Why are there so many 30+ year olds on Jow Forums?

Why are there so many 30+ year olds on Jow Forums?

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Kys newfag

Because this is a website for early 2000 teens

why are there so many memeflag shill faggots making gay threads all the time?

because you're here forever nigger

We are the original shitposters. Been online since 1991.

To me it seems like nowadays 90% of 4channers are zoomers. I feel really out of place with these kids.

t. '93 millennial

fuck off you stupid young ass nigger

because we can say nigger
and the older you get the more you begin to realize that being able to say nigger is the most important thing in life
because seriously fuck niggers

t. '53 boomer

Why not?

Becaus im 28 and have been here before /new/

fuck off babynigger
I may have erectile dysfunction in my old age but I can tell a

Jow Forums has been around a long fucking time. Just think, in 3 years people who were born when this shithole was first created will be able to post here without being underage b&

The internet is getting too old

Because this is literally the only place left where publicly hating niggers and kikes doesn't automatically mean a permanent ban.
Now if only that abominable Google captcha would be taken out so we could post in peace...

still remember the old days when youtube was the shitposting and just spent eternity there. not until the kike jew mark Zuckerberg ruined it. fucking kikes.

>I’ll bet that you never used a 14.4K modem dial up connection to AOL and then used AskJeeves to find and connect to Jow Forums
Literally kill yourself newfag

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tell me more nip. if not this placed redpilled me on jews. every problem it is jews tell you/

Because when i was 6 the internet was true free speech.

I remember TOTSE
the internet just keeps going down hill

>implying the topics and discussions that take place here have an age limit
This isn’t your secret club for 14-18 year olds you little faggot

If I had a daughter...

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We amuse ourselves when we are done fucking your mom's asshole

I'm here since 2006

> only been around since 2003
> didn’t see an actual influx till 2008-09
There’s not that many 30 year olds here is a bunch of 16-29 year olds larping

lol 14.4k. Try 2400 baud. kys newfaglet. The net used to be a bastion of freedom from normies. Talking about warez and drugs in IRC chats, obscure hobby BBSes. It was for nerds, by nerds. Normies couldn't even figure out how to use it or what to use it for. Now it's just makeup caked selfies and "look what i ate for dinner" pics, I wonder (((who))) fucked it all up.

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This site is 15 years old and layout is basically unchanged in all that time.
A better question is why so many kids hang out on this old man site.

>90's kids are trolling the internet today
>the 90's was as politically incorrect as it gets
wow such a surprise

>she'd have a son that looked like trayvon

I wonder

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This is where we end up when we're too old for /b/.

why not?


Reddit is too PC and brainwashing in an already PC world. I need a break to look at reality and laugh at racist jokes before I compartmentalize life for the next few days.

I remember the dial up tone ringing CompuServe to get online. Man those days were fucking great. I often ask was it better back then because we were viewing the world through kid tinted glasses? Nah, society and technology were great back then and previous to that.

does anybody else remember modems that you would set your actual desk phone on top of?
pic related was my first experience with the internet

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>god damnit WOPR stop fucking calling me

Stupid ass slide thread. Whoever Created This Thread Should Burn In Hell. SAGE.

oh fuck do computers even still come with tic tac toe?

You get that off a Cheerios box or what

been here since 2003, I was just old enough to legally be here.

high ping bastard

Just buy a Jow Forums pass. One of the best purchases I've made.

a cheerios box is much rarer than the cds they sent in the mail
free month here
90 days free there
and they came every day
sometimes 2 a day
people built sculptures from the unwanted disks
nobody ever actually paid but somehow it never died
AOL was the free first rock of crack to create an addicted generation

Because you're here forever.


Hahhahah (((4chanpass))) put your credit card behind the (((memes)))


Silly faggots won’t ever believe some older than them is on Jow Forums. Silly faggots being younger still leaves most u retards technologically incompetent lame-os w more in common w normies than the original user base.

>being this dumb
I used bitcoin, moron.

he’s a no dsl lamer... not 1337... keep him at recruit status for scrims tho

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so where your little "pass user since__"clover?

Why not? You ageist or something?

No idea wtf you are talking about. Enjoy your shitcaptcha retard.

SWIM misses the implicit criminality of that place. Thanks to the fear of government oversight everybody here is a fucking goody two shoes that shrieks FBI when you try and talk about dank shit.

>No idea wtf you are talking about
why would somebody lie about buying a Jow Forums pass?

>tfw making 30 in a week

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I'm not lying about having a pass. You're fuckin weird. The captcha shit is gay and $20 for an entire year is cheap. I've had it for a while and will never go back.

Yaarrrr matey, don't ye be luberrin' 'bout me fello' pirates aye ori'll send ya off to davy jones's locker aye! YAARRRRR AHOY MATEYS!

Compuserve was fucking amazing. Fucking richfags had AOL and looked down on me though.


God i loved the 90's


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30? LOL, I'm 50.

Fuck you kids, I'll come here if I want.

36 y/o boomer here. Anyone under 35 here should fucking get a job or go kill themselfs. I’ve been on Jow Forums since the days of the Bill Clinton getting blowjobs in the Oval Office days. All newfaggots go drink a bottle of Drano

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34 here!
Down with the kids though, I've dabbed so much and hard my 4y/o has started to give roman salutes because he doesn't know the difference

theres an option you can type in to show how long you've been a pass user with a special icon
I don't know the code because I'm not a pass user but you should know it

Because they were your age when Jow Forums was added to this site. Are you dumb?

That's pretty cool. There ya go

Gtfo this board, damn faggot

much better

>tfw been on Jow Forums since 2006 while in my late teens
>just recently entered my 30s
>still on Jow Forums

i still remember the grinman, longcat is long, the habbo hotel raids and afro duck. fuck.

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What I don't understand is why they didn't have the phone cable plug directly into the modem instead of using the phone's speaker and mic. It's like a retard designed it.

Double-double confirms.
Also sage.

that was the next step
plug in modems were new and futuristic when I'd already been online for several years

It seems like it would be technically simpler to make it the more "advanced" way though.

technically simpler now but a groundbreaking idea at the time
we can make it easily but thinking it up was the real achievement

Because white nationalism = Old white people trying to meme young white males into fighting for their old asses after they treated them like utter shit from the day they were born.

Because i have been here since i was 15

are you a woman or do men have daddy issues like that nowdays too?

found the boomer

did you even read the thread?
now go mow my lawn while I enjoy a sip

Because this place is fun for all rages.

>changing the subject
Definetally found the boomer

Also 28, started around the ZimZam controversy

Literally stumbled upon /b/ in 8th grade computer class

I am a boomer how is that changing the subject
why all the hate for older white men?
were you a boy scout?
show me on the doll where the troop leader touched you

I miss the habbo raids desu

Because it's Labor Day, and I'm still going to mow my lawn.
But only after I shit this board up real good.
You fucking nigger-loving, queer, bitch.
t.37 yr. old boomer.

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Because fuck you, faggot.

Jow Forums is a state of mind

>talks to me like this
>expects me to fight for him
You will be lucky if I dont kill you myself worse than any white genocider. Keep trying with the memes though, I love the desperation.

Are you memeing? Those things were pre-Jow Forums my dude.

why would I ask a paki to fight for white nationalism?

Cause you will prefer to die from his hands rather than my hands.

What the fuck is the deal with tinder? I got coaxed into making one days ago and it’s fucking abysmal.
Granted it doesn’t help being from CA, at least half the women are severely overweight Mexicans or nigs, of which about half of them are asking for donations (?).
A quarter of the white girls on their are severely overweight and undatable
That leaves 25% of the girls I came across decent (I’m even including chubby and homely girls here). And I’d say over half of these are either covered in tattoos, looking for someone to add to their open relationship, literally “smoke weed everyday,” or again looking to be paid for something(?). I can only assume that the top 10% of women who are actually datable are inundated with matches, so what is the point if they are matching with 1000s?
I know the worst part, is half the field is taken away by being in this shitskin wasteland, but this app is degenerate as fuck

>why all the hate for older white men
who said its only for the men?

Same here. We really are here forever, aren't we?

such edge very threaten I am le scared
you said old white men
be more gender inclusive in you language

Hey, fuck you guy.

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Jow Forums wasn’t even a thing then