What happened to families? people used to take huge pride in their name, they built a legacy...

What happened to families? people used to take huge pride in their name, they built a legacy, pass down large inheritances and family treasures to their descendants. Families used to have their own coats of arms.
Now it's all gone, last names no longer mean power except for celebrities.

Attached: Burke-Irish-Crest.jpg (802x903, 449K)

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Everyone with a shit family moved to the US and their descendants became mutt alcoholics

Everyone with a good family still has a good family and doesn’t brag about it in order to not attract attention from plebs

Everyone with a criminal (read: “successful”) family does more or less the same

Then there are these people: cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf

Because very few people descend from what could be called "well known" and "well established" families through the paternal line. Others came to use such names through adoption, without any familial relation to the progenitors. For people in these circumstances, family names "became" irrelevant because they are irrelevant for all practical purposes.

Because western values changed. We in the west are living by the relatively new idea that people should get up out of their parents house and go incur debt as soon as they're able.
People are maturing later and leaving home earlier than in the past and they don't know how to do anything but ask banks for credit and shop. No one knows how to create things any more.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (494x593, 123K)

Oxytocin redpills

Attached: oxytocininfo.jpg (1570x6466, 2.57M)

False pregnancy redpills

Attached: falsepregnancyfeminism.png (1892x707, 289K)


it's a means for the government to take loyalty away from the family and to the state. During the civil war times General Robert E. Lee was asked to lead the Union forces but declined as "could not fight against a fellow Virginian." That loyalty, now a few generations later is long lost.

Pretty cool

Attached: 3650323.jpg (233x263, 15K)

He just chose one state allegiance over the other, fuckhead