White flight

Im nearly 30 years old, white and completely blackpiled. Ik have around €10k
Where in the world should i move and what should i do? Please help me out.

Attached: white-flight.jpg (1200x771, 42K)

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>and what should i do?
Gotta figure that out yourself, mate.

With 10k?

Why Switserland?

Just shoot yourself faggot

Gary Indiana

get out of here Freddie Gibbs

What skills do you have?

Move to AZ, go into wastewater treatment, take private pilot flight lessons as u work to fly like bird

Can confirm flying is the most patrician pastime.


Iceland, New Hampshire, Israel, etc.

You need to learn to fight like these guys


i have an undeveloped talent for photography/design and i studied law. I dont know if any will come in use. Im just so dissapointed in what ive made of myself and i blame both myself. The Kali Yuga that hasnt erupted yet but grinds me down doesnt help either

Why did I click that

Ok go to neogov.com you fill out one application and u can mass apply to any government job in the US.

Full of sandniggers

Is blackpill basically being hopelessly nihilist?

this depresses me beyond words

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US GOV jobs if you have the ablitly to ask for moving funds if your coming from out of the state or Country

Scientists have discovered what the average Dutchman will look like by 2030, and it's beautiful

why would i go to the US? it seems like a country that will become a meme-tier crazy in the next 50 years. Just insanity allround


Same age and position as you a couple years ago. I started making money for myself instead of mr. Shekelstein. The only way you're going to have a decent life in this overtaxed country is being born to rich parents or being your own boss.

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>ITT: Benjamin Goldberg asks where should they focus on sending immigrants to next.

Yea ok stay out then hahahaha

its basically not seeing any good outcome for me of the things that happen around me

>have around €10k

Turkey or Venezuela.

what field are you in fren

Coo user wants to pay undated rent and high taxes. Make his 10k work for one month

Inflated rent, fuck

What the fuck is a "€"?

Euro. Lmao.

Yes, and realizing self-preservation is key before you can help others.

dont .gov jobs require a citizenship(or at least a green card) ?


with that amount, argentina would be a better choice.

Engineering, Mechatronics, Automation for a while. Started programming PLC's for myself after that. That's when the Shekels started flowing. Still considering moving to Germany.


Why Meerburg? What do you find in germany that you can't in Netherlands? I thought the countries were very similar

everything is going to be a meme-tier shithole in a while friend. I'd suggest US because it has some hope of going in the opposite direction. At least in your kid's lifetime it'd be an okay place to be.

Why are you blackpilled by the way? Is life in the Netherlands really so bad? And never forget, it could always be worse, you could be Scottish


Its not that bad here yet. I just cant find my place or value in this society.

Very easy Pajeet; affordable housing and lower taxes.

Why that sentiment user?

Travel to Monaco
Dress in a Tuxedo
Go to the Casino Monte Carlo
Go to the Baccarat table
Gamble that 10k like a Legend

Attached: sinatra-casino.gif (628x485, 310K)

its hard to explain, my life feels on an invisible train track to some unknown dark destination. Whenever i move off track to try something the whole universe seems to conspire to put me back in place

>waking up broke in rich mans town

First i would stop using the term blackpill, en daarna, spring voor een trein bro met je kanker blackpill, er is al een term en dat is redpill dus je kanker blackpill slaat nergens op einde discussie als ik je dat ooit nog hoor zeggen stuur ik me hond op je af.

I very well know the feeling when you continue down a path that doesn't have a future and is very well unsustainable, the way I got out of it was by moving to a completely new location.
Basically put yourself in a new environment where you have to sink or swim.

Latin America

thats the plan

Hungary since you already live in the EU.

move to Belgium. it's like Holland but even shittier. then when you move back to NL, it will seem like a paradise

Are you working as a freelancer or as an entrepreneur? How much are you making?

Uruguay, divingschool

Maybe you should develop that talent first. You'll have an easier time moving someplace if you have better market value.

stay where you are, Europe will be uncucking itself, and you need to stay and fight like your ancestors.

australia. use your money to buy camping equipments enough to last you 10 years and hide in the bush. dont forget to download all forgotten technology videos just in case.

Use the $10,000 to start a business or learn computer programming

I'm going to move to the Upper Penninsula of Michigan if I can get some Anons to share the expense.

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Hiding in the Australian bushes? Deathwish confirmed.

A whole 10k?
You're not going anywhere mate.

Croatia, Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania are the ONLY countries which are not POZZED yet but are close to western ones.

In these countries you have almost the certain chance that even 3-4 generations after you your ancestors will be full white european, can't say that for any western country.

This. Be advised though, many Lithuanians are blackpilled (not necessarily in a political sense), they have high suicide rates and depression.

Also you could add Hungary and Romania to the roster.

OP, what you do depends on your own skills but you speaking English is more useful than you can imagine in these countries.

Move to Texas and get some land build your own home.

any cheap land in the south / southeast
farm shit nigga

With 10k and EU citizenship Dresden, Vienna, or Lombardy are on the table. Moscow if you're young and adventurous. Switzerland if you can afford it.

America sucks, don't come here

Same situation here. I don't have 10k but I'm staying and helping wherever I can.

>have around €10k
stay home, at least you have free tooth paste.

is a leppo

>Also you could add Hungary and Romania to the roster.
No, you can't. Romania is full of mutts, just like the US.

My dude, what exactly are you going to do with 10 grand? That won’t even get you a year’s worth of rent on a mediocre apartment

If you were truely blackpilled you'd know that there is really nowhere you can go

New Hampshire 110% beat me to it. Shit is a white fortress. Non whites biologically have no ability to live there. No welfare, wilderness, a fire arm in every household.
I love you New Hampshire


It is enough for a transfer to countries listed by

Theres always somewhere to go but not white countries. With western money one can live a good life in Latin America

For fuck sake make all the burger stereotypes true.

Can't do shit with 10k mate just buy some beer, masturbate and go sleep.

Well Germany is inhabited by Turks and The Netherlands are inhabited by Moroccans. Get to know your Muslim countries.

It's monopoly money or tinder for your wood stove

Iceland seems so nice. Tickets are insanely cheap. Best place to be when shit hits the fan.

Guyana, trust me bro

that's basically southern Canada

South Africa.
Help the boers.

Dont know what goes on over there. Only caribbean nation i would live in is the Dominican Republic.

Move to Aruba or Curacao.

>move to American Virgin Islands based on Virgin vs Chad memes
>convince the general populace to elect some Jow Forumstards who are real good at hiding their power level
>slowly take over local government
>have an entire island
>replace natives with more anons from Jow Forums

Attached: 78b3bd1cb8d7627c90701d7a6066265b_2000x.png (930x620, 251K)

Because that
It's an absolutely horrible place, no one wants to go there. Polluted, cold, dirty, poor, undeveloped, no jobs, trashy, and boring.
My perfect spot.

OP would be a different mutt from us. Dichotomy of mutts.

They are all black. Better off doing that in a spanish speaking country

You wanna find purpose and a reason to live, you want all around insanity. Reminds you how good living life is

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McAllen, Texas

that's why we take it over, user wtf where's your passion?!
>once a bunch of virgins unironically take over the virgin islands, we build our navy and initiate an island hopping campaign and add more land to our virgin empire
the world will tremble before the turboautists

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Unironically learn python, R and SQL before you do anything