It's Over

It's Over

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he is a jew

We've known about this for more than a year

Oh shit it's as though collusion and treason were actually happening!!!!

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Your mother must be so proud of you Moishe

Look at this wafer thin bullshit, disgusting. Informative? Fuck no. Sage this stupid ass thread.

How dare you not love our Russia installed puppet government?

>Chicago 30 degrees.
Hmm this must be brand new

I could make a better shop than this, holy fuck.

Holy fuck all the Russian trolls and shills with proxies itt

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Holy fuck. Global businessmen do business with a large superpower. Muhpeach!

If we find out where you live. How long do you think you could run from us in the woods while screaming Russian collusion before we catch you and peel the skin off your face?

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If Sater wasn't a corrupt glownigger he might actually have been the downfall of Trump.


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you mean the asset that the Obama administration planted in the Trump campaign to spy on the opposition party?
I sure as hell hope that everyone involved with spying on American Citizens all the way up to Obama himself hang for this

wow shekelberg, thank you for adding so much to the debate with this informative infographic, you are a credit to the hasidic cause.

Please go on some kind of mountain dew and meth based race purge right before the elections. That'll really stop the blacks from turning out to vote.

I wonder how many times this BS will get said after congress changes hands?

Now now that isn't necessary. We can just tie him upside down in the woods until a group of Night Jews finds him, they'll take care of the rest

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Maybe they will chimp out after we fire muh Russia Mueller sessions and rosenkike. Will you protest da oligarchy collusion of bonald brumpf?

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hows that do anything for you since you cant flip the senate. Lots of jerking off in your future.

What the fuck is that video

>To: Michael Cohen

I’d love to see all the other correspondence that’s related to this email. I could email you with explicit details on how to murder your wife, but that doesn’t mean you have any intent or need.

Of all the circumstantial evidence, this one is pretty damning. But until I see other emails related to this one, I call fake news.

its a COINCIDENCE, you racist

Just moloch ceremony for ze gollum to come to life.

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Some scheming Jew wrote an email to another scheming Jew. Amazing.

Jews are so amazing and powerful.

You know the investigation would still continue even if those men were fired right?

What do you mean can't? It's possible.

The goal is to find evidence that Trump directly engineered the help.

Not that outsiders did and Trump happened to be the lucky one to get it.

This, fake, email shows that you don't know what your own goal even is.

Literally who?

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Every fucking time.. This is getting so tiring.

>But Sater, who was born in the Soviet Union and moved to the US as a child, said Friday that he did not have connections to Putin's government — though he insisted his statements weren't just hype.

>"At the end of the day, I'd start finding people that knew Putin," Sater said. "I'd start finding people that could get Donald on top of this project. I would have, believe me, turned over every rock to make sure everyone was involved."

>Sater denied there was ever any money exchanged or any effort to build a relationship between Putin's allies and the Trump Organization as part of the project.

>"To my knowledge and anything I was involved with, absolutely not," he said.

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the goal is to be the longest diversion in history. its been going on for two years now with no end in sight. once you realize that obama's admin has been doing shit like this since 08 the scope of that niggers and the democrats subversion is enough to give you chills.

Some dipshit that was asked to look into building a trump tower in 2015 in moscow. The deal fell through, likely because this guy is nuttier than squirrel shit.


>being a literal retarded teenage redditor

Kys my man

Not shopped. Literally one deranged shit head that's likely the only thing linking Trump to Russia.. whom doesn't actually know anyone in Putin's government... and is an FBI asset and former mobster.

>my ass

>they want to claim this has been a long planned thing
>decades in the making based on former business deals
>some random dude emails his lawyer the november after he announced his runnning

>race purge

I love how white liberals always think that they'd just go blissfully ignored. He was talking directly to you. We hate you more than we hate anything else.

I'll take the end of Obamas deepstate for 800 trebek after we declassify fisa redactions democrats literally have no Russian collusion to lean on. What will it be then media matters? Campaign finance violations? Lol you mean Obamas bigger crime then trumps? I'll take whores blackmailing the president for 800 trebek. Half the country is willing to murder the other half in their gun free metropolises full of black genocide..... X y z is ready to end trumps presidency any day now. We're waiting to shine the light on the redactions. Why are you so afraid of the truth? You got your fisa warrant passed and spied for two years why no evidence :(. Fusion GPS setting up trump tower meetings and having Carl Berenstain lie to half America is really fucking funny. History is going to show you in a poor light unless Google changes the Wikipedia cuck boy.

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A Russian spy denied being a Russian spy.
You must have the cock hunger of Alex Jones.

People say it's called a slow moving coup. I guess that's for people who have dyslexia or don't use adderall. I call it a coup. We should all buy ammo and prepare for civil war turning into race war. Don't be stupid this was the end game since the inception of our country.

FBI asset Russian spy mobster... Wow that's so convoluted it has to be true.

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Another CIA good'ol'boy. Jesus Christ.. It's amazing, every Russian Trump ever communicated with seemed to be on the FBI or CIA payroll! WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!?

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That is how flipping a witness works. Get a criminal to get you a bigger criminal.
You kids larp as retards now.

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Trump is done, and Pence goes with him.

Bernie Sanders still has an actual chance.

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prouder than you, Ahmed

basically this

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>Needing to flip witnesses with a special counsel
Sounds like an investigation looking for a crime. There should be some semblance of evidence a crime occurred for a special counsel to be called.

It's pretty insane. It's a made-up crime of a made-up story that it's a mess so jumbled not even a schizo could follow along with it, yet the media pumps this shit out like crazy and an uncomfortably huge amount of people just fall for it hook line and sinker.

This is so obviously not about "restoring our democracy" and just about trying to pin down Trump because he beat them at their own game that it's laughable, at least it would be if the extent of their evil wasn't so overt.

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Bernie is not speaker of the house. Learn the constitution slav shill.

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even if a video emerges of Putin throating that faggot you would still excuse this.
Why do you think all those people are gone?
Manafort got literally millions via backchannels in Ukraine to buy a nice villa in Florida, he doesn't even deny the uberpapertrail this amateur left when doing it, go to sleep drunk boomer

he looks like smiling goebels

There's nothing linking any of this bullshit together. It's just an attempt to keep the words "Trump" and "Russia" in the headlines until 2020.

>those last couple frames

trump will learn to hate jews even more

>made-up crime
Treason is now a made up crime. That alt-right cock hunger has you thinking like a naughty tbabe.

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digits confirm hermaphrodite rimming fixation

I think I've officially lost track of their conspiracy theory.

Manafort was always a piece of shit. He worked on the campaign for 5 months. He also got busted doing shit years before Trump even considered running for President. What does Manafort's crime have to do with Trump?

Every single person on Mueller's hit list have been hit with process crimes "lying to an FBI agent during an interview, when they weren't told they were being interviewed" and admitting to things that are not crimes to avoid the MSM butt fucking.

you guys are still too easy to spot, try again schlomo

Waite double agents? Christopher Steele being represented by Adam waldman who is also being repped by oleg Depriska? What's that deepstate colluding lying media? Oleg gets a visa? What's that deepstate media oleg wants to testify without immunity but was blocked by Mark Warner from the senate? What's that Andy mcgabe oleg told his boy Solomon he laughed two Fbi agents out of the door for trying to coerce oleg into lying about Russian collusion with manafort and Donald trump? What's that Fbi Mueller used oleg and oleg 25 million to try to retrieve Levinson in Iran but Hilarys state department said no at the last minute to preserve her precious Iran deal? What's that Nellie orh was working on the fake dossier? What's that Steele wanted oleg off the magnistky act? What's that fusion GPS meets Russian lawyer before and after the meeting and two people in the actual room have undeniable proof of ties to Hilary Clinton? Why would Mueller not want oleg Depriska involved? Why would Mueller not interview oleg Depriska? Why would Mueller go after manafort and look a blind eye to podesta? Can you say prepare for civil war 2.0. Fucking with constitutional republics tends to piss off the people you really don't wanna piss off.

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The shills are scared..

Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC gives $12 million to their attorneys Perkins Coie
Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump during the campaign
Fusion GPS hired former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump
Christopher Steele created a fake dossier and delivered it to Fusion GPS
Nellie H. Ohr worked for Fusion GPS at time of the dossier creation
Nellie Ohr passed the fake dossier to her husband Bruce Ohr at the FBI
Bruce Ohr was the associate attorney general with the U.S. Department of Justice
*** Bruce Ohr was later demoted twice by the Justice Department for failing to disclose that his wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS ***
The unvetted and unverified dossier was presented to a Federal judge and used to obtain warrants
The application for the warrant included the dossier and a Yahoo News article as evidence
(Think about that - only an unvetted fake dossier and a fake internet news article to spy on the President)

It gets weirder...
Yahoo News was one of 5 companies briefed by Fusion GPS about the fake dossier
The fake dossier was the premise for writing the news article that was used to corroborate the dossier itself - circular referencing, not corroborating at all
The FBI purposely omitted the fact that the dossier was paid for by Clinton and the DNC to the court
The FBI purosely misled the judge to belive the Yahoo news article was supporting evidence when they knew it was not
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA) issued a warrant to spy on the President
A fake dossier and a fake internet news article were enough to illegally surveil the President of the United States
This is worse than "collusion," this is the stuff spy movies are made of
This is what we call treason

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You don't understand the US justice system. The burden of proof is high, and patriot war hero Mueller is taking his job seriously.
In your country Putin farts and someone dies. Backwards 3rd-world shit hole.
Back to shill school Ivan.

Show me the email where Trump is agreeing with Sater or Cohen to do anything.

>Hey, OP, if Trump wins his second term I can arrange a sweetheart deal for us on some property in Bejing.

so i though about something.
lets say in a bizzaro world trump actually "colluded" with russia.
what does he have to gain from it?
its not like he lacks finance or needs any money himself how the fuck can he benefit in any way from russian collusion?

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>Chinese troll at it again
Fuck off you pinko chinko. Mueller is a fucking RINO piece of shit linked to the bullshit invasion in Iraq, botched investigations into the Clintons involving uranium 1, etc. etc.

>you guys are still too easy to spot, try again schlomo
Hi Dmitri. Your proxy doesn't fool me. Obvious shilling is obvious.

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Trump, Acosta, Epstien, Dershowitz
How are they related? That isn't some convoluted bullshit story like what you are spinning.

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At the very end of the article
>Sater denied there was ever any money exchanged or any effort to build a relationship between Putin's allies and the Trump Organization as part of the project.

>chink hiding his flag
You faggots are the worst.

keep it going, I want them to waste time thinking all this is working, less time for them to build up a candidate for 2020 to oppose Trump.

what did he get that money for? What about the rest like Flynn and whatnot..literally nobody from his campaign is still in the WH, don't be naive.
Also look at what happens to your country:
deeply divided, western allies BTFO, americans BTFO in Syria, TTIP (which was meant to contain the russians / chinese) cancelled, retarded rust belt boomers helping russian deep state to dismantle your own, sown mistrust in federal institutions, sown mistrust into media..user, you are literally traitors if you don't see that all of this is FSB agenda.
Not gonna lie: I admire Putin for wrecking you faggots like that.

It's Over



Only the Russians are still perusing that retarded "hurr durr it was the chinks the whole time" narrative.
No white person believed that for a second. Slavs are not white.

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One word. Podesta. Faggot

Treason for what? Winning at exposing your weak ass coup. What's next leaking trumps tax returns lol. You don't have jack shit for collusion please indict Roger stone so I can laugh my ass off harder. Please I'm begging you prove the dumb trumptards wrong. You can't and you won't be able too. We will still kill you even if you do.

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>Literally old news from over a year ago
Wow, you shills must be desperate after the Bruce Ohr piece fell down. Despite NYT trying to spin that story of Bruce and Chris being buds against the ebil Russians, you fucked up and basically gave the world a view now into how Oleg never was involved, and wanted to testify AGAINST them to let people know the whole plot. Even NYT is sensing the end of this road, hence the article.

Congrats, I hope they hang you all from lampposts.
Oh, BTW did they freeze Brock’s Head after he stroked out?

A spy denied spying. Like OMG kek. For reals totes bros.
Fucking tardos.

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Oh my god you guys. Okay, now this is epic.

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The rare night jew, like it says

>One word. Podesta. Faggot
Trump, Acosta, Epstien, Dershowitz
Real and worse

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Do you think Melania will divorce Trump when he is in jail? I wonder if their "marriage" contract has any stipulations about that kind of stuff

>pinko chink larping as concerned muhammad
I have no idea what the fuck you're going on about. Calm the fuck down Ming.
Flynn is one of the "process crimes for not knowing he was being interrogated by a federal agent because they didn't announce it as an interrogation." It's incredibly fucked up and they keep on delaying his trial so he can't sue the fucking shit out of them for this blatantly illegal bullshit.

>Chicago 30°

You still put trust in that psy op?
You got played and there is nothing else to blame but your sub-saharan education user.
Why do you think nobody in Europe believes in your retarded Q meme, boomer?

spotted the proxy russian

Shills are buttblasted by the Bruce Ohr piece at NYT backfiring and essentially spilling the beans on their dog and pony show.

Pay no attention to the desperate attempts to reclaim any narrative

Around the same time agents started getting compromised and killed all around China. Weird!

Chinks are our best yellow friend. They would never lie and blame their crimes on the perpetually shit-faced russians.

dat underboob

I read all of that in Rogers stone voice imagining him sitting with putin laughing while oleg is in the back playing pool/throwing darts at a picture of James comeys face. While sipping white Russians of course. You missed the nsa Mike Rodgers and the 85% search queries that were illegal and used for opposition research. Either threw Fbi or fusion GPS. Even worse if Fbi given access. Even funnier if fusion GPS did it

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>Literally a meme flag.

Even if you're larping as a fucking retard it's bad. Saged.

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>Putin is one step away from anybody doing business in Russia

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this is some 6 degrees of separation shit

Why the foreign flag chink? You can't get proxies in the US to shill on?

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non-authentic and homosexual

Flyn and what not? Like papadoupoulis. Those faggots didn't do shit. Flyn didn't even lie and pappy got 10 grand from a literal cia spy faggot. Russian collusion narrative is going to earn you a bullet to the forehead my friend.

>sales puffery = treason