President Trump is literally the American stereotype

>heavy set
>blue eyes
>likes burgers
>insanely rich

all he needs is guns and he's all set

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He concealed carries all the time. And yes. That's why he's president.

>has military
>has nuke button
He’s set.

I call bullshit. I think he made that up. Doesn't matter either way

Why does he eat the fries first I wonder?

Don't forget brutally honest

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I think it's because he noticed a camera on him and a photo of him mid biting a Big Mac wouldn't be the most flattering image

Indeed, Trump's presidency will usher in the golden age of the Aryan superhuman.

>American president is an american.
The shock! The horror!!! Is like an other shoa.

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He's 6'3"

He's an even bigger New Yorker stereotype. The only thing that counters hollow Hollywood faggotry.

im 6 4 so hes basically a manlet

Not enough. To be patriotic, we ought to amend the US constitution to allow Trump to become chancellor for life.

you forgot
>works for jews
>pretends he doesn't

Mcdonalds fries are best hot, the question should be who doesnt eat them first

Because McDonald's fries taste the best when they're hot. When they cool off they taste like shit.

Fucking manlet.
6'5" master race.

it's very rare to see a dude who's over 6'5" that's not black or arab

that's nice, calling blacks and arabs the master race

It’s a shame he actually hates guns, or at best doesn’t care for them one way or another

they honestly don't cool off that fast though. depending on how they were cooked and how fast he eats, he could have finished 3/4 of the big mac before the fries were cold

Trumo is the beast of the bible Mc"Donalds" is actually referring to Donald Trump

Ronald McDonald = Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump

how could they think they could get away with this?

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I eat the burger with the fries. Eat some fries, then take a bite out of the burger, etc

Retarded, illogical, and untrue. You should be castrated.

Guns are for poor to middle class people. The rich pay other people to have guns for them.

you know it's the truth bud

depends on what I'm craving at the moment

sometimes I eat more of the burger and sometimes I eat more of the fries

sometimes when I have a shake i save the fries for last so i could dip them in the shape


>know you're being spied on, because you were briefed on the likes of things like the FISA court
>openly allow your lawyer to record you talking about paying sluts to fuck them
>cohen willingly throws himself under the bus, probably as planned

Stormy daniels now linked to LXIVM by means of branding that she had tattoos to cover it up...didn't work. Now she has to get divorced so her husband cant legallt testify

This shit is just too good guys. We really are in the best timeline of our lives

That's okay, when SHTF body guards are useless against guerilla tactics. Bombs, IEDs, and militias picking off these pussies will demoralize them in a time where money is no longer any use to them and staying alive is simply more important

>being under 7'1
fucking manlet subhumans

tfw 6'6 and surrounded by 6'5 manlets who think they're tall

>not being 9 foot gigantism master race
Kill yourself midget

You don't?

Donald Trump received a concealed-carry permit from New York City and owns handguns, but he hasn’t emphasized it since taking office.

He does my dude

any burger worth eating requires two hands to hold

He said in an interview he carries a Smith and Wesson, or sometimes an HK.

Because he isn't a barbarian

You forgot fat.

>is from jew york city

Yeah no

I like how he's right handed but eats fries with his left. I'm the same way with any grabby food like that.

Which part is bad?

Just imagine the votes if he killed a fanatic Democrat coming at him with a gun.

that's incredibly sweet of you.


Jow Forums even was saying in 2015 he epitomized much of America's self image and dreams.

Why do you think we elected him

He is one of the few New Yorkers to have a concealed carry license, and he has a Smith and Wesson .38 snubnose he carries, though apparently he sometimes carries a .45ACP HK

But does he pick produces?

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Can I get a sauce on Trump talking bout packing heat? If so he really is God Emperor

Would you guys recommend a revolver or semi automatic for my first pistol ?

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God Hillary was such a good secretary of state. It's insane how she has been smeared. Just go read her wikipedia page and go from there. She seriously did so much amazing stuff.
You're so totally right about her ability to kick Putin around. She was such a boss!
Another thing that I always found impressive was her work with women in afganistan. She was able to get female into the Afghan police force! The men wouldn't search women so and it was so easy for the Taliban to use women as suicide bombers.
Hillary got the Afghans to accept women into their ranks to solve this issue.
Hillary is/was a serious champion. Trump aside we lost so much opportunity not electing her

butthurt brown gene scum can't wait until they take over by sheer numbers and start killing off the white race....who will you sponge off then?

Yeah man. What a loss for us all. It was her turn. You guys could have shown to other country how feminist you are by electing a woman instead of an orange cheetos. But the peasants have chosen hate over love. Meanwhile, all educated city people voted for Hillary. It makes me so angry about rural and suburban retards. Why are they so ignorant, why are they voting against their own economic interest. They probably are not educates enough to read books like harry potter to realize how trump is like voldemort. Seriously Trump was fun for memes and all but we can let this guy get the nuclear codes. Anyway, I feel sleepy now..

You forgot to mention that he supports Israel like any other developed human.

I can't wait the total annihilation of useless parasites (American goyim) on the Jewish inventions such as internet and Google.

>all he needs is guns and he's all set
I thought everyone knew he has CC permit and packs at all times.

A-fucking-men brother.
I'll admit, I wasn't very informed going into 2015. I got swept up in the anti-Hillary histeria.
After she got the nomination, I figured I better read about her as part of my reeducation (read: forgetting everything I learned in Iowa high school and learn the actual truth).
One well written and well sourced article in, and I went from despising her to agreeing she'd be a good president.
Two more and I loved her.
Dozens more, if not hundreds since and I think that woman is probably the smartest and most capable person to ever serve the executive branch.
She is a goddamn work horse, a stone cold policy wonk with a capital W, outwitted by none and out-manuevered by less. She could take more punches than Ali and do it while planning her nect move the whole time.
Add to that all her experience from not only being the wife of the most powerful man on earth, but serving as one of our greatest secretary of states ever.
People like to say that if she had been elected, Republicans would've stonewalled her into being a one term president where nothing got done.
Fucking nah. She would've had those across the aisle working with her out of sheer respect alone, and if they didn't she'd make em choke on their fucking words until their ass was replaced.
Oh, what could've been.

How do you switch IDs so quickly?

He does not pretend he does not
Incels on Jow Forums pretend he does not. Trump himself is a proud Zionist and has a Jewish granddaughter, you know. Americans are usually openly Zionist

You forgot
>Cheats on wife
>Supports the LGBT "community"
>Subservient to Israel

>president of the united states of america
>needs guns

>Supports the LGBT "community"

His suit is tailored for concealed carry.
Also for his golf swing.

He has a CCW, what are you talking about?