Do antifa thots really want to be dominated by a right wing guy...

Do antifa thots really want to be dominated by a right wing guy? Is this all just some weird fetish thing for these sluts?

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Other urls found in this thread:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg!Ta4FxKAR!CwRRaDyDdX6k7iFcWDBs5w

Wow, women like real men that are masculine. Shocking.

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Unfortunately they can still charge you with rape after they get bored.

>trump supporters

Why do Amerimutts just keep on giving?

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Well the author must have thought so....

>this outlier disproves averages

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Fat guys are the best fuckers.She gets the D he gets his belly rubbed.
Fatty's should treat women like a steak or 5 star meal,i guarantee you that chick will be on the walls in less than a minute..

I'm glad they drew the alt-right guy like boogie because it's true. Antifa may be twigs but it's infinitely better than being an overweight slob like 99% of men who lift weights and think women who aren't coalburning sluts are actually attracted to that.

Niggers can fuck and dump but whites can't? just fake name and don't give your phone number, also in go to her house, easy.

that's Sam Hyde, not boogie

I'm right fatty

If she goes to the cops they'll start a manhunt because nabbing a white Trump voter rapist is good press.

Won't do the same for the nigger, terrible press for them

i like how you guys are openly advocating rape now

it's actually this. they don't like you, they are luring you into a trap. they might wait ten years to really fuck you over too.

>physical strength is a relevant attribute in 2018 america

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Unironically yes. Currently fugging a big tiddy sjw/hipster/antifa chick right now. Shes fucking insane in bed man, i swear. Trad chicks dont do half the fucking depraved shit she lets me do to her in the sack.

>you guys
>Jow Forums is one person
fuck off

>implying you're not a rapist while being a literal nazi

fuck off you greasy incel

That girl with glasses from vice definitely wants Richard.

Just as important for a male as a pretty face is for a woman.


No wonder you Brits have already lost everything. SAGE.

>publishes videos about charlottesville that effectively ended the alt right as a relevant political movement
>s-she totally w-wants the D bro!!...heh.....

totally not the thought process of an actual rapist

wow, no she doesn't. she gave all those guys the googly eyes and they were like putty in her hands. it was truly pathetic.

so you think all of the tough guys in america voted clunton?

Turns out serial killers aren't monsters, they're just ahead of the curve.

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no, you're thinking of wealth and power, two things you'll never come close to so you cope by thinking lifting weights is going to get you girls. you're as delusional as a no-fapper

>want to be dominated
if you care about what a woman wants you're a cuck
simple as

I've never seen an irl fat Right Winger

Being fat is better than being a faggot like you

It's mostly larps made up by incels here.

Yeah, they do. I fucked one who had communist iconography all over her Facebook. She wound up sending me videos of her masturbating all day and I just blocked her because it was making me uncomfortable.

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>Implying there's something wrong with being a Nazi.

Quit being a child.

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Ok, have fun getting girls that are disgusted by your body and only like your money, i'm sure that's satisfying.

the only left wing people that are fit always tend be communists or Antichrist

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some women want to believe they can change a man. at a point i want to say its why women will stay with a guy who treats them badly. they still havent changed him

that or they think they are diving on a grenade and they need to save other women from some tard and they are damaged goods and they know it

When it comes to getting with thots, it is.

Women love men that fight for the LORD

The only real Gospel of JESUS CHRIST put simple:

Visual explaination:

Entire KJ Bible on audio:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg


Attached: ThepoweroftheGospelonsluts.jpg (1700x1588, 856K)

i don't think you understand that girls don't give a flying fuck about your body beyond some the obvious health indicators, i.e. healthy body fat, good skin, symmetry, etc. a lot of which is genetic and which you're not gonna fix with doing your pathetic little weight lifting ritual lol

this is an evolution of the PUA culture where dudes with no value cope and act like they're in control of a hopeless situation by hatching half-baked schemes at getting laid

ugly rapist

feminism is just shit test that women use to see if you have the mental fortitude to stand up to them since most(not all) women want to be led by a strong man even if they say otherwise.

Women despise weak men that is why they belittle male feminists and friendzone or cuck them

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They probably do, but who the hell would want an antifa chick? They ugly and obnoxious. Let them stick to their soibois.

literal rapist mentality

No being fat is the worst thing you can do. It shows a lack of self respect and it is well known hamplanets have lower IQs than those in decent shape. I’d rather fuck a cactus than a bucket of adipose with inability to be responsible. kys fatty. jk you already are. can’t wait until you lose your foot to beetus.

85% of San Hyde’s fan base is made up of female social science majors at public universities.

>he thinks being a strong man = raping women
Says more about you than the user you're responding to.

Why attack people for taking care of themselves? Every single day I wish I were more than a hungry skeleton.

Where do these people get off with that trash?

Having a picture of Milo hanging in your room is probably the gayest thing I can think of.

if you can't see how this is a rapist mentality then you're also beyond help, should be captured and subjected to hard labor camps for reeducation, then chemically castrated. rapists like you don't get to live in the West

And that is why ALL white women worship the BBC like my own. We put women in their place and keep them there.

i need to stop being fat

Yes and no.
Women crave order and to submit. Without order they will never submit and will instead take control.

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This. x1000

Kys False Equivalence preaching söyböy


>i need to stop being fat
>i need to start a healthy lifestyle

Domination and rape aren't the same thing.

Generally, the more "defiant" a girl acts toward men, the more she wants to be overcome and dominated. She's looking for a man who laughs at her anger, ignores it, and talks her into bed anyway, then tosses her around, fucks her roughly, and treats her like a toy for his amusement.

She's making herself a challenge for strong-willed men, and she's also compensating for her sexual conduct. She's acting in a way that a simple-minded person would think that she's independent of men, when in fact, she's the kind who mostly lives by trading sexual favors. You'll typically find her in a manager harem, disguised as a "diversity initiative".

She wants to sleep with powerful men for material gain, and with strong men for fun. Instinctively, she's trying to get both the best genes and the best material support she can for her babies, when she can't marry the top men, but in a modern context, she's probably barren.

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It's a fetish. Like neonazis wanting to sleep with black women or rich white girls wanting to sleep with black men. They see you as bestial, mindless subhumans.

Probably, this one definitely seem to fit in to the cathegory you describe.

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Women value masculinity regardless or race or culture.Blacks alpha men are sought out after since they are VERY rare since the average black guy is below the average white in terms of looks,status,money and health/hygiene.

beta blacks who smell and are anti-social are so common that even escorts refuse to fuck them for money

Think about it these guys are so repulsive that even hookers avoid them

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No. Fuck you

ofc, kys

all women want to be dominated


Yes, but that's all women.

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>less and less government regulation

I'd say we've seen government regulation inflate under capitalism, but that all the added red tape can be bypassed with money.

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That's because you're an american and you proly think Trump is "a little chunky" and not literally obese. Maybe only eat one burger at your cookout today.

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Love the little touch of that one Beta Orbiter in the comment field who doesn't understand why all these strong females could relate to panel 4.
He must feel scammed as fuck

Being physically capable is never a negative.
Stay baseded up you fucking kike nigger lover.


Yes but by strong far right males
Not by limped dick mommy's boy from the alt right
Not by autistic incels
Not by Kekistanis
Not by beta orbiters
that eliminates most of Jow Forumstards

>she lets
You are obviously a lying b*ta getting pity pussy from your fat ugly shemaster

what he say to her after that?

I'm dating a lefty and she loves to be domed. It's what these parasites thrive on, they fear the strong and want to be controlled by them so they kick up a fit for attention

Stop projecting your fantasies, lmao. I get why you would prefer cute antifa women, rather than boring conservative tradthots but unfotunately you're stuck with them.

Antifa chicks aren't attractive in the slightest

Ripped anarchists are the scariest political extremists because you know they will rape and dismember you if the government actually collapsed

slept with soccer mom level lefty, all the standard msm indoctrination points etc.

Fucked her on her meeting table at her company, tied her to a post blindfolded whipped her fat ass etc.

She told me what I already knew, but it was satisfying to hear it confirmed.

She was a manager in her company that really got shit done and the lefty cuck bois just did whatever she said and were always afraid to offend her so being treated like a whore was a total turnon for her. I was told this in no uncertain turns with zero equivocation.

You don't think it be like it be, but it do, or whatever.

i went to a trendy second-hand clothing store yesterday (they have good clothes for cheap) where all the staff are dressed-up like an sjw yardsale, half of them are trannies, etc. when i went into the changing room to try on some pants (too tight because of my squatter's glutes & thighs) the kinda cute lefty girl running the changing rooms started making small talk with me. she went into the room and beckoned me to come in, set the pants on the rack, and hung around in the room with me for an almost-uncomfortable amount of time, standing really close to me. she actually asked something like "you don't like trump, do you?" i replied with "i voted for him" and she got a fake-disgusted look on her face and walked out. after i tried the clothes on and exited the room she handed me a receipt with a phone number on it and told me that she wants to tell me how wrong i am sometime.

what do, anons? i wand some fugg but i don't want to sit around while a roast lectures me about liberal bullshit. i'm as autistic as i am Jow Forums, for starters

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Text her
Fuck her
Block her

Sadly don't know.. i also had the link to the article somewhere but i can't seem to find it

Go have a wonderful hate fuck and change her mind. I am 110% sure you can do it if this isn't a larp.

It's a copypasta.

fuck her brains out and make sure that you let her know how inferior she is

so, so much of what's going on is rooted in psycho-sexuality. feminism, immigration, support for lgbt++lolkekwtfngrs is a shit test BY AND FOR WHITE WOMEN. don't believe me? sit down and think...even the formerly well-funded blm would've just been a bunch of niggers doing nigger shit without white women. this is all a shit-test. white women want white men to get nasty and rough, and reassert dominance. it's the only thing that makes sense in light of their coddling of bronze age savages of islam.
>Islam is feminist
shit-test. they laugh at ppl who listen to what they say. time to pay attention to what they do instead.

Oh well, I'm too lazy to look up every goddamn one.

desu i'd rather just jack off and play vidya

yeah i posted it yesterday but it's my story

>leftist refuses basic stats

Are you a faggot? Do you not realize that just fucking her isn't going to mess up your pathetic shit life of video games and jerking off?

What is statute of limitations, and yes it does apply.

>i-its a shit test
I swear this level of white knight-ism is genetic..

LMFAO i used go hang out with commies and still see some around campus and not a single one could bench more than 100lbs if the revolutiom depended on it. They literally preach that being fit is able bodiedism and genuinley hate exercise.