Let's have a fucking faggot hate thread. Because I fucking hate faggots and faggotry. I hate their political bullshit.
When I was a kid, I used to be able to brush off trannies as just mentally ill in public without any fucking problem, and now if I do that, there's a good chance people will swarm in and try to tell me how insensitive I am. The rainbow was given as a symbol by God as a promise to all of mankind that he wouldn't wipe out the earth with a flood, and ironically the faggots decide to take the rainbow and make it into their symbol, almost as if to taunt Gods wraith.
Nothing makes me angrier than faggot pedophile tranny AIDS-ridden diseased fucks who try to impose their bullshit on everyone. If you are a faggot, fuck you, you and everything your "people" stand for have done ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING except try to degrade Christian values, Family values, and call us "hypocritical" for not supporting your retarded gay pride parades where you go around fucking yourselves and each other in the ass while wearing fucking furry suits and BDSM gear.
Do you know how fucking free I was before I knew about faggots? I didn't even know about BDSM shit. I didn't think about the fucking gay orgies that faggots would engage in. I had no clue, and my life was better. Now there are faggots in the world, trannies and pedos who prey on children and try to indoctrinate people into their cult of psychological fuckery.
Fuck faggots, and fuck trannies, and fuck pedos, and fuck anyone who supports it.
>Czech republic about to legalize fag marriages and fag adoptions OH FUCK DADDY, V4 IS JUST SO BA(SE)D
Cooper Hall
It will be one of the worst things for your country that you have ever experience. Not that Czech was a shining example of virtue before, with your bohemian culture mixed with communism which has brought you down into the depths of degeneracy.
But if you accept fag marriages and fucking fag adoptions, have fun watching this shit run rampant, messing with families, and get ready to watch the faggots suggest even more faggy shit to your women as well.
nothing better than fucking faggots running around free in your country, absolutely nothing better
Angel Phillips
Fuck off nigger, the trapnostate WILL be established and there's literally nothing you can do about it.
Owen Howard
I know you're just having some banter but I am fucking seething, I sat down and finally reflected on the past two decades and thought about how much bullshit it is that I've been forced to hide my hatred of faggots for fear of being ostracized. People don't realize what a fucking cancer it is to accept faggots.
Joseph Hughes
There is no going back now Shitlibs completely hijacked Gen X and Millenials On the other side of this are boomer commies that just want smoke weed and get more pensions just fuck my shit up senpai
Say no more. There will have to be a fucking social uprising the likes of which has never been before seen in order to quell the amount of fucking faggotry that pervades us today.
I'm not so blackpilled that I think there is no hope or anything like that, but it just fucking sucks that we have to deal with so much fucking faggotry. Sorry that you have to experience this Czechguy
Carson Gutierrez
You wouldn't be this upset if you had a long trap dick in your mouth and asshole
I'm just looking at it realistically Once it's done it'll be hard to go back and fag marriages WILL go through inevitably because parties are going to fight for homosexual voting base and along with that adoptions Another shit on the menu is legalization of weed which should happen too in near future
There is no way for "us" to win through democratic process without cucking, the only way forward is literally revolution and not the popular one, but the military one, which won't happen either since military is small and are good dogs of the current establishment
Here's the worst part my slavic friend, fag marriages don't happen, you heard that right. Fag marriage will be legalized but hardly any faggots will get married because they don't even do that. The only thing they wanted was a symbolic victory, to publicly and symbolically enable their own faggotry and allow themselves to spread it further.
either way that ties it to the adoptions which will be interest in since fags will be looking for the third boy, that they can abuse in their shitty relationship This will be long term disaster for birth rates but i digress
Kayden Ross
as long as this isn't known from experience, friend.
The Shia and Sunni disagree on the execution method, like Shia hang them or stone them. Wahabi want to make an example out of it too they go for beheading.
Aiden Watson
I believe you 100%
Jaxson Sullivan
Of course a short stop from a long drop is acceptable!
My mother died of breast cancer. Saw her in her last moments. Far uglier than this.
Cooper Morris
Jordan Bailey
You haven't been to Twitter or Tumblr, this is literally faggotland, people with rainbow flag on their profile, with shitty description "he/him/ "she/her" "they/them"
Gay I can tolerate, but not appreciate. But the effiminate, limp wristed, shrill faggots? I loathe those mentally ill, useless pieces of shit.
Jacob Hughes
Thank you.
Mason Ramirez
Especially in a corporate culture. I get an email at least once a week from the PRIDE team that has nothing better to do than remind me they fuck each other in the ass by showering my desk with knick knacks with our company logo and a rainbow flag ... yet somehow we don't have the budget to travel or hire anymore.
Then there are is the woman's empowerment group that's fighting the gays for attention and to out knick knack and virtue signal. Fuck the straight white male.
Christian Edwards
Where does it say say it was a result of regular penetration? Obese women giving birth get that too.
David Ross
I own a small business. Maybe you should to.
Noah Martin
Easier said than done, but you're right. Useless college and drone corporate culture has zapped my skills and mind.
Gabriel Brooks
Life itself is a fag hate thread. Across time and cultures, fags have been universally rejected. Nature has played its part too, ensuring disease and suicide have kept numbers in check. Only now are we 'accepting', but that is only because billions has spent on brainwashing programmes aimed at kids. Acceptance has not formed organically, and that forced acceptance is built on sand. It is not even fully effective, kids still hate fags on the quiet.
>Jewish society is "time and cultures" Wew schlomo.
Asher Sullivan
>almost as if to taunt Gods wraith.
yet another zany (((coincidence)))
Angel Bell
I'm thinking they were originally thinking from a cliff or something that would be a ways outside of any settlement. Why do it in a populated place where you risk splattering AIDS everywhere?
Daniel Morris
what kind of business
Blake Rogers
Pikey business
Oliver Phillips
Nature is jewish?
Aiden Brown
There aren't many homophobic societies outside of ones of Jewish origin or influence. Try to name a few.
Camden Fisher
Luis Perez
It seems you hate the jew-gay lobby faggots. They are the real problem not normal gays. PS. Normally acting gays are a minority. But they still exist and shouldnt be scorned for jews fucking over their community and making it to what it is nowadays. Also trannies, pedos and the such arent gay but pure degenerates.
I honestly never had a problem prior. But the aggressive accepting of their behavior and to go so far as to say that they were born that way to gain society's acceptance and pretty much silencing people who disagree with them and those disgusting pride parades. I wouldn't mind them having a binding contract/"marriage" as long as they stay monogomous. Problem is only like 20% are, and I'm being generous here, and none of them are virgins before "marriage." If they can properly live a conservative and "christian" life before and after marriage, fine. It's not about religion, it's about them knowing about themselves and the risks of their relationship and they should've realign and adjust their way of life while knowing of those risks. That way the disease spreading will be culled to just either of the two. But none of them are that way. >inb4 heteros are that way as well. And conservatives have argued with heteros who did it (multiple partner sex) as well. And just like how homos silences people by labeling/calling them homophobic, we are also silenced by being called "living in the middle ages" or "ignorant". The fact is, living in a conservative lifestyle is the best way to breed great people. Successful, smart and rich people don't live a degenerate lifestyle.
Angel Bell
Does the fact that condoms and monogamy exist trigger you?
Too bad faggots don't actually use condoms thanks to their degenerate partying habits where they get drunk and bareback. If you're a faggot you know what i'm talking about, and if you pretend otherwise you're lying.
I don't believe in normal gays. I think gays can behave normally sure, but faggotry is inherently degenerate. An excellent example of this is Athens during the days of Socrates.
Tyler Peterson
nice try faggot, i know a op hate thread when i see it. op is a faggot.
Elijah Thompson
When male couples don't use protection it's probably because they don't have to worry about pregnancy, and they don't think that they could get STIs because sex education in this country is terrible.
Henry Lopez
It's known fact that unprotected buttfucking is dangerous, unless you live in Africa or some undeveloped country. Stop making excuses for fags, faggot. The reason they don't wear em because condoms just doesn't feel right, the same with straight people, but at least there's the whole the women might get pregnant angle that the men has to think about and it keeps straights on their toes. Not because muh education, muh depression, oppression. They chose not to act on it because it's feels better. And besides you can only go so long to fuck on a condom, there's bound to be times that someone would just abandon/skip using it. It's like you people don't even study human behavior.
Kayden Rivera
Ryder Lopez
>going so far as to say that they were born that way I didn't choose this or grow up in a household that facilitated it, if that's what you're implying. >none of them are virgins before marriage I'm here from a long history of Jow Forumsposting, user. Please don't tell lies. >christian Kike.
Word salad kike puppet. But you're right; a big contributor to my permavirginity is the rampant degenracy of this dating pool. Only problem is you're a dirty Jew worshipper and your wife takes black bullcocks to create niggAIDSbys. You're more degenerate than me; don't forget it.
Benjamin Brown
>I didn't choose this or grow up in a household that facilitated it, if that's what you're implying. I'm sure you've never watched porn, or be in a gay echo chamber during your "confusing times." Or granda or uncle lou never touched you. Sure I believe that.
>Jow Forums Sure, you weren't "indoctrinated" with gay thoughts, user. I'm SURE of it.
>Only problem is you're a dirty Jew worshipper and your wife takes black bullcocks to create niggAIDSbys. You're more degenerate than me; don't forget it. Gonna add "priest" to the touch list.
>You're more degenerate than me; don't forget it. I've lived my life with "christian" values, if my wife did fuck niggers, it's she who is the degenerate, not me. And so far, I never got a black kid nor STDs from my wife, so yeah, you can scratch that. But you on the other hand WILL have STDs, AIDS, HIV and a gaping butthole.
Brandon Morris
>It's your fault we got HIVs more than everyone else >Why aren't you funding my butt-fucking education classes?
This is yet another reason why I hate faggots
Kayden Russell
Friendly reminder that the people that squeal the loudest about "faggots" are closeted gays themselves.
This is a very over-saturated (and therefore terrible) comic. And I'm not anti-gay. If your political cartoon has to rely on that many explanations, it sucks and needs to be taken back to the whiteboard.
Reminds me of Metokur's babyfur video. That's the level you're at.
Christopher Lopez
>Be me >Age:mid 20's >Year:early 2000's >Get the local newspaper >See a bunch of men on the front page. >Bet a bank robbery happen southeast of my town >Found out instead a bunch of Furry Homosexual BDSM Tranny Necrophilia Otherkins were storming into graveyards at night having fun with the bodies. >WATTHEFUCK.avi >That almost made throw up my lunch which was very well made lunch. >However though, that ruined my day. >That day was Sunday. >Sunday >Go to church and talk with the people day. >Some fuck on the newspaper publication thought it was funny to mess with people.
I remember my dad renting this movie for family movie night because it had De Niro in it and this was pre internet days. I remember watching his eye twitch and he got up and shut it off shortly through it. Then we drove back to blockbuster where he sternly complained to the manager for the supposedly family friendly Christian movie store having this stuff. We picked out a different movie.