What are the Jews planning now?

What are the Jews planning now?

>celebrities are becoming Pentecostals now, one of the more extremes amongst the christcucks


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>Bieber’s proclamation reminded the 12.8 million casual fans who liked this Instagram of his devotion to evangelical Christianity.


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I don't think it's the jews. Just that the smart celebrities see the writing on the wall and are transitioning into religious conservatives for the cultural shift.

Probably, and Jews will profit either way so they aren’t stopping them

Hollywood if FULL of pedo scandals and child sex trafficking jew.

>Oy vay, wee need some cover

now its the Christians muder-fucking children see?

Isn't it obvious?

They've seen all our conspiracy charts with Hebrew stars shopped over the heads of celebrities and they're trying to flip the narrative back to
>nooooooooooo its still white men! its still waspy christians!!
Or at the very least offer an "alternative" conspiracy theory they can use to shut down criticism of their own obvious hegemony.

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Maybe that's what Scientology was all about, they were big in Hollywood with actors.

Justin bieber is MtF tranny so it's just (((them))) trying to pervert Christianity even more to the unaware

FTM sorry

by what metric are pentecostals "one of the more extremes?"

I think Pentecostals are the "le jews are god's chosen" types.

They are charismatics and often not trusted/respected amongst more traditional Christian circles. They worship to call on the holy spirit as if it is a super power. (It is not)

plan is for 100% muslim serfhood in 250 years

go watch jesus camp

I've never heard of them being dispensationalist, but they are on the crazy-bordering-on-heresy with their charismatic overindulgence

>celebrities become Christian
>Jews get their Islam vs Christianity war
>normalfag Christians see their favorite celebs and sports players convert to Islam
>the normie Christians follow suit

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the jews flooded the west with towelheads so that when our societies break down and we all fall into civil war, we will applaud the jews when they cleanses the middle east for greater israel.

the jews are fomenting a holy war between christians and muslims for their benefit. they will probably nuke us once we are at our lowest point and once all the muslims + iran are defeated and they pose no more threat.

>What are the Jews planning now?
subverting Pentecostalism into yet another watered-down, soiboi, christcuck denomination.

Why does he have a passion for sex offender/pedophile glasses?

>What are the Jews planning now?
That's not what you should be asking.
What you should be asking is "How do I use this article to pink pill normies?"

The answer is clear: Make them accept the idea that there's a secret conspiracy in hollywood using a safe target.
Post similar material (maybe this time about scientology) repeatedly.
Repeat for 8 - 24 months.
Voila. Mind's been opened.

Hillsong's just a social club that makes their own pop music and gives celebs a chance to hide money. It's just the hipper version of Scientology or NXIVM for celebs these days