Back to college

>Back to college
>Stuff like this everywhere

Attached: 1535736048649.png (361x487, 202K)

>take it down
>take it to the local gun range
>shoot it
>hang it back up

Should help get your point across.

so just tear it down when you see it. or did they succeed in making you afraid?

Sign up and infiltrate.

Best thing you could do is find out who they all are and dox the shit out of them.

Do it. You know you want to.

Best longterm solution

He's right. Dox them hard.

>when you unironically have an antifa member living a few homes away

I don't think it would be so easy to infiltrate a group of disgusting commies if you're a white male in good shape with self respect. You'd stick out like a sore thumb.

make your own version that's way more cucked and put it up

Crowder and crew did it. Ez pz.

Draw swastikas on everything, tear the posters down in public or, my personal favorite, take out the knife you should be wearing on your belt and slash the posters in full view of some faggot retards.

Mentally, antifa are a bunch of roasties eternally bleeding from their frontholes. The best way to handle these goofballs is to agree and amplify. Make posters them paint them as the faggot larpers they really are.

Attached: lkjsldfkj.jpg (596x767, 100K)

Print this out and glue it on top.

Attached: Dh3e580WkAUmbd_.jpg (948x1200, 103K)

the only people who are going to call that number are antifa trolls. replace the real number with some doxed antifa.

fuck this...
now I need to get in the game, do a psa to get peoples heads out of their asses.
I'm done.

Yeah I've been wondering about this. Also the DSA has tons of groups at colleges and encourage and train their members to "infiltrate" online communities like Jow Forums. That's where a lot of the shills come from.

I've seen this thread here everyday and I'm not sure why it keeps being reposted verbatim, but there are groups you can join to counter this propaganda. I always get suspicious when the same thing gets reposted everyday.

Attached: uizwj4b4c6f11.jpg (1080x1044, 124K)

Do we have antifa in The Netherlands?

Yes, they're about as impressive as the American equivalent, and about as brave.

>going to college

Criminally underpraised.

Attached: The Rarest.gif (512x288, 471K)

>Somewhere this image is being filed away in the same category as the "Nigger, don't let the sun set on your head here." signs of the past.

The flow of time is oddly soothing.


Attached: Copythat.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

we da nazis now

Attached: antifa-cartoon-ben-garrison_1_orig.jpg (1100x794, 348K)