Thoughts on having a woman president?

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If he switched genders, his thin skin and twitter bitchfests would actually make more sense.


canada still isnt progressive enough to reach such heights. thanks trump, for making murica great again, and for not annexing us.


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Don’t you remember when that theater group switched the Hilary and trump speeches so the Hilary ones were delivered by a man and the trump ones a woman? Everyone found the Hilary speeches started sounding shifty

You are a bigot! My trannygender autistic daughter would have something to say about that! Gays are the future! Were gonna blanket the earth and make straights go extinguished! Theirs no chance in hel your gonna tell us what to do. You thing youre specail? I cufking hate faggots! How dare you!

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Kinda hard to be the future if you can’t reproduce.

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We just had a woman Muslim POTUS. Never again!

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