Unironic misogyny thread

Fuck white women. Eternally.

I don't give a fuck about the white race anymore. I can't bear the thought of ever entering into any sort of contractual agreement with one of these literal swine.

They don't deserve my compassion.

Fucking roasties.

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stay within your race, faggot. it's interesting how whites behave like niggers towards asians

>asians have higher IQs than whites
>asian women are chased by white men
>asian men are potrayed as emasculate in comparison to white men
>compared to asians, whites are degenerate

just replace asian with "white" and "white" with black and you'll immediately realise the connection

Today, in the grocery store, a middle aged woman was struggling to reach the diet coke as I was walking through the aisle (I would never drink that poison). She stopped me and pointed to the bottle that she wanted saying "would you get that for me? you're such a tall guy!"....

I quickly backed up, turned around, and trotted in the other direction.

Women are not entitled to my height resources any more than I might stop a woman on the street and ask her for a squeeze (your tits are so big!).

Men, remove your benevolence from women as a whole.
Women have used us as fodder for too long.
We will not die for women any longer.
It's your turn to be on the front lines.

The time of the disposable female has come.

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Sorry bud, I'm going to breed whomever I like. Most white women have descended to sub-nigger tier levels of existence, and therefore are essentially inhuman.

I'll have a fashy asian gf if I damn well please.

kill yourself leftie faggot

IOTBW is happening again this Halloween get in here:

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That's just petty. There's no reason to be unnecessarily unkind. The idea here is that white women essentially cannot make valuable partners. That's the problem. Having petty grocery store squabbles is fucking meaningless.

k. bro. no one is stopping you. if you seriously breed with her, make sure at least your kids don't end up like elliot roger or something.

white women are great you jew racemixing ovendodger

I'm right as fuck. I don't want the white race to disappear, ie. civilization to disappear, but there's no FUCKING way I'm ever endearing myself to one of these roastie white whores.


> I absolutely enjoy sticking my dick in pigs.

t. oblivious apologist.

Go Jow Forums

>The same problem with almost every woman out there that has a problem: no strong male figure in their life to keep them centered. I don't mean that to be misogynistic either, it's just how things are. In fact, most social problems right now are a result of thinking that statement is misogynistic and reacting against it as radically as most people do. MOST women don't have the same level of autonomy or sentience as men. They need a strong male figure in their life to make most of their decisions for them and give them structure. Men need women because women test them and those tests destroy the weak men and shape the strong ones by providing examples (through the destroyed men) of what happens when you fail them. We've gotten completely out of balance with the natural order.

The flaw in your logic is that you're presupposing niggers are human.

We don't necessarily hate race mixing in general, just racemixing with niggers because it produces more dark subhumans where there otherwise wouldn't have been

>Being this generalizing

I bet you've only met 2 "white women" in your whole life, faggot

>The enlightened man can't possibly hate women or consider them evil. That is bitter and wrong. Women are how nature needed them to be and if they were any other way, we'd probably be extinct. The only evil in this case is how men in modern times are incapable of disciplining and controlling women's natural tendencies. Tendencies which themselves are often not compatible with the development and progress of civilization if you let them run wild. It's evil to believe men and women are perfectly equal with perfectly equal biological and subconscious goals and that they manifest themselves behaviorally 100% equally. That's how you run into problems. A woman's natural tendency and it is an adaptive and functional tendency, is ALWAYS to destroy the man she is with if he lets her. Collectively, their natural tendency is to ALWAYS destroy the tribes they are a part of, if the men allow them to. They are the testers of the quality of men and the testers of the quality of that civilization. They will tell you to go fight a sabertooth tiger and a) you will and kill it b) you will and it will kill you, or c) you will laugh in their face and say "you don't command me." Either way the health of the tribe will be enhanced. Women are not evil, they serve a critical role in society, but no civilization in history has survived with women running wild and women are miserable when they are free to run wild without direction or leadership.

>I don't want the white race to disappear
>there's no FUCKING way I'm ever endearing myself to one of these roastie white whores

sub-room temperature IQ retardation shill

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I would not call the police to help a woman I did not know.
We will not protect you any more.
You're on your own.

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Known plenty. The majority are clueless brainwashed feminists filled with hubris for their intrinsic identity.

>Fuck white women.
Why the fuck have you Jews been shilling this all weekend?

Hi woman here, so, is a roastie a woman who’s not a virgin?

women are a necessary evil lamentably. Learn to deal with them if you don't want your lineage to die out. They're basically grown up children whom you can't reason with.
Don't expect to have meaningful conversations with them. A woman doesn't excel because of her intelligence, just try to make her laugh with sassy commentaries and get closer to her pants.

I used to dislike the fact they're so superficial the first thing they do when they meet you is look at you up and down, as if your shoes or clothing style was an indicator of the characteristics of your own world.

roastie = wide & enlarged labia, resembling a roast beef sandwich.

It sure is, no hymen:no diamond. Used goods are for betas and liberals.

9/10 bait, but sure, I'll fucking bite.

No, a roastie is not someone who isn't a virgin. I'm not ignorant enough to believe that women should remain sexually pure in a society and culture that endlessly browbeats them into becoming sluts. I can see that; I can deduce that.

However there's a point in time where there needs to be some realization and repentance. There needs to be a time when this human being decides to grow the fuck up and take the bitter pill of responsibility and self respect. And sorry, but if you've got kids you're completely undesireable except for the lowest tiers of beta males.

And really, why should I marry you if you've got kids from a previous relationship? How do you think I fucking feel raising some other motherfuckers child? Someone who fucked you repeatedly? That little niglet is a constant reminder that I didn't get there first. That little fucker is a constant reminder that I play second fiddle to someone else's cock.

I'm not perfect, I'm human. I've made mistakes in life, and I'm willing to accept that women make mistakes too. What I don't understand however, is the seemingly INCESSANT need for women to justify their shitty behaviors. Like, it was a BAD IDEA to have Tyrone's kids. It was a BAD IDEA to sleep with 30 people in college. Own up to your shitty self. Grow. Become an adult, for fucks sake.

I don't need some virgin 16 year old to make me happy. All I want is someone who doesn't have kids and has resolved to stop being a disgusting roastie swine.

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White woman here. Fuck off nig nog

The only consolation is knowing that as our race dies out, your kind will also be exterminated.

Lol you consider your own mother a roastie

>tfw work at a shop
>have to regularly get stuff down from the high shelves for women because I'm the tallest guy there

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I know that feel brah

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how are these two contradictory in any way

It fucking sucks.

hey goat fucker, why don't u stay out of this business huh? nobody wants you around shitskin

>D&C thread
Man the fuck up and stop letting THEM dictate YOUR existence.
Ignore skanks and sluts, they're already doomed.
Save the ones that are worth saving, just like your fellow user.

>compared to asians, whites are degenerate
>still shitting in the street
Plz user.

If she doesn't see the world reasonably closely to the way (you) do, it's just too damned dangerous. Corrupting influence of power and all that. "Redpilling" her doesn't count either. She's gotta legit be there on her own. Unironically tonnes of women are getting there later in life, which, if you wanted a family, sucks. But there it is. You think you're angry at this civilization? Try being a childless 40 year old female cube farm inhabitant who finally realizes she's been sold a false bill of goods. Show 'em some love and you just might be surprised at what happens.

All that talk about saving the white race is cool, I did swallow it, but sadly, the day of the rope is not coming, they control all the media, social networks and there is no way we can beat them.

Just try to find a more or less traditional woman, even if it's asian, go live in some quite place, get a normal job and try to be a little bit happy. There are still some rural areas in any comfy western country where you won't see any niggers or muslims. Go there and just try to live a normal life.

The white women problem is a white man problem.

What is this from?

It's an institutional corruption problem.

White women are a poisoned well. Nothing good can come from it anymore.

I know exactly what happens, leaf.

Roastie slut approaches for unrelated reason. I make eye contact and smile cordially at her. I have now indicated that I am not immediately revolted by her, because I attempt in life to be a decent human being, and now she moves closer and begins vying for my attention.

She talks to someone nearby, seeing if her raised voice causes me to make eye contact again. She checks repeatedly to see if I am noticing her squawking. Her beady coalburning roastie eyes are desperately darting, profoundly hoping that THIS hapless idiot male will love her. Finally her roastie prayers have been answered, a GOOD man finally gives a shit. A GOOD man that will raise Tyrone's kids, no questions asked.

In order to get her to stop trying to attract my attention, I have to blatantly ignore her. I have to ignore her to the point where it's obvious that I am intentionally ignoring her. Only then does the roastie, thirsty for my beta bux, depart.

Fuck these whores.

Do you go to a based Church? Otherwise you are out of luck

Yea, but pretty much all families. No singles, and the singles there are either retarded or uninterested.

Big tits, gagged and in the trunk: my kind of lady.

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hating white women is for faggots

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There’s no white people without white women. Get your head out of your asses. You either start winning our women back, or we all disappear. MGTOW is a jew psyop.


Based user gets it

Show me where the white women worth saving are and I'll gladly 100% die for them.

Don't hate the animal for shutting on the rug. Hate the society that allows this to happen.
You're only raging because you expected more from women than they could give. You should get blackpilled about modern roasties, not redpilled.
Watch less Roosh or Rollo and more TFM and Coltaine.

They weren't that bad a generation or two ago. Just like white men didn't watch little girlie japanese cartoons and role play as anime girls making cutesy comments to each other until relatively recently. It took generations of demoralization and softening white people up to turn whites into what they are today. The jew world order system will turn all races into pigs eventually unless they are stopped.

rape and murder is also natural. infact society and civilization are EXTREMELY unnatural.
you can choose between being raped in the jungle, or not being a cunt to perfectly fine ugly men, but getting to live in a actual society.
which seems more important roastie?

Go to a different one then

>>asian women are chased by white men

Asian women are chasing White men too man. Its interesting how Asian women love White guys and some White guys love asian women.

Yeah it's jew psyop that any woman can ruin your life with a phone call. Grow the fuck up.

>we don't necessarily hate race mixing
Get your kike shit out if here.

Maybe the kikes are the reason we're here, but the way we got here is not as important as dealing with the situation at hand. And the situation at hand is that white women are essentially the most poisonous force in society.

It’s not only white men getting destroyed though

It's some omega black guy who's been making fuck white women threads desu. He made one last week posting his youtube videos.

What cognitive dissonance? I press the right button. I will hammer it down until my hand bleeds.

I'm actually probably whiter than you.


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Good goy, diversity is our strength!

that girl went to my university


ok I gotta ask Jow Forums....

So....For the first time in a looonnnnng time I went to a fast food restaurant to get some food

And the younger girl behind the counter (i'm guessing she was probably a zoomer) got insulted at the way I placed my order. She told me "Calm down."

I don't know because I'm a 30 year old boomer that hangs out with Gen. X'ers at my job, but are all younger girls entitled like this......

>women destroy weak men
Given how women are destroying virtually all men that means that most men are "weak" in the eyes of women
Why should the majority of men put up with beings that don't like them? We should just enslave them then.

But are you wearing khakis and a polo shirt RIGHT NOW?

People who hate women are only mad because they can't get any women.

So the majority of men?

Or they've learned the hard way.

> typed a woman

Maybe you're sorta an asshole?