Why do Americans hate Iran?

Why do Americans hate Iran?

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Regular people don't, but the elite and political class do .

I don't hate Iran. I just wish they weren't trying to build nukes.

I dunno, why would democratic citizens hate a theocracy? Oppression is just a part of life...

Because modern Iran has been infected by Arabs and Islam.

they are the world's leading state sponsor of terror

I've seen this show
little girls shouldn't be allowed to be this cute

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i was a kid when they took the hostages, and it was a major thing.
But at this point most of that is forgotten, and most people don't want Iran or syria to be another Iraq, so I think things look okay for an eventual peace.

interesting take. semites and their religions seem to behind so much of the worlds problems.

American's hate all middle eastern countries because of zionist propoganda