Attached: stormfag.jpg (224x250, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thats right, it was them all along

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based and bluepilled

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Biased and reptiled

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pro-tip: rich gentiles don't give a fuck about you

You sir, are correct

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da jew r gud dey dindo nuffin rong

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Bumpity bumpa doodle doo

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Pro-tip nobody gives a fuck about you at all but you can pretend they do if it brings you comfort.

Ahk dee juden

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get out kike! we don't want you here. just like you fuckers don't want us in your land gtfo!


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This is some next level shit.

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Der Juden

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Since Jow Forums has unanimously come to the consensus that the jew is a foul evil creature that must be utterly eliminated from the face of earth, i would like to take time to explain the 3 major theories as to why the ???,???? jew is the natural enemy of everything that is good. Why would one lineage be so vile as to necessitate that all peoples of the earth invest in large ovens to cleanse themselves of the big nosed rats.

1- The main theory as to why these vampires of the blood libel are demented is the that they are the chosen one of the devil. As we all know, Israel was originally a blessed people of God but due to their evil they betrayed one of their own sent by God and had him killed saying famously that"let his blood be upon us". From this moment a dark curse landed on all of them and exists to this day.

2-They are aliens or offspring of aliens
There is alot of proof of this. The comouflaging Canadian goose could actually be offspring of a foreign alien race that wishes to undermine all the goodness of white men. It is believed by some that the leaders could actually be the reptillians who simply put on human faces to deceive the goyim as they manipulate reality and destroy goodness. this theory may eem far fetched but i ask you to view the video before making conclusions.

3-They are not real humans but are actually descendants of Neanderthals. Recent DNA studies have proved that Neanderthals are more distant to the mordern homo-sapien human than previously thought.Many scientists believe they are not even our direct ancestors but are a different race compared to us all. The race being of course the circumscising gagamels, the hooknose kike, the oven magnet Seinfelds, the Jews. It could be that evil is part of their intrinsical nature pushing them to deire the demise of anything good, simillar to how maggots will always destroy anything clean simply because it is in their nature.

There are other theories as to why the six star shylock is what he is. i encourage anons to post more. What can not be denied is that the wandering jew zionist is a cancer to all humans be they white,brown,black, yellow or Canadian and we will never find perfect peace on earth untill we find a final solution to this jewish problem.

I will also add - to any Jew out there, the only good Jew is a self hating jew who assists in the unmasking and utter destruction of this evil.

I will at a latter date post possible ways all concerned anons can participate in the cleansing of all 539 Jewry from earth. We will need assistance from all the corners of the world and will need to act as one since the sneaky Jew is a resilient cockroach that has mastered the art of fleeing to foreign lands an recouperating.

>he isn't able to pick up on simple clues and hints

Good. Burn the Palestinians to the ground. Nobody wants them anyway bunch of terrorists child molesters.