European's men club

It is time.

X City/Town/County European Men's Club


-At least 16 years of age, male, of European descent
-reversing the infantilization of our societies; men as young as 16 can have excellent insights and contributions

Networking goals:

-Preserve European cultures and way of life

-Financial solidarity, business building, & getting around the usurious global financial system

-staying out of debt and legally avoiding taxation

-Family support & community building

-Upholding the masculine aspect of our race and human psyche and providing the gender specific education young men need to properly mature

-Providing positive alternatives to degenerate activity

-sport, academics, ect.

-Education about Cultural Subversion and Social Engineering

-Political involvement

-prescence in local offices & ascending to higher offices

What to do when it is labaled 'Racist' or a 'Hate group':

-This fellowship is in support of the self-determination of all races and cultures and we are simply in opposition to a global economic system and war machine that is in conflict with that self-determination; there is nothing wrong with acting to make your people and way of life continue to exist and we will not compromise on this.

Do it guys.

Despite what your fear is telling you, no one can stop you.

If you build it, they will come.

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Keep it small, no more than 12 ever. Must be able to fit in a rental 15 passenger Van including luggage/props/food/guns for a day trip.

If more want to join, then different groups meet on different days. After a while when members "students" feel part of the group you will have to start charging monthly dues to cover field trips, or giving the initiator more free time to set up meeting plans. (Trust me, it is required.) Added bonus, when someone has to pay for something, they tend to try harder as well.)

Don't say anything bad about anyone, just reinforce the good things about your history and culture(s). You must keep this at the very least in the beginning. Can change with trusted membership.

Example: If you have members of different descent you can combine Scandinavians, Russians, Germans, English etc based on the Byzantine Varangian guard from Scandinavia and Rus, etc. Each member would be responsible for coming up with a short presentation for next meeting. All presentations should give a good background on the topic.

1.Background where they came from, evidence supporting this. 2. How they moved thousands of miles in that age. 3. Communications Runes, launguages 4. Why were they venerated? (Loyalty and strength) Topics such as this help to create loyalty due to the ancient ties as opposed to the newer tensions that may exist between say Finnish and Russians.

In order for you to continue with this, you must be well versed and able to find answers to questions from session to session.

So many offshoots can occur depending on membership interests.

-Learning traditional art, or respect for that art instead of modern bullshit.
-Historical events Crusades, Teutonic knights. 4th crusade that allowed Islam to flourish and ultimately get to where we are today.
-Religious studies, so massive, be careful. Make it for the layman. Differences in each, and who still follows each.
-Western martial arts swordplay
-Hermetic awareness symbolism. The elites practiced this. Secrets and associated symbolism could take a lifetime to learn. Use it as an eye opener to something they may not have known existed and to such an extent.
-Financially sound and help each other
-Health, fitness, MMA training
-Marksmanship and training
-Emergency preparedness
-Camping, living off the grid
-Building things with hands, crafting and help each other with home maintenance
-Varying factual topics to break programming example: Genetic differences in Races (Sub-species) Holohoax depending on your country, ensure your members understand secrecy. OR, you could just push them each in the right direction because they will inevitably want to research it on their own if there is a possibility it is wrong to their newfag minds.
-Finding a good woman of opposite sex. Where do they hang out, what interests to they have? How to avoid SJW and temptations of the whores. How to attract them. This one is important because we do need to grow our ranks.
-Each member find one falsehood in any form of MSM.
-General discussion day. (Helps to see who you've good by seeing what they want to talk about.)
-Current events
Keep records. If studying different timelines have a posted timeline on the wall running for each different topic. One macro, one micro for past 20 years.
This will show where we came from to where we are at now (Still being overrun by Islam and circumvented by Jewish interests.) Let them come to their own conclusions. It is more powerful this way.

Fuck these degenrate ads

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Great. So, who here lives in NYC? Seriously, I am fed up with the leftist politics of this city, and I would be more than happy to organize with likeminded individuals.

Bump. Come on brothers.

>At least 16
Sounds like a good front for a pedophile ring and a way to blame he right for child molesting

Come on faggots, stop replying to slide threads and actually take action for once.

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It's essential that we organize. Our institutions have taken a viciously adversarial stance against us. We must start from the ground up. NYC brothers, speak up.

That's the minimun age requirement brainlet, a 16 year old is not a child dumbass.