How Women Think

This is literally how they think.
This is why they shouldn't be able to vote.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>company entirely staffed by women

sounds like grounds for a gender discrimination lawsuit.


>posting "men seem to be anxiously competing for admiration" while actively competing for admiration on twitter

Women are terrible at their jobs. All they do is gossip and talk to eachother

sounds like a bunch of bitches in cubicles. I see men doing hard labor and getting shit done all the time. I'd like to see one of these bitches try climbing a 150ft radio tower

why do you care edgy zoomer? just let the company fail.

>this is why women shouldn't be able to vote
>sounds like grounds for a gender discrimination lawsuit

can all the alt right pussy boys stop pretending they want some finely tuned government that creates the most equal society ever? you fucking pussy fucks just want a twat government to hold your hands. shut the fuck up. when did Jow Forums become some bootlicking pussy stronghold. holy shit

The reality of the situation is there's a gal's club of old banshees that backstab and sabotage any younger woman entering the office.


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>if you ask the government to hold your enemies to the same standards that they hold you to, you're a pussy

>get mad when men return the favor
Roastie detected


They do not think, they are exactly like niggers. They simply react and seek out stimuli.

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We need to convince women that there's more glory in sucking dick than working a stupid job. Then maybe everybody will be happy again.

I'm calling bullshit to that entire exchange in OP.

look at all those beta male cucks

Women ruin everything. They should’ve never been given rights

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Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules

>This is why they shouldn't be able to vote.

Not only that, but we should make them property of men again.

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>Our company is entirely staffed by women

I refuse to believe that a company can function like that

Women who are full of shit have conversations like this with each other all the time though. It's part of the reason we really shouldn't have given women the right to vote...

> Have one female boss. Decides to figure we are cool and makes funny jokes about me liking trump
>Can't run her business.
>Refused to make moves to make more money.

russian or jidf shills and bots with their pre-programmed responses. you people, the israeli kikes and russian block headed fucking niggers, better start thinking of better responses than "hurr durr fuck niggers and women".

I can't wait til we start hanging you pieces of shit one by one


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women were a mistake

>There's a group of us at work in their fifties, we get so much done when the guys aren't around lol

That's because guys like me would be banging the shit out of you MILFs instead of working.

based on how often i show up to work hungover i could buy women are better at least for menial office labor

i worked in an office setting with a bunch of women and they spent half of their time taking smoke breaks/chatting and complaining about how hard their job is

shill, please stop. Only a anti-american jew would go to such great lengths to arbitrarily divide men and women; especially american men and women. It's crazy how obsessed with America's destruction are second and third world countries. It's almost as if you hate the idea of proud nationalists breeding with each other. Like you want the entire planet to be a third world shithole and for what? Why?

>men generally seem to be anxiously competing for admiration.

Regardless of gender it's so fucking stupid when people circlejerk compliment each other like this with have little to no self awareness. Got their heads up their asses


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The business she is referring to is her own... which is a fucking jewelry scam that claims to offer jewelry that boosts health and vitality. So... an utterly useless company.

You cannot make this shit up.

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Was about to post this, based and redpilled

>HR is completely staffed by women

The rest of the company actually does shit

>I can't wait til we start hanging you pieces of shit one by one
You're glowing pretty bright Mr. FBI

wow that's some grade-A level triggered

That's why she hates male employees, because they won't buy into horoscopes and astrology bullshit

>honesty/integrity doesn't even make the list for women

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Just a nail/hair salon

Yeah fucking right. These old ass bitches trying to convince everyone that they still have some value.

Everywhere I've worked that had older women is always the same. They get nothing fucking done and stand around gossiping about people. I remember working somewhere and they gave this older nigger bitch easy work to do and she did nothing but fuck off, so supervisor came and told me to get it done. So this boomer nog went around telling everyone that I cried so they gave me easy work.

Shills die before enemies.

>women over 50

Can confirm that boomer women are the cancer killing the world

This sounds like a lot of projection.


Women do make better worker drones in an office, that's why secretaries used to all be women. They're good at remembering trivial shit that you need to remember for an office to work right, they're more organized, and better at multitasking. But when it comes to actually making money or producing something of value, which is the whole point of a business, women are clueless. They seem to think admin is the business itself, rather than just a necessary evil for a business to function.

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For what it's worth, not all of us are this bad.
Some of us are at least somewhat rational and not obsessed over identity politics.

Let’s be honest, a group of older ladies working collaboratively in a government department is probably an extremely good fit. Women are too ‘nice’ for the corporate world and lack the killer instinct. They get demoralized and confused in what they see as needlessly competitive environments and either quit, get fired or end up on medication

Men are better secretaries than women, the only reason women are secretaries is fetish reasons.

>holy shit

trump was a mistake

Lolwut. Women backstab far more than men. They're great at intrigue.

In a weird paradox the best boss I ever had was a woman. and the worst I ever hand was a man. But in general women are bad workers and fucking terrible bosses. They don't belong in the workforce because there are a few exceptions to the rules.

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>a group of older ladies working collaboratively in a government department is probably an extremely good fit.

and people wonder why government bureaucracy is such a nightmare.

Talk about delusional.

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why does this topic get the schills THIS fucking butt mad. it's quite remarkable


How do any of them advance up the ladder with no cock to blow?

Sauce on comic?

>not using the left's retarded policies to destroy them with


>They simply react and seek out stimuli.
so basically the entire human race?


Glorius. Nice to see a dude take no shit for a change.

This is what your average government paper pusher looks like. Every time you go to the dmv, courthouse, post office, any government bureau, there's some fat black bitch half asleep behind the desk with a line of people waiting for hours.

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Post your feet whore

>m-m-muh russia!

hey, shareblue

2 dudes that dont like each other , can still get a project done in a reasonable amount of time.

Let me guess this company help promote LGBT cause?

that's some true shit there

Damn! What'd he do that for?

It's ok they were married

I got my first dose of redpill back when I was in college. In my first college, the administration was entirely middle-aged women and it was a clusterfuck. You could never get any help or any questions answered. Trying to change courses was a fucking nightmare.

Then I changed to a college with an administration that seemed like half men half women and it was pretty decent. From that point on I understood that middle-aged women are fucking useless.

At least Shaniqua from your picture has an excuse on why she's so terrible at her job, she's a low-IQ niggress. Why are even the white women so useless as well when their race gives them a clear advantage in intelligence and work ethic?

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Such bullshit. Almost every woman I know spends all day bitching about other women at work and trying to think of ways to get one over on each other. I'm glad the only ones I ever work with are bulldykes who are too worried about acting like men to be catty bitches.

women put aside their differences

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This is true, and kind of weird that I've never noticed it before. I was just at the DMV last week...and it was a fat black woman.

America is an eternal dam preventing the renewal of the ancient european tradition and perpetuating the stagnant materialism of modernity.

Well what about the ones who work at Taco Bell? They have to work with this loser all day...

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>we get so much done when the guys aren't around lol

meanwhile, the other 95% of the time

If we're gonna have these rules, they should be applied equally.

>reality is false because im a schizophrenic ideologue
go back to getting cucked because you're obviously not going to fight someone with their own tool

And she is always talking to a coworker about something stupid.

jesus christ

The reason is these buraues have to meet a certain quota of black people, and they at least have enough sense to know you can't let Shaniqua do anything important, and black men are virtually unemployable, so literally every single bullshit reception/admin job is taken by black women.

Giving women the right to vote is what started us on the path we're on.

i came

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She's a fuckin scam artist?

>never eaten $1000 sushi paid for by the casino

>that's why secretaries used to all be women.
It was a pool of young eligible women and working men
It was a match-making service disguised as a job

>they think
bb c*ck is the best thing ever

It's because of matter-of-fact women like this that I can't spend more than 5 minutes on Twitter.

Why do you think we want an equal society?

>women in their 50s
>getting the job done

Pick one and only one.



Don't say I never do anything for you.

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Lost this one, I've been looking for ages thanks

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The amount of denial/projection in those posts