Will Texas go blue?

Will Texas go blue?

Attached: US-TX-EPS-02-4001.png (460x345, 35K)

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Yes. It will go Prussian Blue. And conquer Mexico and kill everyone.

Attached: d8b27e7ee66fc15701daff5391fdf1f8a5da55385d2decc3de620d4a7f28f899.jpg (300x300, 12K)

Is OP straight?

When California goes red

Yes and no one can stop it.

Attached: AA3DDDB7-DFBA-4E94-98DF-C8AC0C6188D6.png (609x443, 454K)

I don't rate Cruz's chances in November. Remember California migrants to Texas are voting for the same dumb shit that drove them out of California

Turn blue? Were there any votes or anything?

That is dark. Hope Trump can make sure the electoral college votes stay there 2020

Keep in mind the Democrats have lost 5 million supporters since 2016

Nah I just mean will it become a Democrat voting state