don't play by one-sided rules.

If an interview comes up, while you're on-call or scheduled for your shitty shift-work job, then go to the interview and make up some bullshit reason for why you were late to the shitty shift-work job.

If you need to answer your phone, then answer the fucking phone... and claim it was an emergency call from your step-daughter's babysitter's cousin's boyfriend's dog or whatever the fuck nonsense excuse pops into your head.

There was a scene in the matrix where some kid says "Don't try to bend the spoon, that's impossible... Just realize that there is no spoon."

Basically, don't break the rules... just realize that there are no fucking rules. That's how your bosses get away with fucking you raw; they realize that there are no rules, and just make shit up to keep you under their heel.

So return the favor, and make shit up to turn the tables.