The most /ourguys/ party in any country ever. Soon Jeff Pitbull Ahl will talk. Don't miss it.
The most /ourguys/ party in any country ever. Soon Jeff Pitbull Ahl will talk. Don't miss it.
Deportera. Likvidera
Damn, wish we had an Alternative for Danmark.
Sure, we have nationalism here but it's boomer-tier.
checked and based
Not to mention nationalist QT:s
Fun fact: AFS will never beat the Sweden Democrats
daily reminder to vote AfS
Excerpt with English subtitles from the based Uddevalla rally that made weak arabs söyboys attempt to storm the stage
Fuck off traitor. Fredrik Reinfeldt is not the only one who will be trialed as a traitor when AfS has the power, a lot of leading traitors in SD will also be punished
Here he comes! Jeff!
Where does this "Exaaakt" meme come from? Who's the original exaaakt guy?
From their pod
(((Alternativ för Putin)))
Erik who co-hosts the podcast "Den Kokta Grodan" (the boiled frog) talks about this in the latest episode. He claims to be the one who started it during the kick-off of this tour in Stockholm.
They have the Trump playbook down to a fine art
>expect boos from leftists and immigrants
>turn the mic way up to make it audible over the protesters
>get police onsite
>make very triggering speech with a big shit-eating grin on your face
>leftists and muslims freak out and basically prove your point, then they attack the police
>you make the libshits do the hard work of convincing people for you
>basically the more triggering you are, the more successful you'll be
I don't like the white jackets too much but the rest is genius
"when AfS has the power" Heh, and when is that I might ask? You are not even gonna enter parliament you absolute weaklings.
Please keep your Amerimutt ZOG politics out of our region.
>get police onsite
This isn't really up to them. They apply for a permit to hold the town meeting. The police then determine how much resources (officers, barriers, helicopters etc) they need to maintain order. If they have the resources, they will be granted the permit.
If you hold town meetings, demonstrations etc without a permit the police will be sent in to shut it down.
AFS är verkligen vad SD borde egentligen varit...
Proud of you, Sven
It is what it would have been if they didn't kick out SDU.
Är det bara jag som är förvånad att AfS inte spelat Bellmans "Gustafs skål" på torgmötena än? Kasslern har ju tom liknat AfS framtåg med Gustaf den tredjes statskupp och seger över det politiska etablissemanget.
AfS is what SD-boomers think SD is.
Btw. You always hear gossip about Karlsson ruling the party with an iron fist behind the scenes. Is there any real proof of this?
(No agenda in me asking, only unironically curious.)
>Not even once
Yes, he's running the show. Jimmie is just stuffed full with psychotropics, paraded around like a bleek copy of his old self.
Karlsson is the one pulling the strings, the one who created the doctrine of "open swedishness".
He's the one reaching his hand out to expo to get dirt on other nationalists.
Fan vad äckligt abort är. Mörda barn måste vara det sjukaste som sossejudarna pushar. Jag skulle hellre leva i det gamla Aztekiska riket där dom offrade krigsfångar till Quetzalcotl, än att leva i moderna Sverige där barnamord är ok. Det var min heta tagning.
>Yes, he's running the show
For good or bad?
What about the new right party led by that chick?
Bork Bork smergen flergen dergen.
Well SD started to become more and more cuckservative on his watch and he has worked with commies like Expo to expose "radical" nationalists in his own party. So you be the judge.
Bump for my Sverige brothers. Get out on the street and redpill people, do anything in your power to save your country.
>Kicking out members for saying "swedes are white"
>Trying to collab with globalist intelligence service Expo
>Kicking out member for linking to alternative media on facebook
What do you think?
I mostly just care about återvanding och invandringsstopp så kan de leverera på detta så är det ju fine by me
>mfw seeing Jimmie in the debate last night
Low energy. He seemed to be on the brink a mental breakdown, AGAIN. I'll bet a hundred crowns that he'll step down on election night and let Karlsson take over and officially turn SD into a watered down civnat party.
SD doesn't want to stop immigration.
SD doesn't want to repatriate people who's not willing to leave by free will.
care to explain pic?
Invandringsstopp probably. Återvandring, ehhh I doubt it. Not unless AfS forces them. They dance around the subject so much that you can never get a real answer. They want to encourage voluntary remigration but question is, how many will actually do it? Sure if you pull every welfare benefit and demand they work, then some will leave, but not all.
This. Jimmie is a nut case one verge of mental breakdown.
The SD-boomers will have a tough time accepting that they got fooled twice.
First by sjuklövern and then when SD show their true colours.
I seriously feel bad for them, but if this is what it takes to red pill the swedes, so be it.
Seems to be synopsized pretty well by his text.
After the last election, Jimmie suffered a burnout and went on sick leave for about half a year or so. The pressure got to him, he had also traveled literally all over the country and doing more or less everything on his own. He really needs to learn to delegate but I guess he doesn't trust anyone in the party but himself to do it right.
But they keep talking about it, constantly?
Its a start atleast, right?
I feel so sad because i have this old friend on facebook and he is constantly whining about SD and posting "memes" about how bad they are etc etc
We took diffrent paths after gymnasiet, i went to högskola och jobbar på en master medan han blev...massör tror jag eller något
Han har dock familj och flickvän men det verkar fan som tjejer älskar cucks who want to ruin the nation for brownie points
The future feels very dark, currently
Nye Borgerlige is nothing compared to Sweden's AfS.
NB is very similar to another Danish party called DF (Dansk Folkeparti).
And both of these parties are a bit stricter than SD in Sweden, but still civic nationalist cucks.
If anything, Stram Kurs is probably the best we have. (although their leader is a literal Danish Jew).
At least, they go to the ghettos and provoke the Muslims on video.
Mathias Karlsson, group leader of SD and vice party leader.
Was party leader for a short while when Jimmie got on sick leave for being burnt out and psychotic.
Picture shows him being the filthy hypocrite he is. When a politican from the moderates leave for SD, it's a good and historic step and he welcoms him.
When somebody from SD leaves for AfS it's a threat to the democracy and should be illegal.
Who wants this two faced cunt running the country? Not me. AFS2018 lads!
Flegen flürgen fargen faarnen?
Context: In Sweden we elect representatives for the parties, but they are free to vote as they please once they're in, and the parties cannot exclude them once they're in, so they will stay there until the next election. Due to this we have a number of defectors and political rogues in parliament.
First pic: Mattias Karlsson from SD speaks fondly of a person in parliament (presumably from M) who left their party to join SD.
Second pic: Mattias Karlsson speaks negatively of the system that allows political rogues, since SD lost several individuals to AfS (who don't any elected representatives of their own).
A start sure, I appreciate what SD has done, they have at least partly broken the conditioning in a country infested with socialist dogma. But the problem is that they want to be loved by the very establishment they were made to oppose. The difference between SD and AfS is huge when it comes to dealing with the establishment. Jimmie spends most of his debate time trying to appease his opponents or find the correct words so as to not offend the delicate sensibilites of the mass media. Meanwhile, AfS just doesn't give a fuck. They call a chair a chair and leave it at that.
And while I know that you won't win any elections by going all "gas the jews, race war now", you don't win any elections by being a pushover either. The established parties don't mind playing dirty, neither should SD.
kek, mudslime down
>The established parties don't mind playing dirty, neither should SD.
problem is people have blind faith and fight their fights
If you want to reduce migration you will be called a racist and shunned
If you want to marry a nigger you wont be called a race traitor and fired from your job
"Stockholm stoppar AFS-möte
Stockholms stad drar tillbaka till-
ståndet för det högerpopulistiska
partiet Alternativ för Sverige (AFS)
att hålla ett avslutande valmöte
i Kungsträdgården på fredag.
Anledningen är att en av AFS talare
polisanmäldes för hets mot folkgrupp
vid ett möte i Malmö i helgen.
"Våra lokaler och anläggningar ska
inte användas av dem som vill skada
vår demokrati", skriver finansborgar-
rådet Karin Wanngård (S).
Partiet hade bokat Stora scenen under
hela dagen."
Aye, the loud minority does. The moment people stop fearing what a bunch of arrogant journalists and has-been leftists think of them, is when the pendulum will swing to the right. And you dont do that by trying to appease them since that's simply playing into their hands.
They only have as much power as you give them. Tell the truth and have facts to back it up and tell them to go fuck themselves with their agenda filled journalism. They should show some balls instead of trying to make excuses and act like they have something to be ashamed of. You can never be loved by 100% of the population. Those who hate SD will probably still continue to do so. No reason to waste energy on them.
>Skada vår demokrati/Hot mot demokrati/anti-demokratisk
Århundradets floskel.
Ja och
Innocent until proven guilty? Anyone?
oy vey cant let our biggest competitors talk to an audience that would make them vote for a racist and nazi party
Dags att lära sig svenska eller så får du åka hem
>this SD/AfS vote division
I got a bad feeling about this, Scoob.
Jow Forums är amerikansk lera, andreas
Doesn't matter. AfS will be there. The police can not stop the people
Nej om du inte talar svenska får du åka hem till Skottland din bortkomna Angloman
will be interesting to see what they'll say about this in kristianstad shortly
You're right, 10 minutes. Obviously they will defy the bann, but question is if they are can get the stage
How does this work? Have they applied for a permit to hold the meeting to the police or is that unnecessary if you rent the stage by the municipality? This can't come as too much of a shock to AfS, the municipality obviously has a lot more mandate to decide which opinions should be allowed than the police does. If they hold a town meeting without a permit they're obviously going to be arrested.
You don't need a permit to hold a manifestation
Yes you do.
>Exempel på aktiviteter som kräver tillstånd för att ordna allmän sammankomst är: demonstration, konsert, manifestation, opinionsyttring, sammankomst för religionsutövning, spela instrument.
>22 § Polismyndigheten får inställa eller upplösa en allmän samman- komst eller offentlig tillställning som hålls i strid med ett beslut som innebär avslag på en ansökan enligt 6 § eller i strid med en föreskrift enligt 15 § eller ett förbud enligt 25 §.
>23 § Polismyndigheten får utöver vad som sägs i 22 § upplösa
1. en allmän sammankomst, om det uppkommer svårare oordning vid själva sammankomsten eller, som en direkt följd av den, i dess omedelbara omgivning eller om sammankomsten medför avsevärd fara för de närvarande eller allvarlig störning av trafiken,
NMR explains on their webpage that that is BS and you got constitutional right to manifest as much as you want
A vote for AfS is a vote for the Left.
Yes, yes, good goys, don't vote for SD so that they will not become the largest political party.
So they let NMR (Nationalist-Socialist Party) demonstrate but not AfS? Weird
What does it matter? AfS doesn't have any lawyers. If they hold a manifestation without permit the police is going to break it up and arrest the responsible parties. They might be released in a few hours but the event will be over. That's what's going to happen.
"Alla inom polisen kan väl för jaevulen inte va väunsteraktivister å idijoterr. Va faun e de -host- va faun e de frågan om?"
-Tobbe Mårtensson
NMR would never be allowed to rent that stage by Stockholm Stad.
Perhaps but they were allowed to demonstrate in Kungsholmen.
What do Swedes think about him?
KYS Kike
Is this the guy? Can any Swedes confrm whether or not AfS knows about (((them)))?
Yes that's AfS, and yes they know. Based AfS met with based Assad to stop immigration and Jews
Probably him yes, it is not clear yet, because the police can't give them a straight answer.
They talk about the globalists all the time, every speech... what do you think user?
Just quoted the Havamal /ourguys/
That would be relevant information if you provided some sort of information that showed the police of Stockholm refused to give AfS a permit. Right now, all we know is that Stockholm municipality won't let them rent the stage.
>Based AfS met with based Assad to stop immigration and Jews
Truly based
AfS is pointless right now. They will not even enter parliament. SD is the only viable choice.
>Saved in my "after AfS get into parliament"-folder
I like these streams. I like the comfy old timey swedish music they place at the beginning.
Awesome. Rooting for sweden.
oy vey
>"Hets mot (((folkgrupp)))"
>"Hot mot (((demokratin)))"
Live chimpout