ITT: People with guns saving lives

ITT: People with guns saving lives

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What's when happening here

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7+ point blank shots and dude doesn't drop?

holy fuck,story?

off-duty security police in Syria I think and girlfriend getting robbed, they carry FMJ only

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The other guy ditched his friend so hard.
You can take a shot to the heart and still stand for a time thanks to adrenaline.
Thanks based adrenaline.

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Unless you hit someone in the CNS handgun rounds only "drop" someone for psychological reasons tbqh, and that guy just got the biggest andrelin dump of his life so made it to the stairs before catching one in the spine.

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Too true. There's no telling what sort of further mischief ZOG would have got up to if they'd been able to capture him or even preserve his brain.

Trayvon Martin was shot in the heart, and continued to live for about a minute. About as long as it takes for the chest cavity to fill with blood enough for his lungs to be unable to operate. There was a WWII vet who lived something like 50 years with a round in his heart.

brazil my dude
this happened in Sao Paulo. got half the facts straight for he was indeed a cop

Is every cop in Brazil off duty?

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i just realized, we bag the jews out for their cultural marxism tactics...but..the influx of muslims is probably pissing them off alot more. its like when you introduce a foreign predatord to cull a native pest...intriguinguing...

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we have a theory that 60% of the cops are permanetly kept at a "off duty" status so we can trap random niggers

This is why you never carry 9mm.

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Thanks boys, good to know.

its all about driving the diaspora back into israel, that's why they flood our countries.

What is that nigger running for when he's already dead? Blast ur gun in his face and take him with u dumbass nigger

Gods I always get these people on my team

I wish they made a S&W M&P Shield in 10mm.

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Everything sand niggers bring out as a weapon against the west ends up turning the world to shit. When will they learn?

First Assad Sr creates terrorism:
>It grows uncontrolled
>Schisms and fractures into a shitload different sects
>ends up atacking Syria and being in control of Iran's interests
>A blight upon the world
>Nobody is safe anymore

War on """Terror""":
>makes even more terrorists
>creates more terrorist nations
>Arabs, who used to be kinda chill become full blown radicals who want to convert Europe
>Influx of migrants into Europe who kill, rob, rape and convert population.

Multiculturalism (white people suck):
>Replace white people with shitskins
>Rampart terrorism is installed in countries like Spain (where there's terror controlled cities in the south)
>Jews forced to leave due to their own shit
>"It's still Whypeople fault."

Why are Jews always persecuted throughout history, pol? Is it jealousy of their success?

fucking women hiding behind him.

If she was smart she would stand infront of him since he is the one that has the offensive capability.

As long as he is alive, he can shoot meaning the asailants can be fought.
If she were to shield him it would improve her chances of survival.

Namely. if the dude were to die, then she would fall prey to the asailants. whatever that means.

Only logical thing for her to do is shield their one and only posibility for survival, namely the dude.
She doesnt.
She cowers in fear

Honestly it's his fault for not using her as a shield.

>saving lives
If he had just handed his money over no one would have died, instead because he had a gun 2 lives were taken, could have even been more


Muggers deserve death.

Even if that is your opinion, still doesnt justify the thread name.
Guns do not save lives.

by ending those 2 lives he saved other people from being mugged and possibly shot by those armed muggers.

Justice was served.

P.S: Why do you think the U.N. specifically recognizes "Peacekeeping" as a separate activity from "Peacebuilding" where you're literally allowed to shoot people and suspend people's human rights to make the land peaceful? They even hire mercenary groups like blackwater to "peacekeep" those areas. Like Wild-West sheriffs of old.

Sexy. Too bad 10mm is expensive as shit here. It's about 5 times the price of 9mm.

This is what I wanted to ask. Is this CoD? You shoot a whole magazin and he doesn't die?

>dead people
>saving lives
Jow Forums logic at it again.

>ay yo sal, look behind you buddy

Lol alot of people legit think like this

>be anti-gun and defend worthless criminal scum
>german flag
Always pick both

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It is up to the state to serve justicd according to the law, and i am sure the 2 would have been caught after their foolish robbery that even got captured on cctv

>Just roll over and let bad men do bad shit
Absolutely pathetic. You're worse than thugs trying to justify their behavior.

>be the cause of nearly 1600 children under the age 15

Explain this to me, burgers.

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Holy cuck.
So what then when that gang moves on and kills over 3 people?
What happens to your cuck logic now?
Maybe some lives aren't worth saving.

God, Germany sucks so much dick now. Do you even have testicles in that scrotum?

Cause of death most likely.
Rare and based!

the state dictates that what that man did was justice. All your "Could have beens" are meaningless by your own admission that "the state" serves justice. Police officers are AUTHORITY FIGURES from the state itself.

Also, since we're discussing "could have been's", the muggers could have shot and raped his girl, dumbass. What measure of "justice" from the state would have possibly compensated those 2? How would a dead person possibly care his killer got jailed, retard? How would that console his grieving family?

Ponder killing yourself and then imagining how the state could ever possibly make your family feel better.

You kikes caused all of this, stop shifting the blame to Iran.

You will all be tortured to death slowly and Israel will be nuked to ashes.

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>rofl theres actually a lot of people that think rational imagine that lmao

no they got served right there
deal with it

you're being emotional and asuming your approach to the problem is the "rational" one.
Like a confused child, you can't separate feelings from rational arguments.

Well i COULD come over to your third world country right now, bend you over your desk and fuck you dry in your asshole

You would be welcome to try. And I would have the full backing of the law to shoot you with my father's shotgun to preserve my phisical integrity.

So long as I shoot you dead in self-defense, you won't be able to represent yourself in court so I'll be 100 % in the clear and you'll be 100% dead.

Krautcucks truly are worse than leafs.

I assume it refers to fucking in cars.

Is it rational to think that this gang would stick a gun in someone else's ribs? How does giving them what they want deter or prevent violent action?

It doesnt. It just lets little cucks like you toss some lame-ass Batman quote around about not killing. You are naive, childish, a cuck and I promise you your attitude will change once you are mugged by a Mohammad. I have used a gun twice to prevent home invasions when i lived in "Diverse" neighborhoods.

Todos personas comprende 12 gauge, you shrimp-dick Kraut.

Your pacifist platitudes fall apart the second some fucking scumbags gets a weapon and wants your shit, wife, or life.

Have fun gurgling in a pool of your own blood, but hey at least you have your idiotic principles!

I'd be balls deep in your little sandnigger asshole before you could even scream for your daddy

Better than noguns^™

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If you do it right, I'll call YOU daddy

>If you stop struggling, it'll hurt less
You fucking krauts are sick in the head.

What always gets me about rundowns like that is that they are oftend presented as the "moderate, rational viewpoint", however it is always that israel gets of scott-free and is typically never mentioned despite its deep involvement in the matters discussed.

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Better lube up boy, i'll be there in a minute

>all those guns just crammed into a pile
surely there's a more OCD-friendly way to organize them

i would rather let my gf raped then kill someone, idk how these people can look at themselves in the mirror when they know they took life.


Criminals are living on borrowed time. Sooner or later they run into a wolf with bigger teeth, and they find their ability to take without contest suddenly goes out the window. And they end up with copper and lead filled bodies.

Does the robber have a fake gun, he puts his hand out as soon as the victim pulls his. Dumb ass dying over a few bucks, make more money busking.

Is there anything gayer than a German?

Holy shit the cuck-bar just got raised

How can YOU look yourself in the mirror after saying shit like that?

Just go for the gender reassignment surgery and get your beta-cucky line of "logic" as far away from the Male sex/gender as humanly possible.

You're not a man, you arent even enough to call a pussy. You're a Labia at best. Pussy Flap.

Post gf and address. I'd like to test that theory.


Your mum

>when they know they took life
pussyville is that way you flaming homo

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I hope you remember to pack a strapon, because you sound like you have a miserable shriveled cunt.

About as rare as a Masculine, non-cuck, German man apparently.

Turks are pretty gay.

where is the difference?

>2 lives were taken

Why 2? How did he hit the seccond?

>pizzabro delivering pizza to woman
>competing pizza guy attempts to undercut him
>initial pizzabro is having none of it

>assad snr creates terrorism

Fucking cuck, just be a victim sound good to you, be a cuck in front of your girl. Unlike you, he got laid that night

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5$ he's a Western German

Turks are tops, Ger"mans" bottoms.

he didn't understand the video, when people like him see a gun they assume everyone died from fully automatic assault double tapfire taps

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>the understanding of reality the average person on the internet has
Just a reminder that if you expect that guy to drop and die immediately the second the bullet hits, you're a dumb nigga.


Kek. One of the few times a German has made me laugh.

At least the pistols are lined up decently

>imagine being such an insecure virgin
>waah gotta be real tough infront of the womyn guys, even if it means putting both of your lives in danger, its worth it if you get some pussy that night


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Just carry HP instead.

i am us citizen on vacation in Germanistan

So whats going on with your elections?
I heard one of the candidates is running on a
>It needs to be open hunting season on all criminals!
plaform and is doing really well because of it.

care to enlighten?

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Tell me where u at so i can cream your asshole

Yes they do...but you're playing word games....just like we all know the gun didn't kill anyone....but in the next discussion you will use that as yer talking point. What a fag

This is what happens when you outgrow your gun safe.

Altschauerberg 8 in 91448 Emskirchen

Says the cuck hiding behind a meme flag.

When the bad guy dies lives are saved faggot...this ain't no zero sum game you literal retard.

Gladly, Argentina seems nice at this time of the year

Haha lol thats epic

Have a upvote

>My understanding of firearms stems from all of the movies i watch
>i watched john wick 1&2 yesterday. I now possess encyclopedic knowledge of firearms.
>Debate me. you will lose.

>Killing a nog
>More dangerous than allowing the nog to rob you

I don't understand