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bitch's forehead look like the skin on the back of my ankle. fuckin crackhead
Cocaine's a hell of a drug
You'd think billionaires could hire prettier girls, but I suppose they get off from acts of degeneracy and degration more than beauty.
>instagram model
amazing title B-T-W
The hush money the family gets will be the thing she could have done for them
She was an unofficial escort who died from drugs. Don’t give her attention, she just got patrolled
legit thought she was mid-late 30s looking at that pic
what the fuck
this is what happens to your skin when you tan habitually like this bimbo probably did since the age of 12 shortly after she was raped by her uncle
sorry if this offends you but it's true
The really beautiful ones become real models
These are just actual prostitutes who get flown around the world to fuck
traitors and thots get the rope before the enemy
I'd become a billionaire just for the chance to hang sluts to the death rather than for the money itself.
Holy shit white women age poorly. I'm so glad I have a Chinese gf, she's 24 and looks 12.
oh noooooo
another whore died
>"Local media outlets in Greece say McNamara tried to commit suicide"
Not sure snorting mountains of coke and choking yourself to death on cocks is considering suicide, but whatever Greece.
>Captcha: Select all images with boats
Fuck you google.
why waste your time working if you can just whore yourself out for a billionaire? feel sorry for her mother who has to pick up the pieces she left but she's probably a thot herself
>moonfaced gook looks better than a white woman
sniffing petrol has burned your braincells bruce
article says her 15 year old sister was going to meet her in greece. she probably couldn't handle the shame of her escorting ways. S.
lol that pic
good lord, looks 35
A sound plan caballero.Let's do this.
I wonder if sister was going to be included in "yacht work" too. Would not be surprising or shocking.
I think you mean Chang
You aren't wanted here chink
why are models just fucking average girls now
Sounds like she couldn't take the dog dick like she thought
My exact reaction reafing this story
not a real model btw
when you literally can get whatever you want in this world because you're born female and a 10/10 and that still isn't good enough
modern women, everyone
"instagram model" = covert prostitute
Baste & redpill'd
I cant believe how much hatred she receives just for being talented and beautiful.
Man babies in this thread are jealous that their little dick never accomplished anything in their life so they make fun of 20 year old girl dying. Shame!
She could have been 8/10 if she looked like that at 45, but as a 20 years old she's hardly even 5/10.
what a terrible loss
I won't spit on her grave even though she deserves. Instathots are one of the most despicable beings on Earth.
F, in respect to her sister and family.
Virgin detected
>arabian porta potty
> I'm so glad I have a Chinese gf, she's 24 and looks 12.
This is the most perfect sentence of all time. I love you for saying it even though you will surely burn in hell for all eternity.
yeh..no - no evidence of any discernible talent
above average at best and ridiculously aged looking for 20 - too much sun,booze and coke most likely
more like indifference and contempt for whores who get the world handed to them and still arent satisfied
Not to mention the fact that her narcissism and lifestyle sets a bad example
>boomers discussing tabloid gossips
I hope you all die
Lol made me chuckle
report the thread it's not politics
What kind of job does a 20 yo instagram model have in yatch?
Her skin looks like burnt rubber, she looks way past her age.
sucky sucky
weird, why would she travel all the way from australia to greece in order to suck some billionaire's cock, only for her to kill herself afterwards??
Is this a top tier 10? Because she looks like a 7 slut.
maybe she was on her period
Beautiful girl
That's what your skin looks like when you spend too much time in tanning booths.
models are supposed to die of drug overdoses, that's all they're good for
A crew member reportedly found Ms McNamara hanging from the rear deck of the boat in the early hours of Friday morning.
So? Failed at dumping her corpse.
>tangled in rope
> tangled in rope
S and F
S because she was a dumb roastie whore. F because she is also a victim of the clown world society that pushed her to it.
I mean if you look at her insta she was basically a prostitute, most of these insta models are.
They get DMs from billionaires, travel to a foreign country to meet them, get offered drugs they've never tried before, end up in ropes on a boat.
She probably got offered molly and took way too much, was left unattended, and flipped out.
That's a rough 20 years old. She's not ugly, but she looks...used.
that's what tanning will do to white skin.
>Instagram model
Most "models" on there are girls with a 5 or 6/10 who are not fat.
30 years ago these "models" were just average girls
Lived like an idiot died like an idiot, what else is there to say?
lmao at white women
she looks like a fucking middle age mum. real shame though, if i had her face i could've taken such good care of it
Such is life in the tanning salon.
S degenerate whore
One less Thot in the world
Not even old enough to legally drink and she already looks used up.
I'm 35 and I look too young for her
She was probably killed after trying to shake down the billionaire for cash. Probably found some dirt on him. Dumb girl was in over her head.
She was a heavy smoker too! Used up thot was killed off once she was past her use by date..
not gonna lie, that's one weathered forehead.
if there are any women lurking here, this is why we prefer asian women over you.
toll = paid.
Not even once.
she looks mid 30s at best
Despite my ID saying Jew, I assure you I am not
a fucking spic murdered her. sad!
She looks 35.
S, her body looks like that of a late-30 year old as well.
Fuck off, you pathetic gook-loving beta incel. You can court your hideous panfaced monkeys in hell.
Shut up jew
begone thot
>only 14k followers