North Italy is genetically different from South Italy.
North Italy is genetically different from South Italy
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf is even italian
is it meme like yugoslavian or british
South Italians (terroni) are NOT aryans. They are literally a mixture of greeks, north italians, west asians, jews, iberians, south slavs, arabs and north africans.
They are mutts.
>including rome in northern italy
gtfo fucking terrone
>Italians near the Mediterranean are more Mediterranean than Italians not near the Mediterranean.
Lazio is one of the richest italian regions shill.
Nationalism was first created to create a national identity in order to support the idea of a united Italy The same holds true for Germany. It's ironic how how the same "nationalists" want to divide the countries.
And yes, southern Italians are a different race but that's beyond the point. You can deep dividing nations until you have nations the size of small towns.
a month ago I'd be the guy in this sort of thread who'd type, 'I wonder who's behind this post' or whatever but now I've been to Southern Italy and can only agree
I wonder how many threads like this you've shit up because of your ignorance. Eat shit and die you fucking faggot.