This is the average human face

Anything that deviates from this is a mutant and barely qualifies as human.

Attached: article-1362709-0D78DDBB000005DC-345_468x616.jpg (468x616, 28K)

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so asian?

I don’t want to live in a world where ladies look like that, sorry lads.

Chink genes STRONK

Attached: 1533639365486.jpg (865x598, 84K)

ive been saying this for years anyone who mixes with asian = asian, even half black half black kids end up looking asian down to the skull

>the future of the human race. Han Creatura Simba.

>Not brown
>Not a woman

Today I learned I am above average. Thanks user.

In the pic the average is skewed towards asians because there simply are so fucking many asians in the world.

Khanate soon, familia.

goddamn chinks fucking up the total

Look at me. You are the chink eyes now.

Attached: aaabb079e9d539bc9d18c029ac772572.jpg (720x480, 304K)

This will be the average face of the world by 2050. And it's beautiful. (And that's a good thing)

Attached: amerimutt2.jpg (233x216, 8K)

Every single human deviates from it, you halfwit. Averages are abstractions, not concrete realities.

So middle aged Chinese man.

>burger education

Mongol stronk!

Attached: mongols.png (4556x1904, 1.56M)

I have name guys:
>Creatura orientalica

More Han than you Genghis

Attached: han.jpg (603x617, 78K)

I seen this man in my dreams.


0 indian features. fake

by 2060 there will be more chiggers than arabs….

Attached: 6309282345234.jpg (274x353, 17K)

Feels good to be above average.

Averaged over what ?

Btw the homogeneity of the han phenotype weights too much in that kind of picture.

It's too light to be the average, did they even use the 3 billion africans in this?

>if you deviate from the average you are a mutant
>above average is mutant