
I need some german anons to tell me if this is legit start of something big or nah
whats the atmosphere in germany right now?

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Well I know one thing, this guy isn't happy about it

This is Serge Menga and he's actually portraying the mindset of the bogus migrants. He's a based black German nationalist.

Nothing will change.
Most of Germany condemned Chemnitz for being racist and shit. All the media and politicians, even the president attacks Chemnitz for weeks because of it.

Today a anti-nazi concert took place there with tens of thosuands of people shouting ,,fuck nazis''.

You will never see this kind of uprising in western germany or Berlin.

>He's a based black German nationalist.
Why did you do this? It's entirely unnecessary.

Your whole county is entirely unnecessary.

The picture looks like DDR in 1989

This just happens in shit tier Germany aka former East Germany.

This. Germs are barbaric people unworthy of being called Europe.

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its rly nothing m8

to sell more paper

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You mean East Germans and other Slavic peoples? Yep those are substandard.

That's very clearly a turkroach.

Chemnitz is in eastern Jormany

Its big and youre going to die soon.
No more gibs for you pole.

east germany is the only hope for germany right now
and belgium has no moral right to exist

kinda shitty to hear that

Besides classical german pessimism, this does looks like something, specially for rape victims.

I know but it looks like there is little progress there, 30 years on and the same photo could remind you of the last days of Eastern Germany.

Karl Marx statue?? cmon...

that sweet russian market is worth more than some faggot statue

All you Warsaw Pact and USSR subhumans cannot go a few decades without some form of authoritarian government telling you what to do it's pathetic. After the fascists destroyed your lands you go right to communism. After the West helps bring it down it takes 2 decades and you're ready to get back on the fascist bandwagon. Ffs learn to civilisation.

like i said belgium is not a country, its a joke.
now go back to your mosque, abdul and pray to your only god because thats the only thing you can do right now.




Such a joke that Poles are leaving their entire families behind to come here in droves to build houses and clean toilets.

Yeah, nobody is impressed Piotr.

ur non country. nobody goes to belgium, it's not 2004.

We rather be a meritocratic dictatorship inspired by singapore rather than dysfunctional shithole with bascially no government, no roads, no any form of security.

The migrants want to organise and march on Chemnitz.

see you in the next 30 years nignog
your abomination of a country will be even more laughable when average citizens melanin level increases 60% by the time of 2050

The hatred is increasing and is growing more radical. Keep in mind that you do not need the majority of people of a population to hate a minority group in order to initiate genocide. If 20% are crazy and form a rampaging mob, that will be more than enough. Right now, it is so bad in fact that I consider it even possible that it will become dangerous for foreigners to live in Europe in the next twenty years. After the migrant crisis in 2015/2016 I realised it. Yes, another Holocaust is possible. It is still in the “genes” of the people, not just the Germans, but also Polish, Hungarians and so on, perhaps in all people. Im already plan a way to get out of here as fast as possiblle if shit goes real because I would be on thier killing list for sure.

highly relevant to your interests

the polluted G*rman pseudo-race is merely in its death throes, it's nothing. A last gasp for air from the damned

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Will Chemnitzers be directed to chimney? Final solution style? This time it is justified cuz Nazis and shiet.

Do you know that Belgium exists solely because of Polish? If not Polish, Russian from Holy Alliance would paint everything red with your entrails.

>if shit goes real because I would be on thier killing list for sure.
Your post is probably the third reasonable post from Germany, so I think you will be alright.
However, if you are a shitskin you will have to pich a side.
Turkey and Islam or Deutschland.

Even though I hate Germans, I would side with them in a heartbeat if it came to a civil war or genocide against the muslims.

Im a quadroon and christian

Well, a bunch of people are protesting.

Will that change anything in politics? Not really, unless people are still salty when the next elections come around. The other option would be a coup d'etat but its very unlikely and half of europe would gang up on the illegitimate usurpers.

So nope, nothing.

Attached: RIto0T9.jpg (430x453, 29K)

>go- guys nothing is happening
>everything is fine
>everyone is content and happy
>go back to sleep


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I know Chemnitz won't turn into a full out race war, but this means people are waking up. I mean these nationalist protests are far better than American standards. These protests attracted around 4000-8000 people, and such. Even regular leftists that support this shit are getting tired of it. I know this won't turn out into a civil war, but people are just getting fed up with migration and such. Everyone is sick of it in Europe. These far left governments, can't do this for long, as people are gonna get sick of it. In the future, its gonna be more crazier and wilder.

Also another reason this concert attracted a lot of people since people are being bussed from other parts of Germany, its also attracting people due to the sheer fact its for free. Free food, free transportation, free concert.

The general mood is continuing towards open discontent; the (((media))) is controlled in a similar way to the US. A small group of conglomerates that control practically all newspapers and TV stations. Of course, they propagate the government's narratives - but just like in Sweden, the public gets ever more aware of what is really going on thanks to the internet.

I expect things to change only when the economic situation deteriorates, and Germany enters a full-blown recession. The "economic miracle" here is based upon an artificially undervalued currency for exports (aka "euro"), generally low wages and a huge reliance upon exports. Once exports break away, then unemployment will rise, and the house of cards becomes unsustainable.

1929 reloaded I guess.

yeah that true for every country in europe right now
once economy situation will destabilize right wing sentiments will rise again

the real question is when

Don't forget this was a spontanous protest.

Also, the German media fucked themselves over. They tried so hard to defend the migrant, but they ended up fucking them selves over, and attracted more protesters. Even this shit is getting a lot of support from the law enforcement. Like this one Prison Officer leaked the arrest warrant of the man who killed the German. This shit ain't gonna fade. Another german got killed by a migrant, today.

Yeah, your right as well, it didn't take days, also for the leftist concert. It nearly took them a week for them to assemble, its just a bunch of bussed leftists sent by the government.

>Also, the German media fucked themselves over.

Yes, absolutely.

But as the way things currently are, most people would risk more than they would gain via widespread riots. For Germans, stability and security are more important than everything. As long as Max Musterman (i.e. Joe Sixpack) gets his pension after a long worling life, he won't rebel.
But once the social welfare system becomes instable and collapses, then things will look different.
Public spending, i.e. politicians bribing their voters, has reached a degree, where it requires a very strong economy in order to be continued. Once mass unemployment returns e.g. via some major disruption to the Euro, then there will be many more unemployed people who have nothing to lose. And when you have nothing to lose, then you're in for a ride...

I thought the boomers of your country are getting pissed off too. I heard there is a large rise of homeless among German seniors since most of the welfare are going to migrants instead of these older germans.

I don't know if you understand german but even Focus promoted an article today where they called the public broadcaster news out for being fake news.

Wiekszosc zachodnich niemcow to spedalona banda pedalow promujacych do cuck award 2018. Jebalem niemki w cipke i dupe jak tam mieszkalem. Bardziej puszczalskie niz polki.

Hurry up and start WW3 ya dumb cunts, you know you want too

Yes they are. Due to capital flight to Germany, the housing situation resembles the Canadian or Australian one ever more. Foreigners are buying up appartments exclusively for speculative purposes, and the lower priced segment of the housing markets is increasingly occupied by """refugees""", whose rents are paid by the state.

During the last elections, Germans age 60+ turned out to be the strongest group of voters for Merkel/CDU, because they were both indoctrinated by state run television, and because they rely most upon a continuation of the status quo. You can compare them with the illegals and minorities in the US; the more they grow in numbers, the more their influence upon domestic politics increases. And since the demographic peak in pensioners is yet to come, this situation is essentially destined to get worse year by year.

I believe I heard of it, I mean I saw Die Spiegel, I forgot the name, but its the equivalent of CBC, and I saw the comments. Blasting them for fake news, and lying towards the public.

Why the fuck Marx's head is till there?

>You will never see this kind of uprising in western germany or Berlin.

Attached: wojack fuuu.jpg (550x550, 81K)

>Yes they are. Due to capital flight to Germany, the housing situation resembles the Canadian or Australian one ever more. Foreigners are buying up appartments exclusively for speculative purposes, and the lower priced segment of the housing markets is increasingly occupied by """refugees""", whose rents are paid by the state.
>During the last elections, Germans age 60+ turned out to be the strongest group of voters for Merkel/CDU, because they were both indoctrinated by state run television, and because they rely most upon a continuation of the status quo. You can compare them with the illegals and minorities in the US; the more they grow in numbers, the more their influence upon domestic politics increases. And since the demographic peak in pensioners is yet to come, this situation is essentially destined to get worse year by year.
So you are saying for the elections in 2021, if I persume. Will there be more "boomers" supporting for AFD, or ther nationalistic parties or no? In the Chemnitz protest, I also saw a lot of older German's, but a mix of younger ones too. But the most prominent were the older generations to come.

Those people were probably bussed in from all across Germany for that concert whereas the protests against bogus refugees was local people.

Your nation is a meme country, created from thin air to slow down German attacks lmao.

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Europe is going to have to kill its traitorous politicians if they want to get anything done

Yeah, that was pretty much it lmao. This shit was sponsored by the government. Most of these commies came from other parts of Germany bussed and shit. Also this is a free concert, with free food, so free gibs.

There's a major regional election coming up in October I think, taking place in Bavaria. Since the end of WW2, Bavaria had been governed exclusively by the CSU, which is a conservative party like the CDU, yet autonomous.
If CSU gets siginifcantly fewer votes than in previous elections, then this could trigger new elections on a state level, since CSU is a coalition partner in the government.

The rise of the AfD is absolutely unprecedented in German post WW2 history; the only comparable rise of a right wing party here were the Nazis.
Check this post for current (((polls))):

>black German
literally what?

I heard of it, in Bavaria. The rise of the AFD has gone around 3-4 percent above. 17 percent, it is higher than the SFD. All I know is that the majority, and opposite government is 1-2 seat difference, and any seat change can cause major changes.

>fuck nazis
every single nation that fought against the nazis in world war 2 would never have accepted black and moslem refugees and supported gays and trannies. so even the enemies of the nazis are nazis?

My bad, the majority government is 399, opposite is 310. AFD is pilling around 14 percent, which is 12.5 during the elections. SFD have gone done quite a bit, along with the CSU.

hanz gets it

If CSU fails to gain a majority by themselves, then they will have to form a coalition.

German (((media))) seems to try to direct this towards a coalition between CSU and the green "party". Should CSU attempt to form a coalition with them indeed, then they are toast in the long run. Therefore, I expect CSU to form a coalition with AfD instead. There were calls from establishment parties to have AfD surveyed by the secret service ("Verfassungsschutz"), but Horst Seehofer, who is minister for the interior and CSU politician, declined to do so. He probably sent the first signal towards AfD. A CSU/AfD coalition in Bavaria would be the absolute worst case that could happen to Merkel; it is very difficult not to imagine premature elections on the state level in this case.

I heard so, I mean the majority government coalition with SPD and CSU is sinking ship. The polls for SPD are going down from 20.3 percent to around 13 percent. I mean this seems like a last stand sort of situation.

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Third times the charm, lets see if they win.

>I mean this seems like a last stand sort of situation.

Welcome to the final days of the Weimar Republic!

Before Hitler took over, the conservative party of the day ("Zentrum") also formed coalitions with the left wing SPD, Initially, they had a comfortable majority. But as time went by and the people witnessed their inability to solve the problems, their majority deteriorated to the point, where even their "grand coalition" lacked a majority. That was the point, when they invited the Nazis to their coalition, intended to be a junior partner. They thought that they could control Hitler, but... Well... They couldn't.

In the 1933 elections, the Nazis gained the relative majority of votes (around 33% IIRC), but they were far from a ruling majority.

How high can you go?

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Not even the NSdAP rose this fast...

Interesting, well you Europeans, have a better chance than us North Americans. Have a wide variety of parties and such. Hope Germany will do better.

...and as a truly global movement!

Just wait until Steve Bannon organizes the regional right wing anti-establishment parties, that's where it's gonna get interesting.

That doesn't matter in the current year court of public opinion and perception.

Only if Europe reconnects to Russia and works with them and the Chinese together.

Have a look at a couple of presentations from "Peter Zeihan" on JewTube, he presents a rather optimistic case for the US and North America.

I just commited 3 years to the Bundeswehr

When does the civil war realistically start?

Have a look at this guy here for some "interesting" economic scenarios.

The vast majority of people are dumb as fuck and will see it on the news and be convinced it was local citizens.

According to a poll from like 1-2 months ago at least one third (33%) of the population are happy with the work the AfD is doing.
This is just the beginning, the potential is massive.
We just need a few more happenings which will inevitably come and the establishment has to continue fucking up which is also inevitable.
Just yesterday i read about a few major politicians who turned into complete defamation mode against the AfD and their complete voter base, this will only make us stronger.

>I just commited 3 years to the Bundeswehr
>I just commited 3 years to the Schrottarmee
Lmao, after all the fiasco that happend over there? Are you brain damaged, user?

Germany is actually pretty amazing that it hasn't crumbled already. Imagine Germany without the migrants and welfare where neets would be forced to work.

That's because Germany is the big parasite within Europe!
German economy is basically exporting it's unemployment into the Euro memberstates through a restraint in wage increases. They also leech of from the other Euro countries via an undervalued currency.

The German economic model essentially works like this:
Germany produces Ferraris built by highly skilled workers, who are hugely underpaid, then exports thes Ferraris much cheaper than everybody else, and finally loans the buyer the money for buying it as well (via the "Target 2" system at the center of the Euro).

You are entirely unnecessary.

Fiasco? You mean the guys who cant take banter? Or the guy who shot a mudslime with no order?

They are the best paying in my field of expertise(GeoIT) besides Google who wont employ me.