Is the Sweden election being wewladded?

So, for years now I've been hearing that Sweden Democrats are receiving 'worrying' levels of support and now they're Sweden's third or even second-biggest party as more and more Swedes are getting sick of their nation's immigration policy. Then all of a sudden recently, "Alternativ for Sverige" appears out of nowhere, claiming to be the right-wing nationalist party, and it's being shilled by ecelebs such as the Golden One. I've never seen such a controlled opposition move in my life, it's obviously come in to existence to steal a few votes away from SD so that the mainstream cucked party will win. Is my estimation correct?

Attached: 1024px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png (1024x640, 1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The votes are in. Annie Lööf wins election

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It may come off like it, but who can tell? They consist of former SD people who were kicked out for being too extreme (not extreme at all desu) and decided to start a party that is more in line with SD's old politics. Are they controlled? Maybe, but I don't think so. They are using the election to gain momentum for growth, that is all I can say.

It's just a completely dumb move to establish a second right-wing party though. it will just split the votes between the two of them and neither will have a hope of winning. It's what I'd do if I really didn't want SD to win.

They think that the SD has cucked too much, so they want to be their opposition
Take off the memeflag

I hope you are organizing to have observers at every election booth to prevent manipulations and tampering with votes and results
you should be able to overview ballots counting, its international OSCE standard

Sweden isnt like the UK or US, they have proportional representation. Split vote doesn't matter.

SD have cucked too much, but maybe they cucked just enough to win. An SD victory would shift the overton window and reverse some of the damage that's been done to Sweden over the past few years. It's not the ideal solution but it's the most pragmatic. AfS just have no hope of winning anything until society gradually becomes accepting of their position

It actually does, there's a 4% threshold to get into parliament, meaning that if AfS get 3% of votes those votes are meaningless

>It's just a completely dumb move to establish a second right-wing party though

If you percieve that the first right-wing party is not right-wing, then it is not a dumb move. SD have liberalised too much in the last few years in order to appeal to the broader centre-right masses. It has worked in drawing people from the two majority parties. AfS has in its short life forced SD to not go back on certain promises like they were in danger of doing, like reduced immigration.

>it will just split the votes between the two of them and neither will have a hope of winning.

Like said. If AfS get 4% and enter the Riksdag, they will still form a block with SD. If they don't enter the Riksdag, they will have taken at most 3.9%. SD losing much isn't a big deal considering how much they drain from SD and due to what I will cover next. On another note, the more votes AfS get the more support they will get from the state in preperation for the next election.

>It's what I'd do if I really didn't want SD to win.

Here's the thing: SD cannot win. They need 50.1% of the votes in order to get a majority and to get anything done. They are at MAX 30%. All other parties have vowed to not work with SD. SD can gain immensely and, like you mention, shift the overton window but unless the others cuck, SD will not enter any position of power. AfS can at the very least keep SD from cucking further.

It just comes down to this, really: Support SD fully hoping they will save Sweden and they remain our best option to do so. Or support AfS and help them keep rational and nationalistic interests alive that will keep SD from cucking too hard.

I'm gonna vote SD, but saying AfS is a waste isn't true.

It will be a shitfest either way.
SD will still be blocked mostly by the other parties and we will see a faster social collapse possibly.
Hopefully mad max style.

Ask Finnland for some junk cars you can modify into sweet wasteland rides.

Bruh, they get all their junk cars from us.
I mean imagine all the old Volvo's running other a ride Arabs and afghans.

Attached: kassel.jpg (748x556, 96K)

SD are complete socialists, they are worse then the the American Democrats in actual politics.

I thought it was impossible but AFS is the last hope of avoiding a civil war, their policy would work and they have already started affecting politics.

They need meme support, they have a good chance to get in but it is extremely tight.

Hillarious, one of the leftist at todays AFS rally in Malmö.


Attached: afs_demonstrant.png (521x718, 318K)

Watch out, she bites!

don't make that comparison, fucking faggot

>Then all of a sudden recently, "Alternativ for Sverige" appears out of nowhere
>appears out of nowhere
wrong. AfS was made by some ex SD-youth that got kicked because they were too extreme. There were talks about creating a new party since day 1 it happen, was just a matter of time it actually happen.

What would have to happen for SD to enter government?

Majority vote. It won't happen.

Expansion: All other parties will create a new "December Agreement" where they will do whatever it takes again bending over backwards, forgetting everything else in order to block SD from getting influence over politics.
They would rather die then give one inch to SD, and they will slowly, but too slowly to be able to save Sweden.

AfS will enter Swedish parliament with between 6 - 20%. Screenshot this.

Sounds about right.
All natsocs are shills and people being tricked by shills who are used to keep us off the true path.

Vote SD. AfS is a honeypot vote and won't even get any seats

>the mainstream cucked party will win.
This is going to happen anyway
All other Nigger loving parties will join together to form a grand coalition to keep SD out of Government
Might as well make a statement, vote with your heart and head, get AfS into parliment and trigger those communist mother fuckers

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Isn't AfS just a reaction for SD becoming more moderate in order to get elected? It's useful to have a party you can say is the actual far right party, when defending SD.

They will say that Somalians can be Swedish, just like the other parties already do.

>Lets dump 3% of the votes into the toilet.
AfS is pointless right now. Get SD in a solid position and then help AfS.

Yes. AfS is basically the Angel on SD's shoulder. But they are not viable. They won't even break into parliament. Voting for them is retarded and short sighted.


The reason to vote AFS is not to change anything (that is impossible but we still keep the hope alive), but to give the establishment the biggest kick in the stomach they ever got and watch them cry like Hillary supporters at Trumps election.

but AfS are the nationalist party.

>>Lets dump 3% of the votes into the toilet.
>AfS is pointless right now. Get SD in a solid position and then help AfS.

That's not how swedish politics works.

AfS has to reach a certain percentage to even enter parliament. You and I both know they won't. SD is the only viable option

Attached: Natsoc Sweden.png (1024x745, 26K)

It's not gonna happen.

>AfS has to reach a certain percentage to even enter parliament. You and I both know they won't. SD is the only viable option

That's correct. The faulty point is that SD matters when they are sub-50%

AFS will get 4,4%

Attached: cO4RvkO.jpg (800x600, 102K)

This is bullshit. I know them personally. They are real. They are not not nazis. Their immigrant return policy is based on the principles that persons who are criminal, who cannot support themselves, who lie on their applications will have to go. Simple as that, good policies, nothing racist about it.

Our last is hope is enacting these policies in a peaceful way, other than that (and I see the chances of that happen as extremely thin) there is nothing in sight stopping the race to a full blown civil war in Sweden within about 30 years. Remember these words.

You don't seem to understand. AfS does not even have enough support to viable enter parliament. Ideal or not they are gonna struggle to even break 3%

stop being a pesstimist jew, your right sweden is going to burn but i wont dont afs will get atleast 5 percent, theres a silent nationalist majority by now.


Better than voting for the cuck Conservative party. I'd rather vote for the nationalists

They have 52k likes on Facebook, this is enough to enter parliament based on other parties like count.

>You don't seem to understand. AfS does not even have enough support to viable enter parliament. Ideal or not they are gonna struggle to even break 3%

Assuming your flag is correct, how can an American trust polls given the presidential election?

>They have 52k likes on Facebook, this is enough to enter parliament based on other parties like count.


Sd doesn't even want a burqa ban anymore. They even left their alliance with ukip in the eu.

you have no idea how many old sd voters are going to give AfS support votes. they are going to get into parliament this year so be prepared to be wrong.

They want to deport nonwhites, not just criminals, and that's a good thing. foreigners and nonwhites are parasites, take it from a member of burgerland.

här för att hämta memesupport för afs :D

are you guys smart enough to know sd will fuck you guys over, and afs is your only hope?

>här för att hämta memesupport för afs :D


>Like said. If AfS get 4% and enter the Riksdag, they will still form a block with SD. If they don't enter the Riksdag, they will have taken at most 3.9%. SD losing much isn't a big deal considering how much they drain from SD and due to what I will cover next. On another note, the more votes AfS get the more support they will get from the state in preperation for the next election.

SD will definitely fuck native swedes over, that's why AFS and even nordfront are important

I second this.

Thats exactly how I view it. In the end I voted Afs . Because I think SD cucked too hard lately. But I dont think a vote for SD is wasted either. Their Numbers of votes will cause epic seething among the arabs and commies. I know SD will get high Numbers anyways I want Afs to get more than 2.5 % so they will get partistöd (money taken from arabic welfare into nationalist pockets). Anyways the election Night will be hilarious

Många utländska nationalister gillar afs på facebook

The fact that Macron has spent the past few days sperging out over the increased nationalism in the nordic region should say something about the role of AfS in pushing SD back to their original path and away from their cucking.
>Jimme Åkesson: A threat to "Swedish values"
>France's president Macron now meddles in the Swedish election debate.
>The SD leader Jimmie Åkesson isn't "compatible with Swedish values" claims the left-liberal French politician.
>Jimmie has been criticized in media after having refused to pick between Macron and Putin on channel 3 radio.
>- I don't need to choose. Nobody needs to doubt what I think of Russia's aggressive foreign policy, or Putin's imperialistic rule in Russia, but that does not mean I have to pick another imperialist who operates through the EU. I want neither of them.
>"It's bizarre, a perfect example of how agenda pushing media constructs conflicts which do not exist. For what reason should I choose between both of these chiefs of state? One is an aggressive imperialist and the other is a left-liberal EU-federalist. I have no sympathies for either of them, and as such refrain from choosing." Writes the SD leader.

Needless to say Macron being threatened by the fairly cucked SD turning back to their roots as a result of AfS threatening to steal votesshould say something about the vital role of AfS, as SD didn't make statements like these before AfS came into play.
Not even going to go into Macron denying the existence of Danish people.

Seems to be a correct description. However, I will probably vote AfS.

Jag är inte insatt. Jag har ej Facebook.

We need to get the party started!

Attached: afs.jpg (381x333, 37K)

That's a majority. If this doesnt result in right wing control of borders and immigration the world is lost.

Getting AFS into pairlament will be like a small Swedish version of Trumps election.

I saw the part that covered macron in agenda. The fucking mentality of our journalist: find people that they view more powerful and be thought-cucked.

nazis are dumb purists, they bad at winning elections unless they cheat or muder the oposition

what did you expect?

Bump 4 AfS

What about NRM?

There is a clear majority in Sweden regarding that specific question. That's also the reason why there will never be a referendum. Instead the parties rely on other questions to gain support; gibs populism.

Trumps usa har fortfarande hög legal invandring. Afs är tusen gånger bättre än trump.

well boomers that are fed up with the negative consequences of immigration and think that sd are tougher on immigration than they really are are generally not politically inclined thinkers anyway so they will likely be disappointed to see sd moving closer and closer to the old establishment parties during the next 4 year a consequence of this I can only see afs continuing to grow.

They are more like soldiers of nationalism. Great guys though... I'd support them but vote for AfS

>What about NRM?
NMR. Well... The problem with them is that they are actually retarded. The politics are not that extremely obnoxious, but the people we would get as politicians... However, that would only be a problem if they gained a substantial amount of power. Right now they are fine for creating a nationalistic sentiment.
AFS are already in parliament. Jeff Ahl left SD for AFS, here he is in a parliamentary debate calling out KTH's lies.

you guys should try getting angry at the fucking boomers, give them the movments, show them sd is cucked. Or is it too late.

You don't happen to be a student at KTH? (given that you picked that particular video)

A cucked conservative party is even worse than a literal communist party, at least the communists are honest about their intentions

Attached: 1533502710808.jpg (850x400, 74K)

I heard somewhere that the last Swedish election had instances where ballot workers were hiding voting sheets for any other party other than SocialD, center etc.

This true?

This is the truth.

Attached: knivpeke.png (600x578, 66K)

AFS are not nazis, dumbass, they're ethnonationalists. Take off the flag.

Nah, I blame Youtube filters for the picking.
KTH are cucks, I went to Chalmers, they are barely better.

This is good:


However, there are something like 6k places to vote at, and all are staffedb work volunteers; retired communists, feminist students, etc.

KTH suffers from being so close to the regime. The politicians use it for propaganda and grand-standing.

Yeah but isnt that illegal?

It is, but it isn't prosecuted. Often it is just swept away as "mistakes", which I guess is possible for some cases.

>actually they're not nazis, they're social nationalists

Attached: 1522950575500.png (407x387, 129K)

yes but they play dumb "oh we must have misplaced them" or "they ran out" etc.

Please separate from Spain.

Yes and it has been going on for years. Here's another fun fact: Voting in Sweden is not done in secrecy. You have to pick a ballot left out in public. People would get around this by picking ballots from all parties and only putting the ones they wanted into the envelope out of sight, but now the totally and absolutely unbiased election officials are putting ballots for nationalist parties separate from the others, so that they can tell if somebody goes up to the table at the other side of the room. It's not uncommon for people to get threatened into not picking certain ballots or filmed and threatened to be reported to the media. What happens then is the media, because of the large liberties they have in Sweden, publish names and addresses of ideological deviants. As such the media has become an extrajudicial organization for the Marxist elements in government. Because you see, it would be illegal for government to do what the media does, but if the media is funded by the government through press support, and the media in turn lobbies government. Well.

People in Sweden have been clamoring for this bullshit to end for decades, and even demanded international observers, which up until this year was met with the reply that "Sweden is an established democracy". This year however, international observers are involved in the election.

Make no mistake, Sweden is not a democracy. "Demokratur" is the phrase we have for it here. Not quite dictatorship to the point where it's obvious to the outside world, but not quite democratic either. It's an insidious soft dictatorship done through corporations and international elements.

erase your race

It's national socialist you fucking idiot

True that.

Here is more Jeff:

"But you can always write on a blank ballot!"
*Proceeds to find your handwriting ineligible and counts it as a misvote*

Gonna be a shitfest for four more years and then people will hopefully take some big brained pills and go even more for SD/AFS.

how long till winrar?


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Hey, I'm supporting your quest for Independence! Or do you want to be an eternal cuck for the al-andalusians?

exactly my point americunt

an euphemism for "nazi" is still a nazi

altright, neoreactionary, nouvelle droite, all the same nazi shit

Next Sunday. One week.