Why White Men so Shit at Friendship?

White men have no fucking clue how to stick together.
They make terrible friends and all interactions amongst them are purely circumstantial and superficial. It's all about convenience and personal benefit. They take such a hedonistic attitude toward relationships. It's such a feminine mode of thought.

The minute loyalty or effort is required White men take a huge step back. The minute a front-hole enters the picture White men will stab each other in the back.

Some wonder why they're incels.
It's because you are a social zero.
You do not even register on anyone's radar.
And women are very sensitive to social dynamics.
Your solitary existence FORCES you to be beta.

But that's the least reason to socialize.
Male solidarity is the foundation of strength and civilization.
It's no shock to me to see Western civilization failing.
And I don't view it as a tragedy.
To see such a self-indulgent and hedonistic "culture" perish is a very good thing.

I guarantee this because as a White man who grew up on three different continents I have met a wide variety of people. I was even friends with someone in a certain Muslim royal family.

And in these places friendship has a VERY different feel to it. I go back to some of these places after 10 years of absence and people still remember me with the same warmth and affection from where we left off.

There is zero chance of such bonding in a dog-eat-dog consumerist pigsty of a "culture".
> tl;dr muh western civilization DESERVES to FAIL.

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Other urls found in this thread:

internationaleducation.gov.au/research/International-Student-Data/Documents/MONTHLY SUMMARIES/2017/Dec 2017 MonthlyInfographic.pdf

I wonder if an abbo has ever posted here.

this is more of a young australian living in a big city thing then an white men thing. Australians are seen as being distant and cold by foreigners but I think this only applies mainly to the younger generations in the big cities

I’ve only had this issue with liberal dudes OP. Which explains the “acting like women” thing.

Didn't I mention my ethnicity in my OP, or can you just not read?

Conservative "men", whatever the fuck that means, have epically failed this social game as well.
The proof is Western civilization.
You would never be ruled by jews under a feminist and multiracial totalitarian state if pockets of principled men existed amongst you.
The only thing conservatives are good at is ceding to liberals and talking vacuous bullshit about muh traditional values n sheeeit.

Urban living is the norm, so what I stated is a good generalization of white men.
Perhaps country folk are more sincere and honourable.
I would not know.
But it makes no difference to the norm.

Here is what male solidarity accomplishes:
> Chechnya post-Soviet secessionist state
> 1/10th the size of Britain
> BTFOs Russia, 1/6th the world's landmass
> Putin must bribe them not to secede again
These people have far more honour and loyalty than Western men.
Be glad they don't emmigrate to the West, coz they would make Rotherham look like polite flirtation.
That's what solidarity accomplishes.
> inb4 b-but that's socialism!!
Lol cuckold lol

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Is there anything on this earth more pathetic than the well-domesticated normiefag on his suburban feedlot to which he is enslaved, forcing his failed children through the same pathetic (((cycle)))?
It's the "I got mine, fuck everyone else" mentality of these selfish faggots which has utterly destroyed our society.

Quality post

An Unironically accurate red pill from a nigger

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>shit posting about chechens
>hates white people
Clearly you have never heard of WW2 I’m sure if white men started marching sandnigger mutts like you back to Chechnya you’d figure out a way to make that out to be (((lacking solidarity))).

Put another kiwi on the ute, luv

>White men have no fucking clue how to stick together.

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Lol ur liberal indoctrination is showing leaf
> appraisal = hate
You think like a feminist
Le leaflet
And no, I'm not a mutt.
Didn't I make that clear in my OP, or don't they teach you to real properly in Canada?

What sort of argument is money supposed to be?
Are you jewish?
Treat life like a vending machine?
Lol (((burger)))

Shove another burger in ur mouth mutt

Feels bad, Straya.
I can confirm your findings, though.
Nigger worship sessions are the most important thing to most of them.
It would help if men could exclude women from anything at all. I was in a male only military unit, combat engineers. When we transitioned to a construction unit, females arrived. The pussy chasing commenced and the work and camaraderie went to crap.

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Because women have and always will actually have the power in society, and once women decided in the 60’s and 70’s that they wanted to be whores that was the end of what we knew as “western civilization”. For hundreds of years women were the wiser of the two sexes and realized that keeping men loyal and having stable relationships was extremely important for society. This was the sacrifice all women had to make, and were willing to make it. But no longer do women feel any responsibility towards society instead they just feel the need to fulfill their own selfish desires.

What a dogshit thread. Set yourself on fire.

Bullshit I've been friends with my best friend since I was 19 I'm 26 now mother fucker lives in China and we still talk all the time and started a business together
and the kicker I'm a white nationalist and he's a globalist hippie although living in China has taught him the true on other cultures and women

A rare based Aussie

Because we are "intelligent". Intelligence makes you cold and individualist, you rely only on yourself for real problems. Friends are here for fun and for entertainment, not for having your back or speaking about your problems. And yes, this is why intelligence is not something that is well suited for long term survival.

Decades of feminism and jewish media bullshit undermining male friendships and bonds as gay and faggotry. Along side destroy any and all attempts at forming male fraternities.
They demand that women must be allowed to hover over all male interactions to undermine them as much as possible.

True alpha is intelligent and sociable. Being only 1 puts you nowhere. Keep justifying your betadom. You will never be top breed incels

Bet you know all about that, huh chink?

dosent matter if white men are social zeros considering the fact that we can buy most races

>Neglects to mention the Second battle for Grozny which could be better described as the slaughter of the synthols

The Russians learned nothing from the first Chechen war.
They paid for Grozny in many buckets of blood and could only win by razing it to the ground.
Now Putin has his puppet Ramzan Kadyrov running the place, with lots of bribe money of course.
Have you seen Grozny lately?
The Russians are bribing Chechnya not to rebel, coz they're so scared of another war. Does that really sound like winning?
Imagine if the allies had to let the Germans remain National Socialists and paid Karl Dönitz to keep a lid on the place and pretty please stop invading Poland while letting Nazi gangs migrate to the US to do whatever the fuck they wanted in Boston and New York Lol

Lol and man dp you buy them hahahaha
U subsidize them lol

What's wrong; can't face the truth?
Therefore I must be a chink?
Cry harder.

Nice "friendship", sounds like the two of you are not very honest with one another lol.
Anyway, you do get the rare White guys whose friendship goes way back.
But that's the problem. It's only ever one friend and NEVER an entire group of friends that go way back.
Coz White men are incapable of loyalty.

Eh, I've had lots of different friends in my life. Everyone moves on to do their own thing eventually, and friendships just fall apart. The thing I've learned is to stay close to your family, thats a relationship that you can maintain for life.

Aww, poor burger is butthurt.
Cry harder loner faggot.
You know you want to.
I'll get out the violins.

Good points

> I've had lot's of "friends", but things fall apart. I do nothing to maintain these relationships coz everything OP said is absolutely true. I have no sense of loyalty and take a chick attitude towards friendship lol I know nothing of loyalty or honor coz I'm a selfish individual and if ever I get in a fight no one will have my back. But that's just normal! Lol
> t. leaf

Tell that to the Spartans, Macedonians, Romans, and National Socialists.

Just coz you live in a sackless feminist society doesn't mean you can project ur dysfunctional values onto the past.
The only power women ever have is what men allow them to have.
In that regard modern white men are a bunch of yellow cowards endlessly giving inches while their ill-disciplined cunt whores endlessly take miles.
If you do not grow some balls, check these silly cunts and btfo them into the kitchen then I promise you that Jsmal, Achmed, and Pedro will do it for you.
Just look at Rotherham and Cologn on New Years.
That is the future, cuck

I can tell you're young, because I thought the same when I was in my early twenties too. Fact is that people move on and get their own lives. I left most of my friends years back because all they did was play video games and drink. I was over that, so why would I still be friends with them when that's all they do? I have new friends now, but you're right, they're just friends out of convenience. I don't actually deeply care about any of them, the only people I deeply care about are my wife and my family. And that's only because I know other people just come and go, so there's no point in building a deep connection there.

Although I'm moving soon and possibly stay there for life, so I'll do some community stuff and meet people there since its likely that there will be others who are going to be living there for the rest of their lives as well. I can see building a connection then based off of that.

>talking shit about the west
>Australian flag
You're obviously a chink

>cry harder
Your whole OP is basically you crying

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boomer detected
lol believe me, there is nothing normal about ur mentality towards relationships.
I may be young, but I've spent a lot of time living with non-Westeners.
People like you are very much lone exceptions who will not last for long.
Thankfully you are a dying breed.
Unfortunately, the White race is determined to die with you.
If you do not have connections you really do have nothing in this world.
Anything material you accumulate can be taxed, spent, or depreciated down to zero. What a worthless life.
People like you are incapable of guiding your children to a better future coz the only thing a bugman understands is how to earn sheckels for Ari Goldbergmannstein.
I'd rather be poor with social connections than rich and alone.
The former will triumph over the latter.
This experiment is being carried out in the West right now.
And Whites are epically failing this game.
So much for muh IQ lol

You mistake an appraisal for crying.
Lol le burger education.
No one is doing more crying here than you.
The reason I do not give a single fuck about the West is because a lifetime of living abroad has made me realize how utterly worthless and weak this culture has become.
Western "culture" is just a nauseating pigsty of disgusting self-indulgence into the lowest vices and it offers absolutely NOTHING to its posterity.
It deserves to fail, and thankfully it is.
No one envies your drive-thru "culture" of landwhales and walmarts.
They just exploit what you foolishly offer lol
No one will shed a drop of blood to defend a McDonalds.

You talk a lot of shit for a brownie who has never been to America. And implying that you are enlightened on the whole western world just because you've traveled is absolutely pathetic. You sound like a little kid.

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>subhumans and women crying about white men getting bored by them

seriously, whenever I converse with normies in a casual manner I realize why I'm so "anti-social." It's because "small talk" and "socializing" is so fucking tiresome and meaningless that you want to kill yourself, if you have to do it too long.

It's telling how you must force yourself to believe I'm a brownie coz you are too fragile to process a simple argument.
And no, I didn't travel (lol that's what front holes do), I lived abroad.
Unfortunately no one needs to go to murica to understand it, because your open sewage pipe of a "culture" is in everyone's face.
In that regard I know America really well. More well than I would like to.
Thankfully I know Europe and the Middle East very well too.
Hence, my standard for comparison which you obviously lack.
stick another burger in it and enjoy it while it still lasts.
coz when push comes to shove no one will be lining up to die for a Burger King.

I know, and ur right.
But I'm not talking about befriending women or normie faggots.
I'm talking about amongst yourselves.
White men utterly fail at this most simple of social tasks.
They even find ways to normalize this failure.
But in the face of uniting hostile foreigners and treacherous women this normality is very fragile and will end badly.

This whole thread makes you look like a humongous cry baby bitch. Maybe this has something to do with why nobody want to be your boyfriend.

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Although I dont disagree with you ausfag, I think your experience in life doesn't make it 100% true. You stated you have moved throughout your life multiple times. Chances are if you dont grow up with a group of people, you will not be accepted in to their circle.

But yah for the most part, whites in America are raised to be selfish. Just look at how parents raise their children, or should we say the internet and pop culture raise their children.

I'm a part abo mongrel, does that count

Lol someone is butthurt.
What's wrong; does the truth hurt that much?
Instead of addressing the argument at hand I must be a crybaby.
Great case burger, but genetic fallacies are the hallmark of le burger education.
Let's just say I'm not in the least bit surprised.
Cry harder.

fo you have any scientific studies like the ones that attempt to understand nigger crime rates or abo iqs or is this your gut feeling?

I know tons of people that would gladly die killing people like you. You are delusional, chink.

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You are fucking stupid even for a burger. When someone points out your weakness to you, pay attention, especially if that someone is your enemy. Didn't you ever play Zelda, fucking retard

> Chances are if you dont grow up with a group of people, you will not be accepted in to their circle.
This is true.
But as I go through life inquiring, observing, and comparing experiences I notice that I'm by no means the anomaly or exception.
It is normal for white men to have zero close friends.
Many have transient acquaintances and associations which change like the wind. But do not mistake this for friendship. Such people will not have ur back when things go south.
Occasionally you meet a white guy with a friend that goes way back.
But it's always just a single contact, never a strong group of friends.
Such things simply do not exist anymore.
Of course fairytales such as good will hunting depict this mythology as being normal, but irl it is totally absent.
This was not the case in the foreign countries I lived.
The West is the anomaly here.

>White men have no fucking clue how to stick together.
They make terrible friends and all interactions amongst them are purely circumstantial and superficial.
Pic related

>You do not even register on anyone's radar.
White men are the most desired.

>To see such a self-indulgent and hedonistic "culture" perish is a very good thing.
Except whites are more charitable than any other race.

>I go back to some of these places after 10 years of absence and people still remember me with the same warmth and affection
Shitskins are good at displaying surface-level 'warmth', shame you mistook that for the real thing.

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i think the real question is why do blacks victiimize asians so disproportionately. they are humble and keep out of trouble.

Of course ur too dumb to understand I'm not a chink.
But w/e burger, believe what you want.
I like it when burgers talk tough, coz that's all you ever do.
But if you do wish to kill me you are most welcome to come to Australia and give it a shot lol
But seeing how incapable u people are of pacifying rice farmers and goat herders I am not expecting much from the loud mouthed burger.
Put a burger in it, you'll feel better

People who demand studies for deductive arguments are usually too dumb to understand evidence, even when it's right in front of them.
Hence your response lol
You should get a tax refund on ur education.

>Some wonder why they're incels.
>It's because you are a social zero.
You are so retarded.

>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces
>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide
>Love at first sight is real
>Your face heavily affects your entire life
>Halo effect
>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)
>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality
>Height is extremely important
>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men
>Women care about face much more than body
Why don't smart teens have sex? (study with 1k+ people)

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>Some wonder why they're incels.
press F for blacks :´(

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>some kid who hates the west pointing out weaknesses of a country comprised of 50 unique states he's never been to
Yeah I'll get right on that, Nigel

>uses Zelda as a source of tactics in real-life
>I'm the retard

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Gee, for the "incel race", white men sure are very successful with women.
You're very wise, OP.

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And he was a good friend.

If you want to ever see a bunch of coackroaches run for cover than just sit back and watch a couple of Anglo’s get called out for being a nationalist or racist.

It's funny how you post a pic of ww1 to prove white camerarderie.
Do you really need to go back a whole century?
Lol my point exactly: such camerarderie does not exist today.
Thanks for proving that with historical evidence..
> white men most desired
You might wanna check with white women on that one.
see the divorce rate.
lol ur even on cuck island; why not ask the ladies of Rotherham who's alpha and who's not in their end of town lol (hint, not white britcucks).

Whites are also the most foolish race.
endless gibs to brownies, but a stab in the back to each other.
> see a brownie: more gibs, tax payer funded og course
> see a homeless white: he deserves it, muh up by bootstraps etc.

You gotta be pretty arrogant to believe you know more about my social life than myself. But you are a brit after all, so w/e

Australia fought next to the US in both of the wars you just mentioned. And perhaps I will have a burger.

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I guess you missed my response to that.
Or more likely, ignored it.
No surprise burger lol

Lol at ur incoherent tl;dr posts.
Why don't u take a step back, relax and breath, then come back when u have formulated an intelligent argument.
Just a hint

Yeah, but aren't u supposed to come over here and kill me?
Isn't that what you said?
I'm waiting...

Yeah mannerbunds are important. Whats new?


You have literally no arguments.
You're just getting fucked with evidence and are pretending you won.
Quite pathetic.

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>what is reading comprehension
Earlier you stated that nobody would die for a burger king. I then responded that I know tons of people who would line up for the chance, especially against scum such as yourself. Never said I would do it personally.


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That you haven't got any??

mate, I hope you enjoy living in a Chinese colony when you come back
internationaleducation.gov.au/research/International-Student-Data/Documents/MONTHLY SUMMARIES/2017/Dec 2017 MonthlyInfographic.pdf

>> white man did not want to give me a fiver 20th day in a row.

who pissed in your Wheaties?


>te men have no fucking clue how to stick together.
Compared to who? Niggers? LOL
>They make terrible friends and all interactions amongst them are purely circumstantial and superficial.
Appropriate evidence provided for any of these claims: ZERO

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Posting links and memes is not arguing. Make an argument or fuck off with ur aspie "reasoning"

>Do you really need to go back a whole century?
Why shouldn't I? Genuine racial characteristics don't change in a single century.

>You might wanna check with white women on that one.
see the divorce rate.
This is just an absurd argument. Not wanting to be with a particular person doesn't imply rejection of the entire group. If they married the person in the first place they were obviously highly attracted.

>lol ur even on cuck island; why not ask the ladies of Rotherham who's alpha and who's not in their end of town lol (hint, not white britcucks).
Yeah, smelly Arabs being reduced to raping schoolgirls definitely shows that whites are unattractive.

> see a brownie: more gibs, tax payer funded og course
> see a homeless white: he deserves it, muh up by bootstraps etc.
Whites aren't one person.
White countries have the largest and most generous welfare states.
You're stupid.

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Of course you wouldn't.
Ur just hot air, online at that.
Hot air from a burger?
I'm so shocked

>Provide empirical evidence for my claims
>"Posting links and memes is not arguing."
I pity you. You really are a brainlet.

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U need friends before you can get that far.
When SHTF incels aren't suddenly going to form SS Divisions.
More likely u end up in a muslim-run jewish gulag.

> doesn't know how to formulate arguments
Maybe u really are an aspie
Lol keep sperging
I can see u are taking this very personally lol

Is that the best u got?

White men exist only to further the interest of "MUH WHITE WUUMAN".

They pine to murder anyone or any group that stands in the way of the interests of "MUUUHH YYYYYY WUUUUMAN!"

Thus the hatread for "CHOMO"s (note: YHWH allows men to have female children as brides, including in cases of rape (Devarim chapter 22, verse 28, (key words: na'ar, taphas,)) and in His law the male is referred to as the ba'al (master, overlord) with regards to the female), aswell as the gleeful murder of those nations practicing child marriage of girls to men.

White is a psudo-ethnicity, and these values are the lynchpin binding all "white" males.

It is what they are taught since birth. Notice that they are enrolled in day-prisons since they are young: this prevents the emergence of familial power and wider power networks.

Whiteness is all they have.
They'll be gone soon, however.

The world will revert to honour and marrying cute young girls.

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[anglo projection intensifies]

>garbage anti-white/west delusions from a chink
I'm so shocked

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>White men have no fucking clue how to stick together.
Pic related shows how black men stick together
Because fuck logic.

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they don't call it the breakfast of champions for nothing

Coz we're talking about the present.
that u need to go back a century to argue my point only proves my point the more. I guess u haven't figured that out yet.
take ur time bro

Ok genius, see the birthrate then lol

Maybe u should read what these girls had to say about their rapists.

Welfare ain't gonna save you from being Bolshevized and Islamized.

A white man contemplates the murder of his friends and family should any of them express appreciation for a girl.

NO the white man says. "WHITE MEN DON PLAY THA WAY!!!!", "CUT OFF ARMS AND KILL HIM!!!!"

The white man reacts as he was taught. Like a good dog of MUH WHITE WUUUUUUMAN.

Thus his lack of allegience to any other man, and immediate betrayal if a "front hole" (as you put it) comes into the picture: this is what he was conditioned to do. He is NOT a person: he IS an animal. He follows his training like an animal. He does not think.

He "FEELS" and "DOES (BE A MAN!")

lol u got me. this is whati do and i will do it again you dumb cunt

Don't worry femanon OP, we're fine thanks and very happy together.

> Feminist white man haters, you're fired!

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Lol of course,
We've been over ur delusions already, but I'm not surprised to see u having a hard time dealing with my points.
Better to just believe I'm some chink hahahaha
w/e helps you sleep man
Cry harder

lol u got me. this is whati do and i will do it again you dumb cunt ass

>And in these places friendship has a VERY different feel to it.


After seeing so many wars all over the globe, there is no pleasure to find pleasure in taste and even altruism.

There is almost no human living in this world. All men(no matter what race) are merely surviving a struggle against the time they a sentenced to live.

Everyone that is able to focus on feelings is hedonistic, indeed.

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lol u got me. this is whati do and i will do it again you dumb cunt ass gaylord

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