Is Q going to turn into a Jim Jones-type thing? Wouldn't that be great...

Is Q going to turn into a Jim Jones-type thing? Wouldn't that be great? I hope Q starts discussing the "final date" sometime soon!

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Did he just out himself as a SS agent?

>Is Q going to turn into a Jim Jones-type thing?
I'm 100% sure it's an FSB op at this point. There is no fucking way a single autist could keep it up for this long.

You tell Q I'm gonna punch his Larping face if he doesn't quit larping, it's fucking annoying. Just end it already everyone knows it's a psyop

You’re such a fucking moron. If it were ANYTHING about a Trump insider, Trump would’ve called it out by now. Because if it’s all bullshit, it absolutely kills faith in Trump and destroys his credibility. But at least you get shill points for changing it from mossad to fsb

>Trump is going to comment on a random LARP that started on Jow Forums
m8 every person here who wasn't retarded identified the CBTS shit as a LARP from the beginning.

You mean people too stupid to understand what’s happening.

Motherfucker it is HUGE. Millions upon MILLIONS of people are following this hoping this is real and the criminal left gets the justice they deserve. It is NOT some small time “larp”. Faggot

but it is a fucking LARP you faggot, it's literally just cold reading. why on earth would a person with one of the most sensitive clearances in the US government come to a place like fucking Jow Forums to drop secret information? fuck, why would someone with such a clearance even allude to having it?

Correct, it’s not just some pimple faced kid in his parents basement.
Q is exactly what the internet and WWW was created for. Groups working together to solve a common problem.
In this case, corruption in the U. S. Government at the highest levels and in business.

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