
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>TrumpTweet: Securing American's Retirement 8/31/18
>Pres Trump returns to DC 8/31/18
>Pres Trump @NC GOP Fundraiser 8/31/18
>Pres Trump signs EO on Retirement Savings 8/31/18
>Pres Trump on RFD-TV 8/28/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Charlotte NC 8/31/18
>Pres Trump departs DC for NC 8/31/18
>This Week @State 8/31/18
>Pres Trump arrives @WH 8/30/18
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 8/30/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Evansville IN 8/30/18
>TrumpTweet: Throwback Thursday! 8/30/18
>CBPVid: Fentanyl The Real Deal 8/30/18
>Pres Trump arrives in IN 8/30/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 8/30/18
>Pres Trump leaves WH 8/30/18
>VP Pence @American Legion Convention 8/30/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in Minneapolis MN 8/30/18
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania welcomes 2018 Presidential Sites Summit 8/30/18
>TrumpTweet: Fuck Google 8/29/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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For the sake of accuracy I would like to note that the bottom video is from a girl who is a child of an ISIS citizen doing a positive interview and who bares no relation or negative feelings to the carmeraman that I know of.

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Trump is le based Hitler 2.0, amirite my fellow magapede lads?

Can someone please explain this to me.

>Eurofags mocked us for our demographic changes and the violence of non-whites we have suffered for years
>they get a taste of what it's like

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We should encourage these sorts of lawsuits and legal action to drive people further right

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Wrong. Trump is a winner

Dems changed fillibuster rules to pack courts, and are now in shock McTurtle is doing the same thing

dems nuked the fillibuster for judges to push them through, now they are payin the price

just ask the turtle guy

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I believe that is correct

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We will destroy you from within

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>that pic
Mighty kek

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Like pottery

were the explanations sufficient or do you need something more? [honest question]

I believe that is also correct
you're on a roll

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Ahh, now I remember. Sucks though that this happened then and now. Very against the founding fathers wishes.


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Alcohol is just the worst.
If I have an upset stomach or a headache, I smoke a small tiny bowl of weed and I feel a lot better.
I've never heard anyone say "boy I feel shitty physically, I know what will make me feel better. A shot of whiskey" Alcohol always makes people feel sick or dehydrated or sore or hungover. I just don't get the appeal at all.

i can't wait for HRT to be globally banned and those that carried out the procedures to be half-assed frankenesteined themselves.

Reuters/Ipsos poll

54% of Americans oppose building a wall on the southern US border
26.8% support it

48.1% of whites oppose it
33.2% support it

8.1% of blacks support it

16.5% of Hispanics support it

Why is McCain a hero?

I do feel sorry for the German who posted that picture here. That happened in his town too.
And here's what they do.
>make fun of our problems more instead of fixing their problems
>make fun of the child abuse most of us went through at the hands of doctors who wanted to get a few extra dollars by selling foreskins
Oh they are going to be in for a rude awakening when their local imans say whites having foreskin isn't halal.

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He hated trump and is a republican. They still think this is their best strategy

>Second panel.
Is that Anglin?
Christ, what an awful "punchline".

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Also: Black Antifa. LMAO.


Just dont over do it. I have a delicious wine, got buzzed, and slept like a baby. Feel great today.

I was reading a leftist article trying to spin him as a war hero and they thought the fact that he got stabbed in the dick made him a "super bad ass"
Because you know
getting your genitals mutilated is one of the highest acts of heroism a person could possible do.

He wasted trillions of our dollars, sent our men to die for Israel, and wanted war with everyone. (((To them))) that is heroic.

Well their best strategy just died

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based fact-checking waffle

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Why do they even bother?


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Kemp must win in Georgia it that black woman will destroy everything

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What is a Hot Toddy



No please, send King Nigger to campaign. It always worked for them before

He got captured.

Divide and conquer is still alive and well friend. Once his body cools they will prop up Kasich as the last honorable republican

They're getting R-Money so you know. At least Flake and Corker are retiring.

It's a psyop. He was a traitorous neocon. they're trying to make him out to be a hero to spite you and all trump voters.

The establishment is a party to itself in which the labels "democrat" and "republican" are kabuki. McCain was establishment. So he gets a week of hagiography. In the real country, he was the third most unpopular senator. Check the ratings on the funeral coverage. Then dismiss the hype. He was a fucking traitor.

He's going to primary Trump and get BTFO.

My Grandpa served in Vietnam and Korea. So did all his friends. None of them are going to get this kind of spectacle.
He was never captured as well.

>Day off
>Dad calls
>"oh fuck no"
>ignore call
>leaves a 6 second voicemail
>I know its "gimme a call when you get this"
>know exactly what the call is for
>he wants free labor
No no, No no no, No. He never calls unless he wants something. That's not how I am spending my day today.
>turn off phone
I'll deal with the fallout later

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Probably because people have had the chance to talk about what a shit job he did without getting fucked over by the IRS. Speaking of which, remember how that was John McCain's staff director pushing for those attacks? Let a diversity hire into the highest office in the country, maybe even the world, and he goes and buys everyone a balloon before sending them off to the poorhouse. Why would they want that to speak for them? Blow the whole load on a stimulus package from day one, spend the next eight years partying with Beyonce and fucking Star Wars extras and wasting even MORE exorbitant amounts of cash on "hot dogs and pizza". But maybe I'm reading too much into it, maybe they just don't want another washed up sore loser like Hillary shackled to the party.


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I like people who weren't captured. my hands are huge by the way.

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>It's time for your circumcision, user.

>This is America. All males have to be circumcised. If you don't, you're discriminating between yourself and the Jewish community. Discrimination falls under hate speech laws so if you refuse this procedure, we'll have to call the cops. You'll go to prison for hate crimes and the prison doctors will probably end up performing the procedure on you there anyway (for prison health and safety), so it's best to not make a fuss and just get it done here this afternoon.

>Oh don't be scared, sweetie. It's a totally painless procedure, and wait til you experience all the health benefits! Plus the ladies like it better. Your sex life is about to improve a lot, trust us. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Those silly European doctors all have anti-semitic bias. Europe currently has an epidemic of male urinary tract infections - something the biased 'lame stream media' won't tell you. Plus they can't even afford to do this procedure on a wide enough scale because their healthcare is dead broke - soshalism doesn't work. We have the best healthcare system in the world. By the way the total cost will be six gorrilion dollars, plus taxes (the taxes go to Israel), plus a 'tip'....heh heh. Our system says your insurance that you pay $500 a month for won't cover this procedure so you're going to have to pay out of pocket. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diner's Club, UnionPay, JCB and Discover.

>Ok! Here's your gown, take the second right down the hallway and get changed. The nurses will prep you. We'll begin the procedure by standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (of Israel) and by saluting Our Beautiful President, The God Empress of the United States, our first Jewish president, Ivanka M. Trump!

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the senate is losing three nevertrumpers and gaining one, but Mitt Romney will be a junior senator with no power so whatever.

>thinking intensifies

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That place is beautiful.

I`m not going to read that shit, man.

Obama is only good at promoting himself, he's poison on the trail.

That shit isn't going to last. Georgia will be majority minority sooner or later so you're just prolonging the inevitable. People of color will abolish all hate monuments, and by the way, with a large number of white people on their side.

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This is why Black Lives Matter has some legit points. McCain literally built a 50+ year political career on the ONE TIME in his life he declined to use his white privilege by not getting out of 'nam early via admiral daddy's clout.

The media acts like not indulging in that privilege is the greatest act of self-sacrifice imaginable, not considering that literally no nigger in America in 1968 would even have that option.

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They didn't spend 30 years in the senate fucking over the country and their constituents. You have to be responsible for decades of misery and at least one war to your credit to get this kind of treatment.


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tl;dr I don't care that much about star wars

>it's da ebil Roosyans making people hate the new Soi Wars

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This. We must pretend all bad things never happened so that they can never be thought about again.


Does this trigger leftists?

Spend some time with your dad user. When he's gone you're going to regret times like this and it will guilt haunt you forever.

tl;dr the Russians are why everyone despises TLJ and Star Wars is a tanking franchise, and it can't possibly be that the movie just fucking sucked

As it is, no. If you make a compilation of ICE raids with the song on the background, well...

This makes no sense. I can understand that anger for a statue of Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis (though it's still stupid) but desecrating a statue to "the boys who wore the grey" is just mean.

Yes goy just die! Never fight back, never resist. it's inevitable, just die goyim.



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Holy shit, they are sick in the head. It`s r/politics so I can`t be sure if that post is not coming from a shill, but thinking that there are people who legimitely think that way worries me.

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maybe but he's just way selfish and if I answer the phone then there is no getting out of whatever he wants me to do without being an asshole.

I really pisses me off that these liberals give redskins such a pass. Pic related hollywood actor researched his ancestry and found out that his ancestors were actually enslaved past the Civil War on Indian Reservation land. Those savages were everything they say they hate about the Confederates
>had slaves
>deeply religious/superstitious
>enemies of the U.S. government

You'd think the blatant anti-white agenda would be obvious to any "centrist."

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For this alone to any long time user, this is great

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hey my dad labored me to death, I didn't complain, I stalled. kek

In their minds everything bad in the world is the fault of white people but more importantly Russians. They hate Russians more than the Bolsheviks did I would wager.

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Foam Boy needs to fuck off. He's just McCain in a gay man's body.

>with a large number of white people on their side.
Oof, I`m sure a lot of """white people""" are going to be on the mob side.

It's sterile, unimaginative crap . Good for Russians if they can see it..

>They hate Russians more than the Bolsheviks did I would wager.
This. Their hatred on Russians is borderline xenophobic at this point. Hilarious coming from people that call Trump supporters bigots.

Too bad that Jew nepotism cause Solo to be miscast with a manlet kike related to Spielberg, because the movie was pretty good otherwise.

call your dad user
maybe his 6 second message was
'help me son, Im having a heart attack'
If he just wants free labor, tell him you pulled your back

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Are the Germans back? The REAL Germans? Has the time finally come? Will whole Chemnitz thing be the spark that lights the powder keg?

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Ipsos along with Marist and Quinnipac have been consistently the worst polls for Trump. They are an outlier not the norm.

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So just deal with it. He isn't going to be around forever and you're going to wish you had a fucking time machine to go back and fix things before it was too late.

>You'd think the blatant anti-white agenda would be obvious to any "centrist."
It is actually. Anyone with a brain has already realized it. Those left are hopeless or have their head stuck so far up their ass you'd have to go inside their ass where their head is to convince them

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If you try to destroy the Stone Mountain carving you’re gonna have a fight on your hands faggot. This isn’t some rando statue that you can just destroy in the night or a mob like a coward, you better bring your army with you if you expect to destroy it

>they will prop up Kasich as the last honorable republican
no, they will use Romney after he becomes a Senator

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