What happened at the Chemnitz Protest
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Deutschland waking up
Julian Reyes
Jace Morris
She sounds hot. Aryan wifu when?
Luis Ramirez
>East Deutschland
The West is just as cucked as always
Austin Scott
Who is this? Another dumb "alt right" e-celeb?
>a couple of migrants stabbed a german man
Check your facts. The man who got stabbed was only german on paper. He was mostly black. His death is being used as an excuse.
Right wing people in germany give a fuck about your nationality.
James Ortiz
Yes because the west is better at deceiving their citizens... East lived through DDR
Connor Evans
Dies. And that won't change until they have no food or television
Cameron Parker
I`m on nofap, but she is really hot daaaaammmnnn it
Hunter Ross
For anyone else struggeling
Brandon Myers
Hard to jack off with only one ball and erectile dysfunction.
Connor Taylor