How do I stop the government from spying on me?

How do I stop the government from spying on me?
So far I put tape on my webcam

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Why the fuck would you care unless you're a isis terrorist or pedophile? They are doing this to keep you safe. You can thank all the fucking jihadis that did 9/11 for this surveillance state we live in by the way

if some qt female government agents want a look at my dick who am i to say no

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go to Jow Forums and leave us the fuck alone.

They can't spy on you if you kill yourself

I don't want anyone to know i masturbate to shemale porn and have a tiny penis

Why? It's easier to just do some really heavy masturbating infront of it to scare the feds away.

>Why the fuck would you care unless you're a isis terrorist or pedophile?

ISIS is literally a puppet army of the United States, the main purveyor of it died recently - you may know him. It's also really cute that you'd think the government is going after pedophiles.

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I taped up my webcam not because of the gubbermint but because of virusses and shit that could spy on me and blackmail me by having footage of me fapping to traps.

This. Nobody gives a fuck, user. Unless you're a terrorist or a pedo.

Stare at the webcam and let them get a full view of you body as you wank. Show them whose boss.

Install TempleOS.

>le democraps r all pedophiles conspiracy theory
You need to get a job or something dude

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You can't the government destroyed all the TPW P4-15-NB laptops

>The government can treat you like a criminal despite having commited no crime because they feel like it
Hello there, bootlicker.

I like to imagine some short-skirted fed slut watching me, secretly schlicking away in her cubicle.

If you’re white you’re marked for extermination by the kikes. ZOG spying on everyone means (((they))) will know exactly when enough people are cowed and they can launch the final purge.

>t. jewish baby fucker

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>not taping the microphone too and disabling both in the bios
cringe and bluepilled

You can't
source : Software Engineer

Bare minimum:
- Use Linux exclusively
- Never use or get near a cellphone, home assistant, or anything with "Smart" in its name
- Tor browser (or whatever browser the people who say tor is compromised say to use)

bootlicker mentality. Would you let the police take photos of you all day since you got "nothing to hide"? fucking cuck

I believe you 100%

Not enough

false equivalency. if you have nothing to hide you shouldn't care. anyone saying otherwise is probably a pedophile

based and redpilled

>taking picture of you through your computer
>taking pictures of you through a camera
>false equivalency

Which can be disabled on many models, System76 even sell laptops with it disabled already

I do the same thing. Tape over the camera. But I learned a trick. I have 2 laptop computers and I keep them closed and stand them up on cutting board stands on my desk. Saves space.

Nobody does it though. And even if you did you probably have a normal smartphone, or a smart TV. And even if you don't they could track your movements through security cameras or listen to what you say through the phones of those near you.

>listen to what you say through the phones of those near you.
This is the only one that worries me.


When we were studying data mining they told us they build files for unkown subjects through other people conversations. Scary shit

wank harder
eventually theyll grossed out and stop
ps dont forget to wink

I know Facebook maintains "shadow profiles" for people with no account based tracking cookies and other info it can grab.
There is no escape, but it doesn't hurt to hide and blend in.

Lots of people talk about travelling, losing weight, studying X. They don't fucking do it.
Learn about the law and get a lawyer. Like what you got to hide really? Government's secret services doesn't care that you use roids, recreational cannabis, fuck 14yo girls, are gay, etc. Police is limited with the subpoena, I mean here for sure I had cops in my house more than once and laughed them in the face despite them being far taller than I am. Never been to prison, never been convicted of anything.

>"Bill, check this out, he's fapping to traps in diapers again"
>"Haha that's hilarious John."
>"Wait, what the fuck?"
>"Did he just wink at us?"
I always wink after a wank.

So what is Zucc hiding?

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The security on MacOS is far worse than it is on Windows 10. Most software devs use Macbooks out of social status. If you really want to write code you can on a 300usd laptop running linux.

things that could cost his company billions of dollars. You on the otherhand, probably tranny porn and the $50 left in your bank account

Top kek, why the hostility friend?

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50 dollars? I'll take that as a compliment

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The wankwink

But you admit that it is possible, after that its just a matter of degree

>ootlicker new/pol/ doesn't know that the jews did 9/11.
>he also doesn't know the jews are behind every major government in the western hemisphere.
Wow, just wow. I can't even, user i...

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this is the easiest way to identify a muslim on Jow Forums

you literally can't.
thanks to the patriot act cia niggers can freely and legally break into your house and plant/steal shit without you ever knowing.
so even you had no technology at all it would't matter.

at this point i just automatically assume the poster is a muslim when i see a european/meme flag. it's gotten that fucking bad lately

>defending jews
found the shariablue faggot. 0,1$ deposited to your account

as if some inbreed towelhead goatfuckers with boxcutters are capable of such a complex, coordinated attack.

You probably can't unless you have a setup like from Enemy of the State


Your first day at the JIDF?

>le 56% faggot mutt doesn't know austria is most based right wing country in europe now.
But i don't blame you, my martsharting friend. We all know (((they))) are very successful at keeping your citizens as dumb as possible.

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Being so new you buy into this either or bullshit. One thing causes the other idiot

This thread is full of anons who've never heard of The Stasi or why they kept detailed records of the most minute and ordinary aspects of everyone's day to day lived



also tape the microphone, like so

Attached: Mark-Zuckerberg-Tape-Facebook-Instagram-1-796x398.jpg (760x428, 213K)

Isn't bottom left a USB port?
I don't know how macs are, but I have heard people mention it as such before

Because they dont give me 50% of my data revenue

that 'ol G spot
>you devil you

how small is your gubber?

based and redpilled

leftist faggot and bluepilled

Can govt or private third party really hack my laptop camera while I'm fapping?

I would really like to learn how use Linux/Unix and have a network firewall to watch and block everything that goes through

Not good enough.
What's probably gonna happen is they'll scrape your IP history, confirm through the ISPs what your address is, do a quick analysis through tax records seeking the names associated with the most recent entries for that house, and then send an automated AI to scan through all the residents internet presences and social media profiles and identify the individuals who have an internet presence most similar to the shitposters on facebook identified through an algorithm that cross references recycled reddit or 4cahn memes against amount of messenger conversations and interactivity they have with their friends. Youre social media accounts and cell phone will become bugged. Your ISP will be watched by a team of psychoanalysts, they'll see the websites you open up, how inactive they've been, what sites you spend the most of your time on, what other programs your computer is running, all while getting a live video feed of you through your web cam (regardless of any tape, there's more than one anyway)

Eventually, they'll discover that you're just a faggot.

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wifi and 5g can literally scan the environment in 3D
goodluck taping that

Its not as hard as it seems user, Just install a basic distro on an old laptop or a VM and start using it.
I wish I started using it earlier

you cant they know what you are thinking and everything you will do in the future based on the data they have already collected

>keep you safe
>wants to disarm us and keep us dependant

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No smartphones or internet at all, 15 years old or older TVs. Alternatively just be careful of what info you emit near such devices, or while using them.

Redpill: edisons lightbulb does that.

lmao, youre so fucking dumb. also, 5g and wifi are open specs.

This , no CIA-niggers in sight , feels good man

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Fucking retard. Do you have any idea how you act when you're not being observed vs when you are aware you are being observed? Obviously you are too much of a brainlet to have any sort of thought process.


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>qt female government agents
Not without my consent!

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Wow I didn't know they were all pedophiles

Sorry Hans, you’ve caught the gay. Truth

>Jewing this hard on Jow Forums

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You actually can

T. Software engineer

Are you me?

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They dgaf retard

Uwot m8?
Cutting boards, huh?

Pic us, yeah

>Disabled via BIOS
> forgetting that manufacturer puts backdoors in the actual hardware it's self like Intel.

Are you a fed or just a concerned citizen?

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Delete System32 file

Get rid of your tech.
They blanket cover the most common means, so get rid of the tech, get rid of /most/ of the observation.

I like to order LSD on the Dark market.

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Because the US government is zogged and I don't want kikes building dirt on me.
Once the fascists seize control however, I will fully support total monitoring of myself and all other citizens (but only to detect degenerates and hidden jews).

i cant believe you can talk with all the shoepolish in your mouth

This cunt, cunts like bill gates, don't let their kids touch their tech or apps as long as they can.

Checked, but honestly too soon. My heart still hurts, my chest feels like an empty cavity.

stop posting on Jow Forums.
Its mostly a psyop

Buy anything from
All other answers are wrong, fuck Intel ME

> file

>Why the fuck would you care
It is be cause of ASSHOLES like you we are losing our privacy. I care because others don't and want me transparent to the society.
>Go ahead look, I have nothing to hide
>Go ahead, censor it, I have nothing to say

>the main purveyor of it died recently

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Rased and bedpilled