Atlantic Canadian State

Canadians need not apply

>muh post-national country
>muh immigration
>muh hiv refugees
>muh cuckoldry sexual orientation
>muh enforced transgenderism on youth
>muh dairy cartel
>muh cheap onions

Attached: Atlantic Confederacy.png (510x431, 31K)

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the flag

Attached: Atlantic State.png (2000x1000, 23K)

Nova Scotia reporting in. Wish I had a job.

Me too

Discord is

Neat flag.
So is this still a monarchy, or what?

At least it's still white

Yes and no.

The parliament works similarly to the British parliament, in that there's a house of lords.
The house is the only thing what could be considered a "party", because each house of lords faces a federal election.

Whatever house wins the election, their people assign peerage accordingly.
If you were to call yourself King, and you established a house, and got elected, you could control who gets to be within that group.

The Queen would naturally have the institutional right and privilege of her own appointed house of lords, which is the only exception, because everyone else has to go through a process before they can establish a house.

In function, it's an elected monarchy. The king will always be "A" king, but will only be "The King" once his house is elected.

Hey that's pretty rude of you, bud. You should apologize.

We don't apologize or say "Sorry".

Attached: e37c39bc2f99951a5a202dfd0642d020.jpg (700x600, 27K)

Nova Scotia belongs to New England, and Newf belongs to the English South Coast.

That's just rude, bro.

So.. Essentially a Democratic monarchy?

New England is still quite American.
I don't know if patriots could ever be on the same side as loyalists.

Yes, but obviously the rules aren't all fleshed out. It'd be ridiculous to have random kings and queens walking the street.

In true Westminster tradition, Kings and Queens are anointed not appointed.

It is the inherent right of every man to be the embodiment of his household; he is given this right, some would say, by divine providence. In that fashion, he is already the leader of his household, the anointed of the house.
It is not for any legal power to decide who is/isn't a house, but right in having the ability to grant that house the right to govern their county.

In that regard, "King" and "Queen" are royal roles given (or have once been given) legal authority. Thus, The king will always remain "A king"; but until his house is elected, he will only be the inherited title of "Prince".

Halifax and Blue nosers are British. But much of the rest are ethnic New English.

Are you a patriot and side with liberal ideals, or do you side with tradition?

Pre-liberal ideals *are* NE tradition. Look up the Massachusetts body of liberties 1641. Also read American Nations.

Newfoundland reporting. The blue puttees are yours to command, b'y!

Attached: platoon-6-section-8.jpg (548x340, 47K)

The UK is cucked as shit, why try to imitate their flag?

>is cucked
I imitate the flag of an empire that has had global influence, and even conquered more of this Earth than any other empire.

UK's modern state is nothing, hence why I don't want to go back to it, neither do I want to imitate its institutions entirely.

Libérons-nous de la tyrannie de l'éternel ontarien mes amis!

the Republic of Vancouver Island sends her blessing

Attached: vancouver-island-flag.png (620x349, 41K)

Ontarians want out of this shit too, you know.

Our politics is better (more right wing) than most Europe and yourself.

Non, you will pay for your sins, mon ami.

>Muh "most leftist part of Canada" Atlantic State
Oh.... sorry friend.

I just applied to a job position by TD bank, they asked me if I identify as LGBT.

What the fuck is wrong with this country.

Straight white men need not apply

I take offence to your lack of decency and manners.
I'm sorry if my bluntness is upsetting to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Ain't it illegal to ask that?

Rural Ontario just needs to build a wall
A wall around Toronto
Possibly Ottawa too
Then we all separate and become New Canuckland while Canada (Toronto and Ottawa) get left with the debt

Why stop at building the wall? How hard would it be to surround them with artillery and finish the job?

This removes the whole point of monarchy. Electing a king is one of the most idiotic ideas devised. The whole point of having a hereditary monarch is that you get a person with no political ambition to hold your executive power. Those who seek election are a small self selected group that tend to be narcissists.

I like the idea of bringing back peerages, but for heavens sake don’t elect your fucking king.

We'll kick the anglos over the river, try that with "franco-ontariens", we'll just send them back.


you at me son?
go lie down out of it

Attached: ew.png (1014x1004, 1.51M)

newfoundland is feminazi central

Attached: wtf4.png (923x593, 1002K)

KAnadia should just be annexed by the U.S tbqh famlam x420.

Yes please.
Daily reminder: feminism started in Western Canada back in the 1800s.