Be self-aware shitskin

>be self-aware shitskin
>have strong drive to have a family and reproduce
>don't want more shitskins in the world
what do

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Space Force

hang yourself

kill yourself

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Breed a jewess.

You are literally a cuck

>find the tallest building around
>climb to the top of it

Adopt a white kids. What are you?

improve your race?

Just reproduce with another shitskin my dude. You deserve happiness same as everyone else.

Marry a chink. Plenty of chinks in the world, so it won't dilute their genetics.

Marry out to a non shitskin.

Have kids.

But keep yours seperate from non shit skins.

It's all about upbringing.

Be very selective. Find a good shitskin. You know, like the Nation of Islam. They may be black and brainwashed, but they aren’t degenerates.

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Live among other shitkins and improve your own society/culture.
But that would take more work than just sticking your dick in something so fuck it I guess.

have 2 children to keep the ratio

Having more of your own kids is fine as long as you're birthing them and raising them in your ethnic homeland.

go be a kang in the land your people come from

Breed with a white woman and then have your kids breed with white people
If you find and marry a white girl who's willing to marry you, it means you just kept her from becoming a single mother to mulatto children

shitskin = you are fine, the path to the stars for your pure blooded offspring is clear
mutt = doomed forever

Who is this kosher kween

Find a good shitskin wife
Make a good shitskin husband
Make good shitskin kids
Be proud of your shitskin heritage and do the right thing

Breed with white women and hope the kids turn more white looking than ethnic. It’s what all Asian guys gotta do in Canada to assimilate.

Find a like-minded negress and fugg

>t. Ahmed

Don't bait on Jow Forums?

>implying Spanish didn't try this and Greeks and so on and on

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I came to terms with dying alone already. The best I can hope for is a robo-waifu.
I'm white but my mom's shit genetics carry diabetes, heart disease, and addictive personality. Everyone on her side of the family has one of these things, if not all. Luckily I got addicted to fapping instead of alcohol or drugs, I'm just waiting for my inevitable heart attack or the beetus taking my feet. I don't want to pass this curse onto my children. Her degenerate siblings already have grandchildren, they can carry on the white trash bloodline.
It's a pity because my dad's side of the family is pure ubermensch success. Tall, strong men with entrepreneurial spirit, a sense for leadership, and full heads of hair. That bloodline will also live on through his siblings' offspring though. It's safe. I can pass on silently without any significant impact on the world or my family tree. I only inherited the height and hair from my dad. My personality is 80% my mom's side, I fit in better with the bottom-feeders.

youre aloud 1 kid

Think of it this way. You're producing more like minded shitskins to outnumber the bad ones. That's a worthy effort

Hitler had plans for those who decided their genes weren’t worthy of carrying on. He spoke highly of those willing to make that hard choice and said they could still raise parentless children with their superior values for the betterment of the folk. You can still have a purpose, brother.

>I need directions from strangers on how to live my life

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I'm torn between adoption being some advanced form of cuckoldry, and my parental instincts to protect an innocent child from a shit life. Like, surely it's a noble cause. But am I capable of truly loving a child I had no part in creating? Should I be?

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>what do?

Easy: don't reproduce! That will be 14.88$ (+tip) for this advice.

>find the tallest building
...probably could have stopped there. Dont over do it'll sound like an uneducated gay.

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Fucking lol.

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What race are you OP? Don't be an Uncle Tom because of Jow Forums propaganda, think for yourself.

take that memeflag away, kike bastard


>making life decisions concerning your own happiness from a Bhutanese sheep herding board
You really are pathetic user.

That's cuckoldry
Lydia Graham

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>change teams
>make more shitskins
>kill whitey
>eternal happiness

Just breed like rabbits in your homeland and make your children hate Jews.

Why do you have to make such a big deal out of everything baka.

First of all you are a cuck for caring what Jow Forums thinks of you reproducing. Second if you have 4 beanlets/niglets and raise them to be productive and civilised and they in turn produce 4 well behaved offspring then your defendants can begin changing the brown community for the better. Just as whites must break the kike programming so too must the non-whites, if the world hopes to see a positive future. And the only way to do that is to raise good children.

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Wow this girl is breathtakingly gorgeous.

>We deserve happines
Good one m8.
We are the result of a sin.

What is your IQ?

Why not just don't reproduce? You can still have a positive impact in the world without having children.

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around 90, give or take a few

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If you're intelligent and have good dispositions, have kids and improve your race
Just because races are different doesn't mean there's not a lot of variation within a race and room for changes over time

Don't reproduce our adopt white babies if it matters to you so much