
Having to call them "Ma'am".
The absolute state of the west.

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imagine calling them a nigger then running away haha lol

I wish the next US Civil War would finally kick off.

>running away


Thought it was a big nono to make political statements in uniform.

Laws to apply to minorities. Stop thinking the rules apply to anyone but white men.

>getting in trouble in the military

>implying these sheboons are going anywhere except to rear-echelon HR supply units

why are they even there in the first place

Well if you pick the right MOS you won't have to call them a damn thing.
Only negress personnel I ever run into are support.

Supply chain all day everyday. Full of sheboons.

Officers on top of that. An officer basically has to either commit a felony, or piss off a higher officer to get into trouble in the army, and quite often they don't even in those cases.

god damn sheboons cant stop climbing around railing like a pack of apes as usual

It's pretty much the DMV of the Army

Because the military needs its pokemon points just like every other institution needs them and putting the animals in the least necessary units instead of on the front lines is how you limit the amount of damage they can cause.

There are literally entire units that have been invented for the sole purpose of giving the Army's most troublesome minorities busy work to do.

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I dont understand how every fortune 500 is still buying the fucking diversity and inclusion meme. Its nothing but hiring shitty workers and the PR isnt anywhere near worth it

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It's bad PR not to, very bad PR

Subverting white society is priceless.

it's pretty much required by nondiscrimination laws. like inviting a lawsuit if you don't.

we obbicers now

>imagine calling them a nigger then running away haha lol
Imagine them catching up with you and crushing you with their amazing pelvic strength.

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I wouldn't want to get snu snu'd by any of them tho

>I wouldn't want to get snu snu'd by any of them tho
Who would you most like to get snu snu'd by? (pic related)

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hiring that many useless and negligent niggers is inviting a lawsuit as well

>using sir or ma'am ever
Only subservient neutered weaklings address people in this way.

I'll take the lil guy over the baboon any day, not even homo trust me on this one my dudes

>I'll take the lil guy over the baboon any day, not even homo trust me on this one my dudes
>no homo

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>Having to call them "Ma'am".
As long as they use a strapon, I don't have a problem with this.