This is how black people think of you while living in the country you made white man

This is how black people think of you while living in the country you made white man.

Attached: this is how they think 2.jpg (750x460, 47K)

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Let's be honest if it comes down to a race war whites are gonna come on top, I mean these niggers don't seem to realize they are living off of whites past and present efforts, their lifestyle is a product of what white men did for their nations, the world isn't unfair lile they think, whites are just better at literally everything and they should just accept that and move on. Would be hilarious watching these nigger animald trying to fight back a superior race lol. Oogabooga they would probably fuck themselves from the inside, all whites will have to do is watch and wait.

>Destroy everything
>Create nothing

>This is how black people think of you while living in the country you made white man.
I haven't made anything. Why would I? Why would I help make and support a country that's inhabited by subhumans that want to kill me like the nigger in OP's pic, and run by people that want to encourage and empower said niggers?

>all those likes
unironically a bit scary

But aren't they winning? There's been massive demographic changes the last two decades.

1. Whites dissappear
2. Niggers Starve
3. ???
4. Profit

Negresses account is suspended. What did you faggots do?

Can't whites all just disappear to some uncharted island and pretend we all died so we don't have to babysit 80 IQs anymore


>white majority
is this tweet pre-2000?

I say, fuck it. Let's give them the society. Let's act just like them and toss all the personal and social responsibility on their shoulders. Let's go off and fuck like rabbits in the woods while they crack apart and cannibalize themselves. Fuck it.

Sometimes i feel like fucking off to Latin america or something.

>whites die off
>everything turns to shit
>you still live there


Sheboons are the worst

They are all Looters, They all hav a Looter's mentality.

Take names. Research. Plan. Taste. Medicine. When its time. Ya'll know the drill.

If by "winning" you mean turning first world countries into third world shitholes?
Then, yes. They are winning

That sheboons wants a white massa to spurt some white DNA in her

>Asians profit

This, they’re just glorified leeches

Destroying White christcucks ability to breed the turd world would be a god send, it needs to happen. It sucks that so many Whites are indoctrinated with christcuck mind poison but it is what it is.

Honestly a race war is the only way whites come out on top.

Checked. We must become the niggers to defeat the niggers.

It's a bad argument, look what happened to every African colony that was given back to niggers. They literally destroy it within 20 years... If all whites left the U.S, this place would become an shithole African refuge in less than a year.

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Stop samefagging.


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Not really, once whites are parasitized to the point of true weakness then the subhumans won’t have another host to latch on to. Even without war, the niggers will starve by the millions faster than the last whites standing could die off. The world will then reset and go back to normal in a few centuries.

Only because whites are the only ones not fighting.

That's actually a fair point, whites just need to stick around long enough for the niggers to destroy themselves.

Why fight when all you have to do to kill your enemies is to stop giving them free money?

thats fine. they can post on twitter all they want while police continue to execute them daily.

the enemy is christcucks and jews.

To do that, we'd have to fight. Our governments won't stop destroying our countries unless we make them stop.

>a few centuries
The chinese are waiting for their opportunity.
The shitskins will miss white people when they find out what REAL oppression is.

Libertarians and euphoric individualists are a far bigger problem than modern Christians could hope to be.

You should see the comments sections on youtube of nigs being killed by police, especially the ones on majority black channels. They want us all dead

Niggers keep saying that but indulge in everything made by whites

All this false "equality" shit can be traced directly back to your Hole-y Babble.

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

You are litteraly posting dumb ass opinions in 4 chan the same place where traps flash your fucking screen evrey 8 seconds you stay on this dumbass website that lets all the fucking 36 year olds fap off to little kiddie porn that promise their "18 and older" add the fucking dumb faggots that think that traps are fucking straight as the hairs on my dick so go get a fucking job you pig head ass basement dweller peice of shit stop living of your retirement plan you fucking leach also black people have bigger dick shadman proves that shit

0/10 beyond stupid.

Niggers think that after white people are gone they'll have all the gibs they want because they have no ability to understand how creation of goods works

Is that why Christianity did 2000 years without equality but somehow everything became equal the moment we found nihilism and atheism? rly maeks me tink

Okay, which one of you faggots did this?


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The Chinese are a merchant people like the Jews, their fortunes rise and fall with the white mans. They may have the appearance of a manufacturing giant but in reality they copy everything from the west and depend on western companies to fix their machines when they break. If China could conquer the world they would have done just that when Rome fell

Where do they think white civilization came from exactly? Did it randomly arise from the magic soil of the US and Europe?

Yeah I guess if we're gone, everything will stay how it is. Bix nood muhfuggah it's our magic land now cracka.

Speak english, chimp

She was permanently banned for that tweet.

The days of leftist twitter are over guys,

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niggers are monkeys

are you mad when a gorilla flings shit at you?

have some fucking kids you incel faggots jesus christ

im 27 and ive made 5 lil niggas

The reason the chinese didn't conquer the world is because they've gotten their asses handed to them by all their neighbors.
That said, they could still beat everyone else once white people breed themselves out of existence, since we were dumb enough to let them steal all our tech.

>to do that we have to fight
That would be the smart way to do it but sooner or later it will happen regardless. Once whites are no longer capable of sustaining the parasitism then it won’t matter what we are “forced” to do. The money will simply dry up, whites will adapt like they always do while the parasite/merchant races will starve by the millions

You've seen the picture with the south african minister saying that white farmers don't make the food, food comes from the grocery stores?
I don't know if the picture is real, but the mentality is.

They got their asses handed to them because they are a paper tiger and always will be. When they run out of a rich customer and lose all of their wealth they revert to primitive barbarism remarkably quickly, just like the kikes.

Not really they just think they do

Thats the problem. Us whites cant pop out 6 kids by the time were 30 and be able to take care of them because our money is already going to take care of some niggers 6 kids of his own

I hope you're right.
I've seen the hate threads, the thought of a people who just walk by dead and dying kids ruling the world is horrifying

Start the race war already and let's behead these fucking black animals.

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K, nigger, but why do shitskins want to live in white countries?

This is very true

>white people b stingy dey don't teach us to use computers n sheeit and keep all da good jobs fo theyselves

No they aren't, reddit spacing friend, not until there is actual equality. What you're seeing is just the effect of twitter CEO being summoned by the feds which is in itself just part of the upcoming midterm election. Left twitter will go on until 2024 at the very least

truer words have never been spoken. thats literally their plan, and among themselves they say that whites are retarded for being so arrogant as to not see it coming.

because they have a better life here than they do in africa. it doesnt matter. they hate us and are literally taking over through demographics.

Was just saying the nigger's reply was typically nigger tier. Of course they come for whites to take care of them.

No, we are shortly before a world war. stock up on metals and self-improve.

Once the white man can no longer maintain his occupation of japan then the nips will arm like you won’t believe and BTFO of the chinks. China is literally only powerful at the moment BECAUSE of white people.

They know they won't get gibs in africa

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>Japs rule the world.
I can live with that

i was listening to an anti-white cop from baltimore
talk about how to murder off and destroy the whites on youtube just yesterday (charles faulkner jr if anyone wants to report him cough cough) and they know this full well. they know they are too dumb to actually create societies, at least for now, but they believe if they slowly kill or displace whitey (exactly as they are doing.. no longer meeting the replacment rate anywhere with (((diversity))) ) all their problems will disappear and they will inherit the earth.
they really are evil and worthless sub-human apes that have no place in white society

>they hate us and are literally taking over through demographics.

To be honest, it's not blacks that take over, it's latinos, who coincidentally don't like niggers either.


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We've all seen how well maintained blacks and browns have kept their colonial built infrastructures

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>i was listening to an anti-white cop from baltimore

Link, nigger. Link.

I do not care what some woman from another tribe thinks about me/thread

Blacks will still be blaming whites even after all whites die. It's easy to blame someone who cannot reply anymore. Just look at Detroit.

>black people
Stop being so racist. You need more diversity

Villalpando is nott even a White name its a spanish name?????

Black will die out in the USA

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Most Europeans have been Christians for at least thousand years. If Christianity impaired their ability to breed, they all would have died long ago. Europeans started dying off only after they renounced Christian values and embraced "new morality" in the 20th century. Christianity says - marry and have children. "New morality" says - fuck around, spend all resources on yourself, and die alone.

>Let's act just like them and toss all the personal and social responsibility on their shoulders
What social responsibility? Dude they won't do shit even if whites decided to leave their jobs and live on welfare.
Whites need to be violent, that's the only way.

The Pope needs to go. Christianity needs to go. It's overstayed its welcome. It's a religion that has devolved to the point where it tells its followers to bend over, show hole, and just take it.
Not to mention the child rape. All the child rape. If there's two things Christians apparently love it's cucking and raping kids.

Then what? Live in the ruins? You can just stay in your own ruins and not have to pay for a plane ticket.

Not gonna lower myself to their level

The time for that is long gone. You speak of this mythical sleeping giant who will at some point arise and smite the people who have wronged it. I think you will find that when the giant finally wakes that it's muscles will have atrophied and it will not even be able to stand up. The comforts of modernity and indolence has made our societies soft. We're not giants, we're ordinary men, and ordinary men have to start from scratch, maintain, or wither away.
its 8 fuckin hours, but heres an example

>I think you will find that when the giant finally wakes that it's muscles will have atrophied and it will not even be able to stand up.
Two options. Give in and die or start struggling to get back up.

Who cares, there's racial war coming anyway. Cant fucking wait, going for that Haag Tribunal baby
>serb the shitskin slayer

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Stop making excuses. You post-tax income far exceeds the gibsmedats the nogs get.

Land. Farm. Brood. Make.

>tfw you realize humanity is a perpetual race war

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The government takes 30% of my check to pay for neets and moniques kids

It's called Antarctica and someone already thought of that. We're just not invited desu

And like I said, 70% of your income is sti higher than Jamal’s welfare bucks.

Can't they wait in their own countries?

It was actually shocking to me how popular this sort of sentiment is on Twitter and other social media. There's a shit ton of white resentment among blacks especially, but also lower self esteem people of other races.

One thing social media (especially fucking twitter) has done has made me a bit paranoid about what the minorities around me think about me because I'm white. There's a sense you get when you're not online that a lot of stuff you see online isn't really reflective of what real, actual people think, but it wasn't until I started looking at the social media feeds and digging into the likes of some of my nonwhite coworkers that they tend to hold a lot of these views (or agree with them on social media). It's pretty crazy too, I'm a bit of an autist and have spent way, way too much time online, and I can remember back in just 2014 when terms like white privilege weren't really known by anyone. Now it's used in mainstream discourse, and people who seem really apolitical IRL have social media feeds filled with complaints about white privilege and white fragility. This stuff proliferated so fast it's insane.

Does my coworker/classmate dislike me because I'm white might've been something I asked myself five years ago but the rational part of my brain would've dismissed it because I would've called myself paranoid. Now that I've seen what I've seen, I've looked at social media feeds and likes, I really can't dismiss that as irrational. The thought of "is this hispanic girl going to go on her social media and complain about her mediocre white coworker after work and get 10,000 other people agreeing with her?" isn't really an irrational thought, because this stuff is everywhere on social media.

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We could all go to Alaska desu senpai.

> not getting married to a 18yo sexy white girl you knocked up and moving into the woods to raise a ton of kids on your own farm, varg style

It is the path I have chosen