e.g. a magical sky wizard, so I propose a thought experiment: How much would the definition of "God" have to change before you believe His existence to be plausible? Think of it kind of like en.wikipedia.org
>inb4 this game is stupid because you're forced to admit atheism is based in emotion more so than reasoning
Atheists imagine God as a being with features implausible to exist
Atheists dont imagine god because they dont imagine something that doesnt exist.
>How much would the definition of "God" have to change before you believe His existence to be plausible?
Provide evidence for any definition you choose.
It isn't even possible to make a claim about something without imagining it, spastic.
Replace God with nature and then you'll understand
Nothing is not hard to imagine. There are no gods,no angels, no devils, no pixies,and no unicorns. If you want to prove any of these exists, bring hard evidence. Muh bibbel is nto evidence. Fedora memes is not evidence. Autistic screeching is not evidence.
Why don't you answer the OP?
God = Math
Choose a definition of god of your liking then prove it. I already said that. Is english not your first language?
A mile from me is an Indian neighborhood, with Indian restaurants and stores. They have an Indian temple which I went into once to see. It has statues of Ganesha, the elephant god.
Who is to say Ganesha the elephant god didn't invent the universe? It sounds more plausible to me than the ridiculous Jehovah idea. Not that I think Ganesha exists, but it makes more sense to me than Jehovah.
God seems to be a will with infinite power. Whenever you can prove infinite power and a will behind it, that should be God.
Sounds clear to me.