Jews don't sit in a room and discuss their conspiracies, goy
What's a Sanhedrin?
whats more believable at this point: that jews get together and plan things out or all the conspiracies that get proven true happened completely by chance. like jews running hollywood or 9/11, for example.
This is even worse than Eyes Wide Shut
They are just protecting the Jewish minority in Poland, retard.
Jews have always been in Poland since forever, it's like their second homeland.
Imagine they have one or more of these in every country, scheming their ((((agendas)))).
My god this can't be real...
>But who is going to pay for all of this?
>The Germans of course! - t. jew
Literally laughed out loud.
Fuck, this video is absolutely unbelievable. Spread it and share it.
that jew bitch says baptizing children is cruel, but circumcision is just fine
it's rare that Jow Forums threads get me
anymore, but this one is just over the top