Five of the ten rivers are full of shit the Chinese have thrown out. Is there any ranking of the relative scale of the problem PER river? The cunts obviously win hands down on a per country basis. Just a shitty cultural attitude towards rubbish, which the white man dealt with centuries ago.
Cameron Watson
While China throws garbage into some rivers and becomes the biggest economy, Western countries throw their citizens shit in the form of pills, not for nothing did young Westerners become addicted. China is doing better
Dominic Long
There is in the Daily mail article, the Ganges is the biggest per river but the chinks win out overall.
Henry Morgan
Wait I think I read it wrong, previous studies say it was the Ganges but according to this one it's the Yangtze
Isaiah Ross
From the space race to the waste race... How things have fallen since whitey abandoned the saddle.
>China is doing better There are serious fundamental problems in China, most of which will play out in our lifetimes. Expect bloody internal ruptions in the next few decades.
On top of that, the Chinese state presides over the wholesale poisoning of their populace, in various ways, some of them directly connected with the shitty attitude to waste disposal. The leadership is making a massive gamble over there, in the desperation to become the new world superpower.
Jordan Sullivan
Is that image from another world? because in this world there are whites and what of that image is happening, the same image is proof enough.
Jaxson Perry
Even if your country stopping using plastics only reduced plastic in the ocean by 1/2 of 1 percent, that’s still 1/200, literally a fraction.