This what Jesus Christ looked like

None of the Jews in Israel are from Palestine. They are Khazars from the Georgia area.

Attached: jesus.jpg (945x1398, 172K)

Other urls found in this thread:

but the dude in the picture isn't Palestinian either , nor semitic
he is more south indian

Probably pretty close in hair and skin tone but not in skeletal structure no. Tiny bit too south Asian, not a prominent enough brow.

Attached: images (54).jpg (288x388, 21K)

Lol you predicted right. He actually is south Indian.

Does it really matter? If people find satisfaction in praying to Jesus, it saves them from depression and suicide then does the way Jesus looked really matters?

Attached: images (57).jpg (332x443, 18K)

Attached: images (56).jpg (564x261, 35K)


Hitler was a meth addict.
Also, see, difference between what you say and what I say is that what I say is actually truth, but what you say is speculation based on bitterness.
Jesus forgive you, user.

Attached: 1497676827001.gif (320x240, 2.99M)

Attached: Remodeled-Jesus-Facebook.jpg (618x340, 23K)

Actually they're from Edom

Jesus lived pre-Arab invasion....

This is how a Palestinian look like
Check mate, atheists

Attached: tumblr_mn29kngduL1r6x61do3_500.jpg (500x206, 10K)

Also the Khazars adopted Judaism in 6th-8th century AD.

This is just an art piece, made by an artist that thinks he knows shit

>Jesus lived pre-Arab invasion....
So did the Palestinians.

Attached: Palestinians Bronze Age.png (1700x991, 941K)

Part I
"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him." Ezekiel 38:2

Jesus looked like Richard Matthew Stallman? SRSLY???

They're the ones who stayed and got Arape'd/shitskinned. Lebanese Christians are a more accurate example

Jesus looked like a romanian burglar? SRSLY?

Any KHAZAR MILKERS for this thread??

Close, but no. The guy was definitely Anglo-Saxon

Pic related:

> skin tone
jewish skin tone is not that dark and I'm talking about the jews from that region, not euro-jew mutts

This confirms it. He was white.

fake & gay

jej, so jesus is a poo now?

fake & gay

>long hair

Attached: 1513974661376.png (685x313, 154K)

I really don't fucking care what Jesus looked like. Anyone who does is a imbecile. Anyway he was a jew and looked like most ancient Jews of that time period. Since no one has a time machine to see this, it is irrelevant. It distracts from the message.

>They're the ones who stayed and got Arape'd/shitskinned.
>Same DNA as 5000 years ago
Dumb burger, if that was the case then the DNA would get severely skewed compared to the ancient DNA samples.
>Lebanese Christians are a more accurate example
Lebanese Christians are even more shitskin because most of them are originally Ghassanids from around yemen.

Attached: Maronite shitskin.jpg (599x599, 47K)

That dude is east indian you stupid fuck.

>Same DNA as 5000 years ago

Attached: 1451833294812.jpg (854x476, 249K)

Attached: CE9A4B4A-659C-4B1B-AF77-BD3EF72BE925.png (300x162, 31K)

Here's a picture of the native Samaritans, as opposed to a fucking Indian.

Attached: 1280px-Flickr_-_Government_Press_Office_(GPO)_-_Samaritans_praying_during_Passover_holiday_ceremony_ (1280x853, 232K)

Look, I can cherrypick too!
>the DNA would get severely skewed compared to the ancient DNA samples.
Not true since you're overestimating how much rape occurred. Skin tone does not a DNA profile make
>Lebanese Christians are even more shitskin
>most of them are originally Ghassanids from around yemen.
Wrong again, most are native Lebanese

Attached: Phoenician wimminz.jpg (685x456, 69K)

OY VEY!! NO GOY!! Jesus was a white god who was miraculously born in Israel to a virgin, and then bronze-age god-slaying Jews effortlessly captured, tortured and killed him for being a bad goy. That's the story you ditched your native white religions and cultures for!

>Doesn't even look at the pic
Look at the DNA maps faggot

>Skin tone does not a DNA profile make
Nice English shitskin.
Not my fault you hate facts.

Attached: Brigitte shitskin maronite.jpg (250x250, 12K)

lol, nice picture.
>In a way Lea Hatouni is a product of Lebanon's civil war. Her father, Michel, fled the fighting and ended up in Brazil, where he met Lea's mom, Eni.

>Lea inherited her mother's dark skin and jet black hair. She also picked up Portuguese from her mom.

>Nice English shitskin.
That's proper English you dumb chink, look it up
>Not my fault you hate facts.
Not my fault you cherrypick to hell

Attached: Maronites.jpg (650x366, 61K)

>Look at the DNA maps faggot
You do realize you literally CAN'T map a nation's DNA in its entirity from 5k years ago. Even if you could, migration and interbreeding would have nuked it all. Neither one of us is much alike to our forefather just a few centuries back, let alone 5 millennia.

>Skin tone does not a DNA profile make
>That's proper English you dumb chink

Attached: shitting aisle.jpg (486x634, 151K)


Try graduating highschool

Yeah but today " palestinians" are arabs

Not English.
>English language & usage
Having to learn English from a website proves that you are a Shitskin.

Then Arabs were in Palestine for over 5000 years.

>Having to learn English from a website proves that you are a Shitskin.
Nice deflection, but that just means you're the shitskin :^)

>Yeah but today " palestinians" are arabs
no, they're not even 5% arab

they're 95% native

>but that just means you're the shitskin :^)
How so Pedro?

>Can't understand English
>Asks for an explanation
Topkek, how far are you going to move these goalposts? I'm getting bored

>Learns an obsolete form of fake English from the internet
>how far are you going to move these goalposts?
Right past the Mexican border where you belong Pedro.

>Learns an obsolete form of fake English from the internet
>Right past the Mexican border where you belong Pedro.
All this projection is delicious. I don't know why people hate Canadian posters, you lot are hysterical

Attached: 1444269460522.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

lmao bullshit