Dubya is such an adorable little scamp

Dubya is such an adorable little scamp

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Joe Lieberman fucked Connecticut so badly

It's a roofy he's gonna fuck this Harambe for later


George Bush isnt a bad person. He's just abominably stupid and easily manipulated to perform NWO actions.

I agree that’s what the picture shows.
Candy my ass though.


Bush is such down to earth guy. Say what you want about him as a president, but I would have a beer with him!


I don't get it. They go from saying he hates black people to this.

It's everyone is good besides Trump.

Liberals have no principles.

He sure made sure that the world the center was down to earth if you catch my drift

This is sick. Didn't anyone tell him not to feed the animals?

World trade center

remember when everybody hated bush?

He melts my heart like it was a steel beam.

So it's just becoming more and more obvious all the past presidents all had the same agenda.

McCain good. Bush good. Farrakhan good. Lol wtf.

That was before he criticized clumpf though

It's funny how these faggots love McBrain and Bush now.

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I like how Bush just acts like an overgrow child and does nothing for the country, and gets a second term.

Trump meanwhile is making america great and people are saying he won't get a second term.

8 years boiz

Also he's a bad person.

Think the wrapper had a message on it?

Obama on McCain, "we never doubted we were on the same team"


wtf i love being dragged into the war on terror now

He joined the crusade, his sins are forgiven.

She needed an Adrenochrome lozenge to stave off the lizard shapeshifting that she felt was coming on. It’s common when there are too many cameras and eyeballs on them, sometimes their quantum string vibrations fluctuate exposing them to slight visual anomalies and artifacts exposing their serpentine skin and eyes.

He doesn’t know that Michael has a dick.

It's not had to fall for him, even if you're the third building.

The fact that Bush gets along with the Oniggers is all the proof anyone needs of the monoparty.

Yep. Does anyone have that YouTube video anonymous made that explained it succinctly?

Trump has become a kind of strange species of Antichrist to the left. Anyone can find salvation, as long as they reject him.

John McCain, the guy they called a fascist warmonger 10 years ago? He says "orange man bad", and they suck his dick like they're trying to pull the brain tumor out. Eminem, the rapper who once said "All the girls I like to bone, have the big butts, no they don't! 'Cause I ain't into that nigger shit, I'm just here to make a bigger hit,"? Progressive hero. George W. Bush, who stole the election, let a thousand niggers die in Hurricane Katrina, and started two wars and a secret prison they call crimes against humanity? They love him now.

At this point if Hitler came back from the dead, the left would rally behind him if he just called Trump literally Hitler.

i guess Obama can now also blame Bush for the absolute state of Michelle because he kept giving her candy.

Somebody finally tells the truth

not going to lie i would buy a miniature if they ever bred him.

Is this a funeral or memorial service?

Why the fuck are they eating.

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Ah-hahaha. That's so cute. Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban again. All those deaths were for nothing.

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They're gonna love Trump when the next Republican president comes along.

Lefties hate America so much they now love Bush Jr. for ruining it.

Jesus we need a fucking Purge so bad. I am close to advocating violence on 90% of "journalists"

Seeing as he had an affair with rice, I just think he hyst has a taste for chocolate. I don't blame him. So do I.

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Barack Obama is a known faggot. Dubya is cucking him.

>the left
>would rally

Well he was a socialist user

Everybody looks so happy in that picture.
What are they celebrating?

slow close to quads m8

Didn't know about that. Thanks.

Eminem just called Tyler the Creator a faggot on his new album so the left are mad at him again.

the left doesn't want people that think big picture or remember anything

if bush was elected tomorrow he would be satan again

>At this point if Hitler came back from the dead, the left would rally behind him if he just called Trump literally Hitler.

You know what to do Jow Forums

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Amazing body, but the face just ruins it.

I smiled

Usually happens after you leave office

Adorable war criminal.

I've seen libs pull this excuse more and more now in an effort to make conservatives swallow the "compassionate conservative" tripe again, so that we'll go back into the safe little boxes where we can't oppose them.

It's not going to happen. Bush was a neolib cunt who increased immigration, increased gibs for niggers, and sold out the white American people to Jewish overlords. White Americans will never be tricked again into voting "conservatives" like him again.

(((Roland Scahill)))

>liberals in 2001 - 2008
>liberals in 2018
>"W warms my heart."

Mark your calendars. Liberals will start loving Trump in 2035.

Yep then Trump came along and wrecked their plans

Can't wait for 2024 when trump becomes a saint to these lunatics

>sure I had my disagreements with trump, but at least he wasn't a blatant white nationalist like x!


the neocons were disenfranchised socialist democrats that infiltrated the conservative movement and perverted it. by the end of this treason will be on the lips of ALL americans

>Democrats suddenly celebrating the Iraq war.

That's how you tell Bush is an old-timer church-goer. My parents used to carry hard candies around for thirsty people to suck on during services, and more than once I got snuck a peppermint or something because I was being a little fussy if Mass went on for too long. Helps with dry mouths and keeps kids from making noise. You can see the look his wide is giving them, she knows the routine.

this looks like a setup for "find 20 things wrong with this picture"

Unironically, it "says a lot about our society" that these people mourn this man or at least pretend too, and that we're expected to join them.

Fucking slide threads all over the place these days. /sig/ threads get moved, yet mods let shit like this stay? Fucking sage

aww such a likeable guy, bet he could never do anything evil

>haha wow look how human presidents really are people liek us XD
Two minutes later....
>trump is an evil nazi piece of shit

Are liberals seriously pretending to like Bush now? Stupid hypocritical faggots deserve to die.

I didnt know that the obamas are this relevant

A single US senator can only do so much. An entire parade of governors, mayors, state and local congressmen fucked Connecticut so badly.

globalists helping globalists

Basically this. Whoever the next republican candidate is will be the new literally Hitler and lefties will forget and look fondly back at Trump.
They tried the same outrage thing with Romney.
>Oh he has a “binder full of women”?? How sexist! What an evil man!
I’m surprised their heads didn’t explode when they heard the Trump grab em by the pussy tape.

>Muricans still haven‘t hanged this war criminal.
Shame on you.

You are retarded.

sticky fingers

not always because of candy

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It was all simply a political game. Now that they are former presidents, the games no longer matter.

More evidence that Michelle is a man? I'm not sure I'd take kindly that some other dude is giving wife candy, but goes along with the fact that sharing is more acceptable in homo relationships.

McCain was a traitor.

And the skin... And the nigger

When the person taking the photo knows nothing about the activity being photographed.

They cut the video right before his dick flopped out from down below.

>It was all simply a political game
it's the same reason Hillary is left alone now Trump is in the white house.

It was a breath mint, stupid monkey needs to take the hint

oh he knows

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why is it that trump makes everyone suffering of dementia?

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>Look how cute he is goyim!
>forget alllll about those silly little wars he started for us goyim
>just look how cute he is!
>he a good boy he dindu nuffin, he was just to silly to know what he was doing!
>hes blameless goyim

Lefties lust for power alone

should have used the marines and dropped a MOAB on the funeral, would have caused more justice in a second than could have been served in 50 years at guantanamo.

Yes, we need to send a message globally.

He slipped her some dried adrenachrome jerky.

so we missed the best part?

A glimpse into a world without men

never happens in any country of note. not just us.

>Bush was the "trump" of his era as president
By trump, I mean what the media portrays him as (loser, idiot, ect ect). It's pretty funny seeing this shit happen.

>'shut it down'

Liberals will praise anything that takes a jab at Trump right now.

They are thick as (((thieves))). Bush probably gave her some cocaine candy.

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This is too gay for me.

It's undeniable, yeah.


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>Bush probably gave her some cocaine

What? Not Adrenochrome?

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