The REAL reason Mollie's Dad is so accepting of his daughter's killer.
Thinking of you, Mollie
Stop watching porn
I put the odds of him secretly fapping to fantasies of his daughter's death at about 56%.
>cyberbullying a man whose daughter was murdered and most likely raped
pls Alex Jones this place
Here we see a man stripped of human decency and filled with self hatred. A man so devoid of life and self respect that even as the news of his daughter was kidnapped, raped, sodomized, and murdered, he openly decrys about the people who could have prevented this. He celebrates foreign “””delicacies””” that his daughters murderer heralds from. This is why liberalism is a mental illness, no, an actual death cult. One that surpasses the People’s Temple.
gotta have my tacos
oh and i once had a daughter
Or you could just leave, you fucking useless commie.
Typical medcuck
It’s not rape if she orgasms
he's some 56%er
Congratulations, you’re here forever
He should just come out and forgive the killer. Imagine him meeting his daughter's killer, hugging and crying, both of them condemning the racist evil lurching over us. That would really send a strong message and disarm the extremist narrative.
the man just really loves his tacos
I have a vague memory of something like this happening once.
Wasn't there a White couple who "forgave" a black man who killed their daughter. And they even met him and cuddled him in a press story?
Or incest if she orgasms.
>This is why liberalism is a mental illness,
On the one hand you might be right but I can't help but feel that lets them off the hook. Personally I think they are pure evil.
He should ask forgiveness from this poor undocumented future brain surgeon who was clearly let down by Drumpf's failure to address proper mental health care access for all citizens--here in the U.S. or yet to arrive!
Amy Biehl
generic meme with GUID image, poor attempt at infiltration disgusting kike pig
we have to send this cuck screencaps of these threads so he knows how much of a pos he is. someone has to stop the cucks.
doesn't exist
It was for all the tacos.
if you trade a taco for a taco is it really a loss?
>GUID image
Explain this for me friendo?
inb4 iphone posting
This seems to be a really common phenomenon, people experiencing trauma publicly, then coming out later and saying "yeah sure it sucks, BUT x". I wonder if they get offered something like cash behind the scenes to say what they say, in order to help reinforce the whole "love trumps hate" angle.
That's the one.
seriously, though, what nationality are these squinty mole people?
New adjective/adverb to be Mollied is to be a white women killed by niggers or spicks - any brown people. She should have known better, but her heart was bigger than her dumb rostie brain. She was still a white woman, she made a bad mistake. Let's forgive her and give her immortality as a word that cautions other white women from making the same mistake. Work with me on this- we are legion!
to be a right wing asshole must be pure stress.
only other right wing assholes like you.
and everyone else thinks they're just assholes.
Maybe not for you boomer but for zoomers its a real pressing existenial issue.
t. Melenial fuckwit
Hi daddie tibbeits. Why do you hate your daughter? Is it because she didnt like sitting on your lap once she entered her teen years?
>You can take my Mollie, but you'll never take my mole
>Daughter killed by Paco, so I can eat my taco
>She took his chorizo so I can wolf this burrito
>Mollie's underground so my belly can get round
>While my wife cried, I had beans refried
>My dead child cold as ice, worth it for these beans with spice
>You might say my daughter gave "the whole enchilada" for diversity
>I like my daughter killed the way I like my food: by an illegal immigrant.