Land hoarding should be illegal.

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What happens to be the last name of those 5 landowners

Shut the fuck up antisemite

yeah but how many jordans do they got nigga?

Attached: IMG_9948[1].jpg (1600x1067, 365K)

>Jamie, pull that up on Google
>"Landowner statistics"

Attached: Screenshot-344-e1499869842515.png (1200x514, 671K)


The US media response to the government in South Africa trying to seize white owned farms (and then denying that is happening) is to advocate that the US government should start seizing white owned farms.

And yet people will still outright deny this is happening or that it is a mainstream force.

Attached: 1431386375227.webm (198x360, 2.05M)

Notice how it devolves into only the 5 biggest WHITE land owners.

Kikes don't see themselves as white.

Its not our fault they all traded their 40 acres to go live in the ghetto. Fuck em.

Schroedinger's whites.