Jow Forums, Why do you hate Jews?
Why should I hate Jews?
Jow Forums, Why do you hate Jews?
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They're the same race as you Mongoloid, although they have more Negroid DNA but their skulls are still in the Mongoloid type making them Asiatics.
Jews run the media, banks, universities, financials and law firms, why wouldn't I hate them?
Because they are literally Vampires and thieves. The masses are awakening to the origins of adrenochrome.
The tales of vampires described long nosed, nomadic merchants who would leave you alone if you gave them a silver coin.
They have been kicked out of almost every country until they rewrote the history books. They are responsible for most of the slave trade and convince black people white people are the source of their problems when it was really them.
Read Culture of Critique, and know that Jews will jump ship to East Asia when the West collapses.
Unirinically your country is most antisemitism country in Asia
You should never trust ugly people. Or fat people. Or gay people. People with image issues have rotten souls. They only live to make others as miserable as them.
You don't. Jow Forums is mostly retarded and Jews are good people.