Thoughts on Lincoln?

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Biggest Hypocrite and Tyrant of the 19th century. Good riddance!

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Had to rip-off Jacksonian policies to secure the vote.

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I will say that he was the most successful fashy dictator of all time. Hands down.

One of the greatest presidents in American history, and any American who doesn't think so isn't a patriot.

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The Civil War was about freeing the slaves the way the Iraq War was about freeing Iraqis.

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Lincoln and his nasty fistful of generals freed the slaves and let them run amok. His negro troops raped white women.

Looks like a monkey.

I heard he was a good wrestler and a decent vampire hunter.

We fought Hitler. He was the most anti-American leader imaginable.

maybe gay but not as gay as Buchanan

He should of finished the fucking job and deported the blacks out of America and back to Africa.

5.5/10 He tried.

No German ever called me honkey.

The deportation is the biggest Lincoln meme in the universe. Lincoln was only going to send blacks who wanted to leave and most didn't and he had trouble getting public support for it even in the north.

Good intentions, shit execution and/or played political too much to create controversy that people still argue "Why the civil war was started."






Hitler praised America in Mein Kampf you fucking idiot.

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Should’ve done more to avoid war, even allowing secession. The north and south would’ve eventually reunited anyway. They weren’t That culturally unsimilar.
It’s bullshit that a nation founded upon leaving another group, fought such a bloody war to stay unified.

Abolitionist bullshit was a nigger loving virus in this country from the start. Spreading it’s nigger poison on into prohibition and sufferage after it got it’s precious animalsbeasts unchained to run wild and be useless.
I’d of gave nigger slavery another 40, 60 years tops even if they’d let the south walk. That considering if they’d went imerial into south america as some have theorized. And they’d prolly of deported them to haiti or something afterwards.

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CryptoKike who literally destroyed the South and unleashed the nigger hoards. Fake assassination so he could never be held to task and made to deport them as PROMISED.

The single most destructive person in US history. Almost everything bad about America can be traced back to decisions he made.

An unparalleled leader second maybe only to George Washington in his capacity to sacrifice for the Union and on reunification insist on a policy of amnesty towards the conquered belligerents of the south.

To imagine being in his shoes and managing what he did in the length of a few short years is nothing short of an awesome ability to govern.

Shame we was assassinated. Those though who decry him as a tyrant are only fools, and be warned, they’d be a similar strain of folk who would have opposed Caesar, who was also executed by cowardly men.

Lincoln also with his humble beginnings speaks well to the stock of men who made America. You too Jow Forums could be on a track of greatness and legendary remembrance like this president.

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See: National Banking Act of 1863, he planted the seed for government backed usury

Kike shill. No proper source just some shitty jpg. Kill yourself.

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He looka like a bitch

as if lincoln gave a shit if the south was overrun by niggers, or gave a shit about the south in general

from humble beginnings... to a despotic mass murdering piece of shit

Oh for fucks sake

>planted the seed

You realize national banking isn’t the problem right? It’s privatized international banking. Also please read about the history of the USA, national banking was a back and forth topic since the founding.

Finally, why is national banking bad? Hitler did very similar tactics as Lincoln in the issuance of currency to fund the armament of Germans.

Why is this thread filled with such fucking idiots?

Fuck that nigger loving bastard. Tyrannical son of bitch. Praise to Booth for ending this asshole.

>he still views the world with no nuance
also you're wrong about the "anti-american" part you filthy dumb boomer scum

Are you a child? Casualties happen in the course of war and doubly so in the founding of States.

What is your fucking point? That Lincoln should be judged harshly or said to be injust for the casualties of the Civil War?

Are you a cucked pacifist?

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2. Hitler was also a faggot who never outlawed usury as the party had originally promised

No one should kill their brothers.

Except he did outlaw usury you faggot

>capacity to sacrifice

What the hell does that empty statement even mean? He drafted people to go fight for a cause he wanted. What’s the difference between that and well, any leader that ever existed, who conscriped young countrymen, or taxed his peasants/plebs to raise an army ever?
The country he Ruled over may have been a great people; industious, brave, nationalistic, and not the most simple minded lot ever to call themselves a nation. But that doesn’t make a leader greater by the virtues of his subjects. It just increases his potential.

You think what you like. His burning half his country down at the sacrifice of so many young men, to appease a couple nigger-loving bible thumper proto-feminists isn’t impressive to Me of his uniquely outstanding leadership. But as I said, that’s just me. I’d hope other would consider that perspective. What makes him great? Would being in a cataclysm make the person great merely from being in the middle of it?

Prove it

You said it yourself, the sacrifice of blood in order to maintain the Union.

Let’s look at this without death.

Was he able to reunite the States? Yes. Do you imagine such a task to be trivial?

Also if you believe that reunification was predicated by righting the wrong of slavery you’re wrong. There are tremendously greater reasons why you’d want the borders south of you to be under a single government, not only from a security standpoint but an economic one as well.

Stop thinking about niggers here. Don’t be foolish.

Lincoln started the war when he invaded Virginia. And before that when he supported the stealth armament of Ft Sumter by union troops. See also: the tariff of abominations. His entire platform was the destruction of the USA in favor of the federal republic of america. But lets just focus on the easily proven facts.

Only since the 1950s have people remotely believed the civil was was about slavery.

> Invade a sovereign state (Va)
> They don't like it
> Get ass kicked all over the place by rednecks
> Send biggest political rivals to fight parts of the conflict far away from the press (Grant) even if it means suffering staggering losses (Poe)
> FINALLY win a conflict against an invading force threatening to walk on your capital during an electoral year (Gettysburg)
> Seize on political opportunity to reverse horrific polling in support of the war
> Give a speech
> Allow and encourage a war on Civilians (via Grant)
> Replaced by the general you sought to suppress after being shot
> Modern 'historians' claim he was a fighter for justice and not a barely competent totalitarian

congrats on being a fucking moron

He nationalized the entire banking system and managed all issuance of currency under his State.

> Hitler and the National Socialists, who came to power in 1933, thwarted the international banking cartel by issuing their own money. In this they took their cue from Abraham Lincoln, who funded the American Civil War with government-issued paper money called "Greenbacks."


> he temporarily rescued Germany from English economic theory — the theory that money must be borrowed against the gold reserves of a private banking cartel rather than issued outright by the government.

You’re actually a piece of shit for acting like Hitler supported usury and you’re probably a jew.

Please, consider suicide.

Ellen Brown, August 9th, 2007

He was our first president with a beard, and if you looked at the guy without one you'd know why.

>current year
>there are still people that defend lincoln

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Wow so Civil War is a bloody conflict amongst countrymen? That’s your fucking argument?

So because there was death Lincoln is a tyrant? Was Caesar a tyrant for waging a civil war in Rome?

Why do you ignore the very real importance in regards to maintaining a continental power and Union?


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>he doesn't even know what usury is
How embarrassing
If my modern historians since the 1950s you mean the Confederates themselves in the 1860s then yes

>makes false claim
>gets called out
>asks for source
>gets source
>rejects source

This is the most jew of behavior. By all means, prove me wrong. You can’t.

Usury (/ˈjuːʒəri/)[1][2] is, as defined today, the practice of making unethical or immoral monetary loans that unfairly enrich the lender. Originally, usury meant interest of any kind.
>thinks paper money makes a difference
>calling anyone else a Jew the land of Martin Luther...gtfo

Two words

>So because there was death Lincoln is a tyrant? Was Caesar a tyrant for waging a civil war in Rome?
Go ask Maryland.

> Send biggest political rivals to fight parts of the conflict far away from the press (Grant) even if it means suffering staggering losses (Poe)

McClellan was his biggest political rival (and opponent in the 1864 election), and he tasked him with defending Washington and commanding the Eastern theater.

>FINALLY win a conflict against an invading force threatening to walk on your capital during an electoral year (Gettysburg)

What is Antietam?

> Allow and encourage a war on Civilians (via Grant)

That was Pope, then Grant (via Sherman)

Trivial, no. Able to be done without a civil war? Absolutely. The very reasons you state, economics a prime topic, are precisely why I think a diplomatic reunification would be an inevitability.

I personally don’t think slavery was wrong, anyway. Because I completely don’t care about niggers. They should be slaves. They Should be doing manual labor. Else they should go ungah bunga in the congo. They can’t be anything but a curse otherwise. But, most people don’t see things the way I do, they want “muh freedom” even for niggers too, and abolition was the cultural zeitgeist of the time. I believe it would of happened, even in a seceded South. Only a generation or two later. Particularly if the north showed itself to be more economically successful over time, which it already was, without Slavery.

You worry about solidarity as if the South couldn’t handle Poncho, when it showed it could well oppose the North, or that either nation wouldn’t of been on the other’s side in the event of some outside invasion. Which again would’ve just been all the more reason for reunification. The U.S. at the time was heavily americas-centric. There’d be little reason they’d become More belligerent to one another if southern secession would of taken place.

The civil war was a pointless conflict that never should of happened. If Lincoln was a good leader he’d of told abokitionists to fuck off and started negotiations for reuniting the country peacefully. They’d of paid off by 1920 and we’d of never started down the path of nigger rights, feminism, moral panic and communist sedition in the following years after. ALL of that started, from the coddling of the very bastards that caused the war and stoked the fires of southern secession in the first place.

Lincoln was of course motivated by absolutely nothing in this case and the general tension between North and South was not caused by differences of opinion on any particular institution.

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I think slavery was responsible for the backwardness of the South technologically but all Blacks should've been deported to Africa en masse. Now Yankees get stabbed by Dindoos.

I’ve heard this argument and I used to adhere to it myself, but now I’m... skeptical. It just sounds too feelgood bullshitty. I mean why did the cotton gin become invented? Just get more niggers. Such issues could be solved by regulating what fields of work niggers could take part in. Do maids or farmhands truly innovate? Would society be worse off if that maid the nigger replaced had to do something else similarly simple? Let them do such tasks. Having a nigger “gopher” assitant to lug heavy stuff after you’ve whipped his yearly feed out of him like a horse plowing it’s own oatfield doesn’t sound like it’s going to stop the invention of penicillin or some guy coming up with a more efficient ball bearing for some assembly line station to produce more efficiently. Feel free to disagree but I’m just not convinced anymore. Just sounds like a meme for muh freedom advocates. It’s just a hypothesis. It could just be wrong.

You see, slavery benefited the highest classes, who ideally didn't want heavy machinery operating in their green and pleasant land, they didn't want trains waking them in their manor house nor did they want black soot tainting their white Georgian houses, you could argue Slavery is Eco-Freindly. Basically slavery cultivates a certain almost luddite mindset naturally.

Essentially the American version of Bashar al-Assad. If every there was a true tyrant in the White House, it would be him.

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I'm anti negro-slavery for practical and demographic purposes but Lincoln was a crazed tyrant who had to be stopped.

You are a goddamn retard not everyplace can be a factory powerhouse not every little town can be a pittsburgh. The reason why the south was not technological was because it was barely settled you dumb shit many of the states were less than 50 years old. Hell Florida didn't even have 100k ppl before the civil war. You gonna start a factory there well guess what all the raw material is on the north so you are gonna mine the iron in the north then transport it all the way down south to your factory or build the factory near the mine and a larger population center. Next time think before you post.

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Consider this, you need education to operate machinery, with education you get the better of your masters. The South was little settled because Slavery took away manual jobs from potential immigrants from Europe. I did think this through and I stand by my previous statement, you can't pass a certain milestone with slavery, unless the slavery is compartmentalized like the Ottoman system and even then it still lagged behind Western Europe.

Thus always death to tyrants!


Rotting in hell along with MLK

WHAT FUCKING EDUCATION ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!! You talking like some boomer piece of shit. Shoveling coal into a furnace doesn't need a literate person nor sewing a garment. Here's an article saying that half of all southerners were literate even back then they had enough education for the times and enough of a talent pool to draw from.


Why work on someone else's farm when you can have your own land was that cheap. No anglo wanted to work for someone else. We tried the irish next, but they fucked off to the cities leaving the farms blending in. We tried natives, but they fucked off into the woods joining other tribes. Thats why we used black slavery because there was no other option.

jesus fuck I'm glad he was shot in the head.

Because you're a kike

No one from the North was willing to help out the South before the war broke out, I mean there should've been a federal drive like there was in the Midwest. I think the Mit'a system worked perfectly well for the Incas for instance where you divide the labor between the populace for each administrative region. Also no need for Negros.'a

>gov't should just print money so we can spend it all and then we can just focus on like politics n stuff
yeah, I am jewish.

Also I blame the Dominionship of Ohio for the ills of the South. Even today it holds disproportionate power.

Do you realize that the Federal Reserve is what keeps you enslaved? Do you not want the Treasury to contorl our monetary system? EIther you're fucking retarded or you're a kike. Pick one.

yeah make a bunch of people go down south and work a plantation that will enrich someone else thats not asking for a giant rebellion. Stop typing you are embarrassing yourself.

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That I can agree with fuck Ohio.

No I want money to be stable
i.e. not fucking controlled

Awesome liberal hero.

Yeah you're a kike. I can't wait for Israel to get wiped out this month. Hopefully you're not an American and you just have a proxy and you're actually in Israel. That way you can die.


I'm excited for that too, why do you think "the treasury" wouldn't do the exact same thing that the fed is doing now?

He had Sherman as a general. Sherman burned shit. He understood to get the rebels to fall to their knees was to fuck up civilians.

Nowadays people are so lazy, work will do them good, I can testify myself work did me good. By the way it isn't even full time, it's seasonal. You probably work less in Mit'a in a year than in a U.S. state.

Holy shit I never noticed that Lincoln was sitting on the fascist logo thing

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>Holding a Fasci
>Kept America united
>Hitlerian economics

Absolutely based.
(And I had an ancestor who fought as a general for the Union so suck it)

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It needs breaking. Morally, ethically, spiritually. It just needs breaking.

Most of the time that doesn't work ask Churchhill in WW2 or the chinese during WW2, Soviets during Afghan, and a whole bunch of other times. The south lost because of shit leadership General Lee was a shit general.

Aggressive tyrant
never even sent the niggers back so also a liar

The people back then revolted because of some moderate taxes and rare times brits staying in their house. plus people had these things call rights in the 1700's.

My understanding is he was cool with slavery staying in the south. He just didn't want it expanding to the west.

The fasces represents centralized unity of spiritual and temporal power.

Mit'a is a labour tax. Basically you get goodies from the local authority by contributing labour within a certain age range. If you don't put in, you don't get given. It's negro and gimmegrant repellent.

I agree that slavery should be compartmentalized, but I also don’t think the insistitution of slavery was what held back the ottomans.
Being semites held back the ottomans.
Here is my perspective. What Causes innovation? To me it’s more then Need. People “need” to be able to genie-wish anything they want into existence via some startrek materializer. It’s more than that. It’s more than necessity.

To me it seems innovation happens, in a situation of high iq + wherewithal + freedom + cultural encouragement for ambition + neccesity + personal gain.
You won’t innovate without all of those. Medieval peasants weren’t less in iq potential than whites today. But they kicked dirt clods same as any brown person. Because they lacked in other respects.
People whose jobs are service or promary production tier aren’t the ones that innovate. If society has an extra pile of bricks some niggers built, I doubt a brick press is not going to be invented because some laborer had to work at a steel mill instead. He wasn’t the one that was going to invent it. Some entrepreneur was. And would have anyway.

Goddamnit does anyone bother to learn Latin anymore?

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Anyone who PO the Rothschilds enough to get murdered by them is a hero to me.

Lincoln refused to pay the 24-36% interest rates NYC banks were demanding to finance the war, so he printed DEBT-FREE currency which became known as 'greenbacks,' due to their color.
And by doing so, signed his own death warrant.

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Nice digits! Though I feel slavery causes malaise within the major sectors, perhaps it's a Human fault we haven't been able to overcome yet. I can just imagine a slaveholder just saying "fuck it" over a train or combine harvester because his negro wasn't able to work it, and wasn't allowed access to the knowledge to work it.

He was a kike change agent that used the civil war to usher in corporate slavery. All of the evils of the 20th century come from the America built after the Civil War.

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