Somebody is gonig to get kicked out of the republican party
Somebody is gonig to get kicked out of the republican party
>lolbertarian endorses lolbertarian for senate
imagine my shock
Good. Americans need a political revolution.
Johnson is/was a Republican
Aleppo forgetto isn't gonna win sadly
it would be cool if he did tho
Rand's a faggot. We know this. Are you at all surprised?
Johnson is a neocon that likes pot
>Libertarian endorses libertarian
>Seats are currently held by 2 dems anyway
Don't see the problem bruh
They're both clowns
Rand Paul just like Ron Paul supports what he think is correct rather than blindly following his party
good on him following his ideology and not a morally corrupt tool for profiteering corporations.
>oh no muh gop, its so based
fuck both democunts and republitards
Honestly once Trumps gone I'm done with the GOP, they showed their true colors backstabbing him every chance they got.
>LOLbertarian endorses LOLbertarian
How is this a GOP backstab?
Wouldn't that be a frontstab?
t. Butthurt Republicucks
the gop isn't some bastion of greatness, just one wing of the same zionist bird
>Gary "memes" Johnson
>the guy that single handily destroyed the libertarian party
I too enjoy that there are more seats in the senate than average IQ points. Lets bring the number even lower.
not surprising. New Mexico hated that governor
Libertarian open borders dude weed is the revolution that is already happening. More of it won't help.
>I'm a republican/democrat
>No I don't believe in EVERYTHING my party stands for
>holy shit look at that libertarian, there are a few flaws in his ideology therefore EVERYTHING believes is wrong
>no it's different for us republicans/democrats
So, instead of endorsing the republican (that has no chance of winning) he's endorsing Johnson, who has a much better chance at taking the Senate seat from the Democrat. I don't see a problem.
He's going to Ross Perot the democratic candidate into office.
>I like open borders
Johnson can eat shit and die.
the birth of the third party.
They are both sell outs and fake Libertarians anyways, everyone knows they are undercover republicans, and most Libertarians see them as poison.
And just what is ...the Aleppo?
wew lad fair to say ron paul would be desapoint
Hopefully Mike Rich, the republican candidate, will withdraw from the race. That way, Johnson will absorb his support, and have a better chance at beating Heinrich.
please sauce
Thanks for splitting the ticket.
Easy win. Honestly it was an uphill battle for you guys even without this kind of interruption.
Leaving this playing for the wife to see! She gonna be pissed dawggg!!