Well, Jow Forums...

well, Jow Forums, young white men are the future of the West and yet young white men are the most oppressed and abused demographic on earth.

one of the worst parts of growing up as a white male in the West is that we have no true male role models who can guide us right.

An example: Having sex with girls is not hard, especially when you are in high school or college. But feminism has emasculated all the men and made it so that men are not allowed to give guidence to young men. A lot of us were very sexually awkward as teens, and that is because we had no male role model to explain to us HOW to handle a woman, that the MAN has the make the FIRST move. Look at Elliot Rodger, he thought that women would make the first move. Elliot Rodger is a prime example of everything I am saying.

Western women are so evil that they enjoy sabotaging young men's lives, and that's why women will tell young men "Just be a nice guy, be a sensitive guy, and the girl will fall in love with you". LOL, that is the GAYEST, WORST advice possible. Once I stopped being a "nice sensitive guy" and started openly insulting women and treating women like shit, women started flooding to me, desperate to have sex. And I am not an ugly guy at all, btw. A lot of chicks told me that I could have been a model and am in the top 10% of men, physical wise.

To sum it all up. I lost out on countless sexual opportunities in my youth, all because i had no male role model to explain to me how to handle a woman, how to sexually escalate with her, etc. And I blame that on how feminism has made it impossible for men to become true male role models anymore. Otherwise, I literally could have fucked probably at least 50 girls by the time I was 18. Instead, I lost my virginity at age 27. I'll never forgive or forget the sexual frustration that modern feminist women caused me in my youth. I hope those bitches all burn in the pits of hell.

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My friends wife would tell us that our other friend who hung out with us would say mean things to her that upset her and that she didnt like the guy because of him disrespecting her while he was over drinking.

>she literally just fucked the guy and cheated on her husband last week and now theyre getting a divorce

if her husband was "abusing" her, then that is the only reason she stuck around for so long.

If you're a weak nice guy beta, your wife will divorce you within 1 to 2 years.

If you're an alpha asshole, she'll divorce you after 5 to 10 years.

Either way, FUCK getting married to a western woman!

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White women are the worst part about being a white male.

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You’re either a manlet or shit skin or both
I say both

i am NOT an ugly guy, tho.

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>Don't marry western woman!

Nice try merchant

sure, go ahead and get legally married in countries that have extremely anti-male, pro-feminist legal bias.

You'll commit suicide after your pure white wife destroys your life in divorce, cuck.

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nah you're just wrong, most people in the LGBT community are girls and lesbians, see all those feminists, these girls are beta girls, they're ugly, they had no men or sex during their youth that explains why they turn anti-men just like you turn incel

ultimately it is about female nature. When women are given freedom and equality, their true ultra-selfish heartless ruthless nature comes out.

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>young white men are the most oppressed and abused demographic on earth.

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drop the meme flag faggot

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Your response had nothing to do with what i said, nice job fag

Everyone is repressed. People need to be self sufficient and stop blaming other people for their problems, especially when they live in another country under terroristic government.

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bullshit. Society, women, non-whites, the government, everyone oppresses and abuses white men from the day we are born.

Fuck you with your "forgive and forget" bullshit, you fucking CIA nigger

>Eliot Rodgers, the post

no Elliot was no where near this self-aware

we are trying to prevent future Elliot Rodgers by openly talking about these issues and trying to help them

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>young white men are the future of the West and yet young white men are the most oppressed and abused demographic on earth.

you have to be kidding

you have to be a nigger to not see it

>gays in the middle east and africa
>women and small children in africa
>christians in the middle east

yep white males are surely the most oppressed
you are fucking simple, legitimately retarded

no, you are a vile CIA nigger piece of trash.

Young white boys are abused by their mothers, by their feminist teachers, by their girlfriends, by their college teachers, by their wives, by their bosses, and by the government.


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The problem is that young men do not even know where to start. They have no clue how to take care of their survival, how to enjoy their life, how to achieve their goals, how to love, and how to align themselves with a direction and purpose. They're enslaved trying to satisfy their sexual urges without realizing life can't be enjoyed without getting their shit together in order first. Sexuality and knowing how to handle women would come naturally if they were secure with themselves and not desperate.

I didn't have a father figure in my life but fortunately I had already read many books on relationships by the time I was 14 and never had any real issues with women beyond predictable drama. It leads me to thinking we could solve this problem by creating an AI model that reads through thousands of books and produces clear sensible answers or at least relevant excerpts from books so men can get quick answers to tough questions and create success for themselves.

i can agree a bit on that, but it wasnt like that beoe, the niggers havent used their power as minorities before as hey are using them now

and by using their powers as minorities, i mean slandering white people then using white fragility as an excuse

and this is why we need MALE ROLE MODELS who guide us. Who teach us the redpill, who teach us how to seduce women, who teach us to focus on money and business.

We have no role models.

let me know when they are stoned to death in public or thrown off of rooftops

i support this idea

Life is not about sex you pathetic faggot. Build your life, build your family, build your future. Be a role model for generations to come.

a man who has never had sex or is not good at fucking women, is a weak insecure man who might as well just kill himself

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>we have no true male role models who can guide us right
Absolutely. That's why it's important to be a role model for young boys (if you're capable of it), because 90% males are absolutely pathetic.
Strong leaders. That's what every successful society needs and our judeocracy took this away from us.
A strong man is more valuable than a million weak men. Sum of zeros is still zero.

Jow Forums is where we can be their role model and guide them.

Tell young boys to fuck as many bitches as possible. Tell young boys to avoid college and go into the trades and make huge money.

Jow Forums and a few gaming forums are places where we can reach the younger generation of boys/men. After all, feminist bitches can't control the internet, right? We don't have to physically associate with young men in order to guide them.

Today I learned OP never had a dad..... You're still a faggot OP.

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today i will redpill many young boys

Maybe you're right.

Gamers rise up


Wrong , you knew how to handle a women in todays society , you knew what they wanted and how they wanted to be treated to achieve that casual sex you wanted but you didn't. You don't need role models for that , you just need to indulge their selfish , pointless and vapid desires. Be yourself is a good advice , not from a relationship perspective but more general. Be yourself and see how women won't tolerate shit , see how they would cast you aside , see how little you actually mean to them and how little they actually mean to you. Sex and relationships are not supposed to be a market. If your average roastie even feels you are not to be manipulated she will not even consider talking to you in a serious manner. Thats just how it is.

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I've grown up dirt-poor, in a shitty neighbourhood and had to work every summer since I was eight years old. I decided to go to university and I currently have to work and maintain enough money to barely live on while I finish my BA. I study, work, and don't have time for much as I'm perpetually exhausted. On the campus there are idiots bringing up their bullshit far-left opinions that call call me "privileged" for being white, despite the fact that I have had to work hard for everything. The irony of this, is that these people preaching about privilege are often upper-middle class whites/shitskins/gooks that have had daddy and mommy pay their tuition and expensive student housing.

so you're a hard working man

no, i did NOT know. No man taught me "game" or what women truly want (to be abused).

Instead, i had women saying "just be a nice sensitive guy"

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yeah hes not controlling/alpha enough. he ddnt control her reality. or shes just a fickle hoe but its probably both.

you have been exposdx as shareblue i will now impregnate one ashkebazi girl and leave her in the dirt. good job tax will be paid.

okay goyim

Its simple women are property. thats it, u treat them otherwise or give them space to behave outside that context u fucked up. sure her dad could have helped but its up to YOU to make her what you want. Dont get mad at an iphone if it breaks aftr you dunk it in a pool and dont get mad at a girl if she cheats because YOU DDNT control ger mind her reality around you just think about that. I know that experience with ur friemd must have been annoying but let it be a lesson to you.not to repeat his mistakes and for godsake breed immediately ince ur long term witha white girl dint wait. sorry ur nit a shill i see u now.

yes, but i didn't realize the redpill understanding of women til i was like 26 or 27.

I had no male role model to teach me this.

Young men are totally clueless nowadays. We need to help them.

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mods are such a bunch of faggots, this board could be midly reasonable if they deleted trash like this instead of making this a containment board

fuck you. Mods should NEVER delete threads like mine, where we discuss REAL shit.

no, you complain you life is shit because you lost your virginity at age 27, because muh feminists and muh sexual frustration
you are incel, the meme reborn and the reason others can´t ramble about what they think and being taken seriously because you lot keep parroting the same shit, it´s almost as if you were shills from the FBI to discredit people with structured opinions

once again i had no male role models to teach me how to be "alpha". This caused me to be a sexless virgin for 27 years even tho girls were interested in me.



if we destroy the jews, yes

i was 18 when i first got offered to visit hookers with some friends, 20 when i did it, emulating others isn´t alpha, being good and self improvement is, wallowing in what could have been isn´t any of those

prostitution could have saved me, if i had just had sexual experience

but women voted to make prostitution illegal...

Adversity is what makes you strong
While non-whites are pampered and given everything they get a false sense of security, while whites are forced to prosper through their own merits.

yea but it doesn't change the fact that feminism stole away my childhood and teenage years.

that this modern feminist society denied me sex for almost 27 fucking years

We need to tell young men to simply fuck prostitutes. A prostitutes is actually much better at sex than normal women.

yes and weed and driving drunk is illegal too, it isn´t that stoping people of doing it, specially when you can drive to were it´s legal

why should i spend 1000 dollars on a shitty american prostitute when i can pay 50 to fuck a HOT mexican one in Tijuana?

why didn´t you do that sooner?

>Otherwise, I literally could have fucked probably at least 50 girls by the time I was 18

> the future of the West

you are the problem OP, stop being a degenerate. You are being controlled by 'sexual freedom'


because prostitution was illegal, not socially acceptable (because of women) and because no male role model told me "go lose your virginity to a prostitute".

Coming to a nation near your, don't worry.

Let's be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. Women aren't human; they're not even like monkey's or orangutans. Those muddle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.

First off, scientific research has it that women just aren't the same as men. They don't like things like cameras or computers or state-of-the-art stereos, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren't developed as well as a man's. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it's been proven that women aren't as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures... Don't let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women's Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes men. Women are most happy when they are serving their twin gods of Mammon and king cock.

Men work hard, make money, grind the wheels of business, only to fall victim to early deaths dealt out by the insane caprices of vengeful sluts... they should be rounded up in a pen filled with pigs and fucked with sticks and forced to eat filthy offal, and maybe then they would appreciate a fine figure of a man who wants to own and take care of them, even if he is perhaps just a wee bit nervous and high-strung and suspicious of some people's motives.

islam will save us from feminism

women need to be locked in cages

If you think about it logically, women really are gross creatures. They're cum receptacles that bleed spontaneously every month for a week, and they eat with the same mouth they swallow urine and cum in and expect to be kissed there. Also, the moment a woman is naked all her allure and mystery is gone and she's just a nervous awkward fucktoy with lopsided breasts.

They have a biological drive, overriding all things we consider human, in order to get pregnant with the most fit offspring by what they PERCEIVE to be the healthiest/alpha male, all the time subconsciously, meaning they are cattle and not fit for society because they possess zero logic and can at best parrot it but never understand anything behind the logic.

This is why women NEVER built a society, never will and are natural born destroyers!!!FACT!!!

Stop trying to save a people that don't want to be saved. Whites across Europe and North America are actively seeking their own destruction. Let them have it. If there is ever going to be an awakening, it must be under pain of death. So let us accelerate. Further the cause of white genocide. Only when people are being publicly executed for the crime of being white will the deluded no longer be able to deny reality.

>young white men are the most oppressed and abused demographic on earth.
go tell that to a mbuti pygmy slaving away under the threat of being eaten if he didn't bring enough food
entitled piece of shit

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only one true master race is not a race at all but an idea no one wants to follow anymore

>because prostitution was illegal
ignore it
>not socially acceptable (because of women)
you don´t care for them anyway. what would be the matter?
>no male role model told me "go lose your virginity to a prostitute".
fucking hell, and now you will tell me your mom trained you like a dog to sit and piss when told?

women are the worst scum on earth.

The ONLY purpose they have is to be physically attractive and sexually please men.

it's not like SJWism has only hit white countries. stop the victimization faggot. here we have 50%+ quotas for dalits and muslims and now women.

you fucking memeflag nigger kys

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i love indian women, they are the saving grace

indian women are the true white woman

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