is this true?
Is this true?
Other urls found in this thread:
legal immigrants
>shitskin pretends to understand American History
President Kamala Harris everyone
Kinda sorta but she can eat a dick
What was the name of the country they immigrated to?
>be a british commander
>be george washington
wow immigrtation. no border. deap.
She is right USA needs to give citizenship to all people of this planet right now, why even make it illegal to be there if it was made by immigrants? I mean everybody can be an immigrant.
there were 56 signers of the declaration of independence and they were all white men who killed people they disagreed with
Yes and they were Mexican-Americans.
>I don’t know the difference between immigration and conquest.
Oh they’re the same? Well fancy that when people are against mass immigration then.
whitey status: destroyed
Oh cool so they weren’t imperial conquerors then, just refugees! Why did those racist injuns resist the peaceful refugees?
no because you can not immigrate to a nation that does not exsist. these men created the us government. are you retarded?
>legal immigrants
well, all the original european settlers and colonists were illegal.
Once again retards on twatter seem to have a problem differentiating settlers and immigrants.
8 out of 56. And they were all English citizens in various regions, so they were always British citizens. It's the equivalent of saying that someone who moves from Arizona to Tennessee is an immigrant. Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>best of the best, cream of the crop, highly educated, wealthy
>same as some uneducated sandnigger/nigger/spic who has a laundry list of rapes and murders under their belt and cant count past 10
How so? there was no legal system at the time saying it wasn't allowed to be done.
>to found a country is to immigrate to that country
Why are these people so stupid? Are they being genuine?
This is why we have LEGAL immigration: the people whom legally immigrate here are well-off, can prove they have a useful skill, educated, good people without criminal records.
Stupid, dumb, nigger scum.
No. They were 56 signers of the declaration, the majority of whom were born in the colonies.
>british in british land
Had to be fucking 56 didn’t it?
>this is the tard theyre gonna trot out as their front runner in 2020
>Native Americans had no functioning government
>Modern America has no functioning government
Logic checks out
White European immigrants which I fully welcome
The founding fathers of our country vs border hopping beaners who come to a welfare state. Whats the difference?
The other way to say that is Congress. Congress members signed it also
nuh-uh, they were violating the laws of the hundreds of disparate tribes that owned the land fair and square by arriving much earlier on the continent and occasionally clearing out previous, less aggressive tribes
White colonialists that had enough of those faggot bongs. Also how the fuck can they be immigrants to a nation that didn't even exist until they formed it? I'm starting to think niggers were put on Earth just to piss all the other races off.
>immigrating into a county you just founded
>eight immigrants
There were 56 signatures on the Declaration. All of them came from white people who spoke the same language the same way, and had the same goals.
They weren't immigrants and there was 56.
They also founded the country, founders aren't immigrants because they created it. Though overall they were born here.
My guess is that they're trying to win the overall argument by being so stupid that it muddies and pollutes the overall argument making their message more palatable to people. Just like when they pretend not to know the difference from illegal and legal immigration it ends up mudding the debate and making people think for example "Trump hates and wants to deport immigrants".
You're implying that law existed here before the settlers came.
They were colonists. Immigrants seek to adapt to the country they immigrate to. Colonists settle and don't give a fuck about the culture they're overriding.
They were founding conquerors creating a superior culture. Not parasitic, genetically inferior, uneducated morons with low IQ. Big difference.
Wasn't GWashington born in Virginia U.S?
56 people signed it. 8 delegates never signed it (John Alsop, George Clinton, John Dickinson, Charles Humphreys, Robert R. Livingston, John Rogers, Thomas Willing and Henry Wisner).
No, shes completely retarded. All of them had been here for at least a generation and the left also has an impossible time telling the difference between "settlers" and "immigrants"
sage this shitty thread
That's their secret, they're always retarded.
>colonist: a settler in or inhabitant of a colony
Immigration implies that our founding fathers immigrated to an established nation-state. When in reality the first Americans traveled across the Atlantic and created THEIR OWN societies separate from the Indians. They did not immigrate into Indian society but rather created their own.
Our founding fathers were settlers, not immigrants. So no OP, your photo is not true.
say it with me:
PRESIDENT Kamalalalalala
They can be migrants, rebels, tyrants, legals, illegals, colonists and colonizers depending on whatever the narrative needs.
Powerful. Borders are a social construct like taxes, neither should exist.
>Our founding fathers were settlers
The Mayflower arrived in 1620s. The declaration was signed in 1776. They weren't settlers. They were inhabitants.. or as they're colloquially known "colonists".
>Immigrants then
Ready for any work
>Immigrants now
Ready to blame others
It looks like you are trying to make a point. Care to try again?
Wrong.. it was 52 former English citizens. How can this lady be so dumb? I know she is pandering to shitlibs but still.
>Not knowing that Colonists and Immigrants are different
And they were all White, too.
>Hurr durr, our founding fathers were vampires that lived well over 150 years.
I thought it was pretty obvious. The founding fathers were NOT settlers. I'm pretty sure I stated that explicitly.
Legal white immigrants with good moral character.
Natives didn't have laws, they didn't even have writing.
>kamala harris
There's no point in listening to the retarded opinions of shitskins, none!
Colony: a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country
I meant the original Europeans who crossed the Atlantic in the 1500s-1600s.
Pretty sure it was a bunch of settlers occupying empty land and some locals getting butthurt about not coming up with their idea of legality and borders earlier.
It was Manifest Destiny
((( Harris )))
baka engines shoulda built a wall.
>haha these stupid palefaces think they can "own" land lmao
*sees buildings surrounded by palisade"
the leaf was typing with what is known as 'satire'.
You spelled "colonizers" wrong nigger lips
I wonder why she kept her slave name?
Yes, that is obvious. The distinction you are trying to make is not.
Considering there wasn't any formal legal system in place and the native americans mostly didn't try to turn them back, no they weren't.
No because they created the country with their huwhite awesomeness.
Yes. The founding fathers came over on the Mayflower, hopped on Plymouth Rock, and declared that the United States was a nation. Corn was involved.
>m-m-m-muh immigrants
They were invaders and conquered the land that Indians owned.
>It's obvious.. except to those who think our "founding fathers" came over on the fucking Mayflower.
What's really fucking odd is that you're not even the person I responded to. You're some dumbfuck who decided to jump in. If you'd look, the person I responded to admitted the error. So fuck off.
They constantly use race as a wedge issue. Without the illegal vote the Democrat party would never wina Presidential election.
So our Founding Fathers were "immigrants" and we must let in millions of dirty Mexicans and muslim headchoppers because America is an open "melting pot" - which is also bullshit.
The Achaeans were immigrants to Troy.
>sage a thread that's damaging your enemy
Are you dumb or a leftist?
yes all of whom were racist sexist homophobic xenophobic straight white males
>The Achaeans were immigrants to Troy.
This retard is the best the democrats have to offer?
>48 of the 56 signers were born in America. Two were born in England (Button Gwinnett, Robert Morris), two in Ireland (George Taylor, Matthew Thornton), two in Scotland (James Wilson, John Witherspoon), one in Northern Ireland (James Smith), and one in Wales (Francis Lewis).
Fuck off you shill faggot!! His point was very clear!
There were 8 delegates that never signed. Happen to know where they were born? I'd bet the ignorant bitch confused the 8 that didn't sign as the 8 that did.
a good amount of the signers were actually born on american soil.
Old meme, no it's not true. They were all born in the colonies. Just Google the founding fathers birthplaces
John Adams
- born in Braintree, Massachusetts (now called Quincy)
Benjamin Franklin
- born in Boston, Massachusetts Bay
John Jay
- born in New York, New York
Thomas Jefferson
- born in Shadwell, Colony of Virginia
James Jacksonville
- bone in Port Conway, Virginia Colony
George Washington
- born in Westmoreland, Virginia, British America
Alexander Hamilton
-born on the island of Nevis, British West Indies. Technically not a immigrant being a British subject relocating from one British colony to another. That's like being born in Hawaii and relocating to California.
The point is that you can't have it both ways. You can't call our founding fathers evil injun baby rapists seeking to steal land from it's rightful owners and then turn around and call them poor religious refugees trying to escape persecution JUST LIKE THOSE POOR MUSLIM MIGRANTS who for whatever reason flee to Christian nations that they hate and believe is the great satan
How can they immigrate to a land that has no borders? This is discovery and conquest.
All but one, considering Hamilton was born on a British colony and moved to another British colony. He was born on British soil. Just a technicality that confuses liberals.
Europeans went to the Americans as conquerors not migrants. Big fucking difference.
>48/56 signers were born in the American colonies.
>The other 8 came from various parts of the UK
Really causes one to contemplate
How do you immigrate to a society that hasn't even been formed yet?
Native born descendents of conquerors.
She's talking about the top 8. She's a idiot. She could have said there were 8 immigrants that signed it. She also has no Idea there were 56 signatures. She only thinks there are 8 signatures.