Is US trade policy racist?

Why don't Americans trade with Africa?

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It makes me sick. We have many products for export.

What does CAR export?

rare proxyfag


Niggers, and rubber or sugarcane or something like that. Mostly Niggers though.

Africa doesn't have much to trade. Duh.

they mostly export raw materials which are manufactured into more expensive products which are then exported to america

They are, you blind cunt. Look at the bottom of the list.


i'd rather not trade STD's with subhumans

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53b is nothing, barely more than the UK. The US should be up there with the EU and China


We have an ocean in between us and China is "closer"/has more established trade routes. Do you think our globalist corporations give a shit where the wage slave labor comes from?

Also, with a completely unqualified opinion, I can guarantee Africa has a completely shit-tier ability to produce goods and anybody with a brain would be better off trading with some other area if at all possible. I've only been in my ECON 101 class for a week but I'm positive the opportunity cost of Africa producing shit is way worse than any other place on earth, ESPECIALLY china.

We give them aid and they give us aids.

Attached: andthatsagoodthing.jpg (960x720, 60K)

They have shitty credit

>US buys finished goods, sells finished goods and food
>Africa sells raw materials, buys food
>China sells finished goods, buys raw materials

Like what? AIDS ?

Because we'll be stuck with their shitty product for the next 300 years

Immigrants, I figured you would be familiar Leslie.

EU trade policy favors Africa, their former colonies. Some European policies hurt American companies

>you trade with Africa
Oy vey you fucknig racist it's because of your "unfair trade deals" that Africa is poor, and all this trade is also supporting corrupt dictatorial regimes you racist
>you don't trade with Africa
You fucking racist no wonder Africa is poor because you won't trade with them

French generate majority of that. There is a competition between China and France for influence in Africa, few people realise it.

what the hell happened in 1990??

It does, but africa doesnt produce anything of value.
The things it does produce could be done a lot better in first world countries.

The economy of Africa consists of the trade, industry, agriculture, and human resources of the continent. As of 2012, approximately 1.07 billion people[1] were living in 54 different countries in Africa. Africa is a resource-rich continent.[3][4] Recent growth has been due to growth in sales in commodities, services, and manufacturing.[5] Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, is expected to reach a GDP of $29 trillion by 2050.[6]

Probably some civil war and activists/charities/missionaries going wild after the collapse of Soviet Union.

>Why don't Americans trade with Africa?

Because they primarily produce produce which would rot before it could be shipped across the Atlantic or raw materials which we either produce ourselves or can get cheaper from South America or Asia.

The answer to your question is NIGGERS

i don't think the us has a large demand for unprocessed raw materials with a few with a few exceptions

Because, we already received our quota of niggers back in the 1700's.

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