I, like many, am on my journey don the rabbit hole, and have swallowed many red pills. I was a liberal, then a conservative, then a Civ Nat, then a Neo-Reaction guy, then full 1488.
One guy along the way was pic related, Jordan B Peterson. I know Jow Forums thinks he is a shabbos goy at best, an Illuminati agent and Mossad academic at worst.
But I am a little softer on him, as he has been the only guy so far to fully explain the significance of Christianity and Jesus' importance as the great archetype of the heroic and sacrificial savior.
I lurked on Jow Forums and the Christian threads never convinced me,largely because they argued frm a point of revealed knowledge. "How is Jesus /ourguy/, pol?"... "Well he is the son of God and said specifically said he was the Way, what more do you want?".
JBP gave me a full Jungian explanation of Jesus and his importance as the top of the pyramid of archetypal heroes, better than Beowulf, better than King David, better than Charlemagne, better than Gilgamesh.
How is Jow Forums so hard on the guy? I think maybe he won't name the jew because he is a sheltered academic and has only encountered the JQ now and is delusional (I know I was for along time). How can he be so bad if he put me onto Christ and rethink my fedora atheism? He is hated by the left too, probably because the Jew is afraid he will make young men Christian.
bumping my own thread because I really want an answer to this and Jow Forums might just be too spineless to answer
Carter Richardson
On the 6 o'clock news, is Jow Forums cowardly, new evidence says yes!
Liam Miller
you should go back to plebbit with your liberal boomer
Sebastian Perez
Just looking or an answer from pol
So far got one shitpost and one guy too angry to actually offer me some insight.
Leo Nguyen
Damn pol, what is it about a leaf that redpilled me on Christianity so scary?
Realise he isn't so bad after all?
Carter King
Ok jordan
Luis James
God damn can you pol/acks read?
I chewed out a goy who told me to fuck of to plebbit, have you or he got literally any argumnet.
I want to hate this guy for his dodging of the JQ but you guys arent lifting a finger
Elijah Myers
I can't speak for all of Jow Forums, but I think a good reason he's not particularly liked around here is because he's preaching a philosophy that isn't adapted to our current situation in Western countries. And by current situation I mean our demographic situation. His individualist philosophy is for the most part only took serious by white people and meanwhile our countries are being flooded with people who are much more tribal. He claims he loves the West but when Western peoples want to band together then all of a sudden groups are a bad thing according to him. His individualist vs collective proposition is a false dichotomy. Aside from this there's also the issue of not only avoiding the JQ, but he supports Jewish identity politics. And whenever it's brought he gives the typical answer of "you're just jealous" and "we should be grateful to have such high IQ people in positions of power". Overall I like some of the guys' stuff of getting your own individual life together but other then that not much.
Brandon Scott
Thank user, that's an interesting take, just what i was looking for.
What do you thinkof his talk about Christ? His breaking down of the bible as psychological is fascinating to me but also he is probably making it harder or me to go into Christianity with faith, as he has brought me to it from an analytical standpoint. Any ideas?
Isaiah Jones
His breaking down of Christianity from a psychological standpoint is interesting since it adds nuance to the subject, but personally I think Christianity is one of the worst things to happen to European and Western nations. I like some of the things in Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, but the universalist nature of Christianity was basically the stepping stone for liberalism and Marxist socialism.
Hunter Carter
Interesting. I am skeptical of it, but it might be, in the Orthodox form, be the new hope of salvation for Europe.
I think his perspective is interesting, but I think many will start seeing Christianity as too academic, and the bible as a Tony Robins book. Or some kind of textbook.
David Bennett
I'm similar to you OP. Never heard of this guy before and then the day I heard him I said "who is this guy and why is he making so much sense?"
Charles Lopez
>Canadian scarecrow occupies same pseudo-intellectual niche as Bill Maher. >still gets shilled on Jow Forums years later. >Last good anything to come out of Canada was Red Green.
Jacob Campbell
Yep that's the same for me.
But I get wh Jow Forums think he is kind of a douche for being so clueless on the JQ.
I think he has done a tremedous think turning young people against Marxism and onto Christianity though, even if it is a psychological Christianity.
How you mean scarecrow? You think he is vacuous or something?
Hunter Nguyen
Interesting, what do you (or oc poster) mean by a nomad?
Someone that isn't employed by the universities? Someone without ties to theseplaces and thus a lone wolf.
Liam Rogers
>have swallowed many red pills >I was a liberal, then a conservative, then a Civ Nat, then a Neo-Reaction guy, then full 1488.
you are not and were never "redpilled" you're nothing more than a cuck that wants validation, which is why you regurgitate the talking points you find from other people that you deem more worth than yourself. individual thinking is overrated anyway, the easy way out is to just follow what someone else says!
also >the Jew is afraid he will make young men Christian why should the jew be afraid that there will be more followers of a semitic desert religion?
Orthodoxy and Catholicism are basically "Europeanized" versions of Christianity and that's really the only reason I find things I like in them.
His talks have probably helped Christianity if anything, and even if people don't take up the religion then they at least have an explanation to go off why people practice the faith. If he can reduce it down to a self help book then people will probably be more likely to latch on to it.
Jeremiah Harris
Ill answer the scond question first, jews hat JC and think he is boiling to death in semen in hell, they are repulsed by his flogging the money lenders and charity and anti talmudism, plain and simple, he is their skeletonin the closet.
The first comment, why would you say I am not red pilled? Everryone goes on a journey and I slowly realised the truth at various times, so that's the path of development I took,what's wrong there?
Also, where did I reguritate a single damn thing from anyone, you presume a lot user
Joshua Bell
literally no response from this edgy poster.
Calls me a thoughtless husk that can't think for himself and has no follow up.
What did I fucking expect from a Kraut.
Jackson Torres
your "journey" is the typical odyssey of someone who is drawn to easy solutions for complex problems. if you had ever once stopped and questioned the stuff you hear on this place you wouldnt call yourself "full 1488". are you really that naive to think that you will find the truth on how the world works on a mongolian cave painting forum? Jow Forums is full of insincere ideologues that are just as bad, if not worse than the mainstream media, congratulations you are a easily fooled victim.
also >jews hate jesus christ so what? all of these so called christian values (or judeo christian values for all the cucks) have existed way before abrahamic religions were a thing. abrahamic religions serve one purpose, and that is the parasitic destruction of original culture. where abrahmists are, nobody else is tolerated (especially polytheists). and no i am not a pagan.
besides that, christianity as its practiced today, is a mishmash of pre christian european rituals and secular philosophy, with some desert protagonists thrown in. if you wanna be a christian go to the desert where it originated.
I used to have sympathy for JBP but after seeing his debates with Sam Harris that were recently released, I realized he’s an idiot who can’t even articulate his own shit ideas. He’s a clown and unwittingly a postmodernist philosophically, albeit not politically
>nomad From the cycles of history. A “nomad” At this stage of the cycle is a gen-xer.
Alexander Diaz
Don't be butthurt if your thread is uninteresting. You can't bump your own threads on Jow Forums. I think Peterson is very interesting, only avoiding or wrong on a few topics. Welcome.
Zachary Carter
Assuming I got any of this from Jow Forums
I am on here because it iso one of the few forums around that allows anonymous posting and discussion, I barely even browsed Jow Forums vefore this.
I went 1488 from being a normie through actually living life. Through seeing how unhappy femininsts were, so seeing how hollow fedora atheists are, to noticing that liberalism was a hungry beast where everything gets pushed to the lowest common denominator.
Yeah I had to be exposed to the JQ on some far right sites, but I've done my reading and have had my own internal struggles. I've been asking these questions of myself since doing Nietzsche, Fascism and Oswald Mosely modules for my dissertation 10 years ago and wondering why this seemingly fine ideology in Italy is such a villain.
So if you think I'm some edgelord riding the Fashy bandwagon, you can go fuck off. Free thinking enough for you yet?
Jacob Butler
Maybe he doesn't think exactly the same way you do right now, but he stood up to enormous pressure when nobody else would. That took some guts, especially for an older man with a career to lose. I have to hand it to people like this.
Brayden Sanders
Yeah I got he is clumsy with his ideas and maybe is too much of a regurgitator of Jung.
You think he is a post modernist? He really hates those guys so that would be a serious misstep from him if he was one.
Grayson Rivera
>Cant bump >did bump
But thanks for your input, appreciated.
Juan Evans
The reason people shit on him here is because everyone here is a nazi shitposter, a nazi or a shareblue shill (who will shitpost as a nazi to make us look bad).
He gets shit on because he is the ultimate enemy of nazis and communists everywhere.
Make your own judgement.
Hunter Collins
This is interesting, I am not aware of this concept, unless you mean some kind of Kali Yuga idea of cycles of thinkers and ideas.
Care to put me onto this idea with a link?
Luis Murphy
Yes my sentiments exactly, I just wonder my Jow Forums has such exacting standards and insists on posting flowcharts with the guy and his publisher or whatever to show he is some mossad plant.
Yep I think you are right, he has denounced both far left and far right and some people on Jow Forums have insisted he is a communist.
"Look at his art in his house, he is a Marxist jew" even though he has addressed that as him collecting art from the period as it is objectively fascinating and that he uses it to remind himself of what went on at the time.Just like I own Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto, but doesn't mean I am both a Commie and a Nazi at the same time.
Maybe that is just Jow Forums being to damn purist.
He's not bad, he's just takes stuff for granted. In his mind if we're all just a bunch of individuals instead of a group we would be better off, and he's not wrong. The problem is, there is only one group capable of becoming a bunch of individuals and that's white males. And if we do what he says we will be eradicated by other groups that don't give a shit about personal freedom. His outlook is just too optimistic.
William Sanchez
Do you think he is not just a bit of a normie?
He strikes me as a guy that is too traditionally read and too steeped in academia (probably knows a lot of Jewish professors he gets along with) to be woke to the JQ.
I can't blame the guy, I knew friendly jews and found it hard to accept how they aren't good for us.
Benjamin Harris
he read solzhenitsyn he's woke on the JQ he's just lying and shilling for jews
No, he's alright. We criticize him because he could be WAY better and more red-pilled, especially in regards to white nationalism and the jewish question.
But maybe that's the point. Maybe we need middle-men like him to decenticize normies into questioning what they think they already know so that we can turn them into true traditionalists.
If that is really the case, then Jordan is pretty great. Not ideal, but he's getting the job done.
You think so? I was in denial for a long time. Must be harder for someone who has studied Abrahamic myths for so long. Maybe I'm too forgiving though
Jason Gonzalez
Yeah, Jow Forums has a toxic shock reaction to "muh gateway for normies" but there is some truth to the idea you can't wake someone up by just screaming the 14 words at them,
Lincoln Diaz
His explanation of Christ being the chief archetype of the heroic myth?
Justin Gomez
Lots of Jow Forums anons are with you OP, myself included, but we are often drowned out by the suspicious and sustained shilling against him any time he is mentioned here.
My thoughts are largely what our Brazilian friend here said (happy independence, thats today right?) as far as JBP pulling normies to within striking distance of more hardline propaganda such as our own. And at the same time making very interesting observations about the Western canon. He's also the most far-ranging and effective critic of political correctness and identity politics, but the way in which I think he's most useful is as a lightning rod. Normies are waking up to the full court press of hatred aimed at him just for saying what are clearly very reasonable things supported by fact. That is a huge win for us so I'm willing to let the individualism talk slide, even if I disagree.
And while this is pure conjecture on my part, I think he's been force fed a lot of redpills over the last year or two and might be digesting them even as we speak. He has the look of someone with severe internal struggle.
Anything else Kraut or have I sufficiently seen you off with your assumptions?
Yet another post without reply.
Caleb Rivera
I cannot agree more on the still digesting part. I don't even know how Jow Forums can expect an academic who has clearly worked around Jews for years and maybe have friendships with them, to just read some thread on here and wake the fuck up overnight.
Samuel Long
He's. . . Well, op, hes playing a game, and im not sure what his win condition is.
Christian Kelly
having friendships with jews will make you realize this sooner kek
You think he is a money making guy who is trading in on his sincere political opinion?
I get that sometimes when he comes on Bill Maher with a nice suit and seems to becoming a pop intellectual.
Kevin Hall
Well, that part in the second debate where he criticized Harris for believing in “transcendental rationality” struck me as being a postmodernist move. All that means is that we have the capacity to discern objective truths about the world independent of any biases we might have. Also, his refusal to answer the God question in a clear succinct fashion is puzzling. This kind of anti-realism about the world and values accords very well with postmodernist thought.
All in all, I think Peterson is just philosophically inept. He basically psychologized every metaphysical and ethical point Harris was trying to make, which I’m sure was irritating for Harris. If Peterson wants to talk psychology, he should stick to debates about psychology and not ones about philosophy.
Lincoln Anderson
haha yeah it can.
I had some business relations with jews and it can and sometimes can't open you up.
They can be very welcoming when you have something they want. Learned that the hard way.
Jow Forums is mostly retarded about JP given that he's furthered the cause of the right wing more then anyone on this board
Samuel Cook
That's interesting I never spotted that about him pigeon holing Harris over truth and being shifty and relativist about it. Thanks for the insight user.
I think he does genuinely try not to be a Frankfurt School/Derrida guy though, and sees their toxic relationship to Marxism.
Jose Long
He knows just enough to be dangerous. His interpretation of Christianity is basically gnosticism and he's backing himself in a corner with it.
Jaxon Edwards
Perhaps. I cannot confirm, but I think being around the jews in the workplace in a way where they are inviting to you is enough to blind you, and boy can thy be very welcoming to the goy with shekels or connections.
Brayden Johnson
damn, get some soothing aloe vera for this burn.
Yeah mmaybe so, I get this feel sometimes. He is asleep on th JQ though and I appreciate this is not fine, but the purists on this board make me wanna puke sometimes.
Noah Gray
user, thanks for the input, but I really don't know much about Gnosticism, care to enlighten me on this and its relation to JBP?
Bentley Taylor
the silence is deafening
Benjamin Gutierrez
Christianity isn't a secret knowledge and analyzing it is a wasted effort. He's missing the entire point.
Asher Fisher
You think the point is just to take the stories and parables at face value a bit mre and hve faith in Christ rather than dissect it so much? I can have some sympathy there.
Brayden Ross
Not everything should be taken at face value but some of the scriptures aren't pure symbolism. He needs to study some theology and Christian philosophy, maybe Kierkegaard. His Bible series appeals to people with second hand knowledge and is laughable to believers.
Christian Johnson
This is exactly what I have been looking for desu. I liked his breakdown and it got rid of my fedora for me, but I really am missing what people who are true beleivers see in the bible.
Do you have a book that could bring me into this world other than the scripture? Maybe one by Kierkegaard that would get me past psychoanalysis and into actual theology?
I'd like to see what you see in the faith, for example?
Thanks user, this has been exactly what I hoped from the thread.
Logan Torres
From Kierkegaard start with Fear and Trembling. It's about Abraham sacrificing Isaac. Existentialism. Christianity isn't a set of rules that's what Jesus preached against the Jews doing. The rules were the milk but Christianity is whole food.
Jackson Thompson
So it's less about making a kind of analytical flow chart rathr than being more rounded and fulfilled in the faith?
Thanks i will start on him ASAP.
David Robinson
If you want more of an academic type of slant look up William Lane Craig. He's got a short form podcast called Reasonable Faith.
Actually, it is the academia I am trying to get past, which is why i am excited for Kierkegaard.
i want to see what real Christian devotees get from thheir faith that psychoanalysis can't offer, although I'm thankfully it made me give it another chance.
Eli Davis
1. He is pro multiculturalism 2. He describes himself as a "reasonable leftist" 3. He is either ignorant of, or consciously strawmans Nationalism. 4. He identifies Nationalism as the problem, not the mass migration causing it. Which he has stated as: " I can see nothing wrong with, you know" 5. His critique of modern world is lacking, even though it is clear he recognizes there is a problem. This is likely due to his ideological commitment to individualism and the enlightenment ideals as a whole. But could be due to point 6 and 7. 6. He is intellectually dishonest 7. He is an opportunist/coward and would rather make millions of dollars a year than approach a single controversial topic, even if it is an extensional one that must be addressed, for the well-being of millions. 8. His solution to the "problems" (Which, as stated previously, is "Nationalism" in his mind) has been self-described as "post-nationalist"...the same stance as Justin Trudeau, for reference. 9. He peddles in pseudo-science and routinely mis-represents philosophy and theology, in order to to fit his pre-concieved worldview. Even if these verses have been dogmatically interpreted another way entirely for 1500+ years. 10. All his valuable insights are incorporated into larger, better formulated and more true philosophical or theological worldviews.
I am not "anti-Peterson" by any means, so don't take that list the wrong way, it is simply a list of the first 10 critiques that came to mind. That said, I don't believe he fully grasps the reality of the situation we are living in, and what that means for the future of our countries and their people. Because of this, he offers no real critique of, or solution to, the problems facing modern man. Therefore, in conclusion, I see no real value in listening to him, his political views or his "philosophy."
maxwell was full of shit half the time; often his etymologies are flat out wrong
Austin Torres
Look up the Polarization Nation videos on him. Peterson is great for talking about really deep stuff, but he is ultimately there to pacify whites and whites only. No one else will ever take him seriously but centrist and right wing whites. No one else cares about a word he has to say.
>"Clean your room" >"But there's a gang of people actively trying to burn down my house at this moment" >"Who cares about that, just clean your room"
Ayden Johnson
The strangest explanation for Peterson I’ve found comes from this guy who believes esoteric imagery, language, and anagrams in the media can be used to decode the world around us. He also believes many of the celebrities could be entities that exist outside space and like to fuck with humans. Jordan Peterson could be an archon who tells archetypal stories. Basic rundown: >Jordan Peterson's rise to fame was artificial >He gives people truth bread to hide the shit sandwich he's selling >Jordan Peterson and his wife, Tammy Peterson used to be Jim Henson and his wife It’s probably bullshit, but it’s pretty far out. youtube.com/watch?v=bTJ-m8u7dfI youtube.com/watch?v=qey5LrP-DTs
Jow Forums is purist, that's what makes a lot of their dictum potent. However, Peterson is valuable and shouldn't be completely demonized. If anything, there should be a dialogue between our philosophies. I believe that's the true way forward.