Metokur's friendship with KILLER KEEMSTAR

Why is Jim friends with that guy that Idubbbz dropped the nukes on? What's Jims endgame in this blossoming friendship?

This isn't the first alt-right e-celeb Keem seems to have ties with, either. He's been seen on streams with James Allsup, Nick Fuentes, and even the leader of the alt right - pewdiepie.


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Keemstar has connections at YouTube. Keemstar got Jims account unfucked. It's a powerful alliance.

MODS PLEASE NOTE: the last two digits of OP's post confirm the legitimacy and unending integrity of this thread. if you prune this thread, please know that you have stalled the eternal struggle for truth and transparency within the e-celeb hot goss industrial complex. with this in mind, please act accordingly.

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Nigger it's not that deep. Also fuck Aquafags

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>pewdiepie "leader of the alt right"

after careful consideration, i've decided that you are either humorless, or alternatively, engaging in very low-effort trolling to collect (((you's))) from innocent lurkers who only know how to interact in good faith.

you're either dense or are attempting to wield malicious tedium. you should reconsider the influence you aim to have on the world and the people around you, user.

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What a beautiful picture

cheers m8. in your opinion, what does she look like in terms of an ethnic background? perhaps austrian? czech?

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She may be eastern european. To be honest,I used to know someone from Romania who looked similar to her.Also,it is possible that she's from one of the baltic countries.

Wow who gives a fuck?

it's something to think about because the alt-right's reach on the biggest video platform aimed at a younger generation is potentially getting larger. keemstar has a very large audience and could be a powerful ally to spreading our message. i understand if you're not interested or unfamiliar, but i believe this speculation to be a topic with more merit than most.

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This, Keemstar simply happens to be a fan of his. Also Jim is not "alt-right" faggot.

Also Kraut was recently begging him on twitter to get his account back as well.

>Leader of the Alt-Right

Don't make me laugh

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idubbbz is a retarded zoomer kid whose entire argument was:

>keemstard once said the word NIGGER and he looks like a gnome xDD

fuck your youtube ecelebs except Jim and Keem

>a bearded nazi emperor

absolute degeneracy

idubbbz also did a whole "it's just jokes" defense of James Gunn when the tweets in question are part of "jokes" Gunn would send to his now convicted paedo friend.

Let idubbz just continue to make fun of kick starters and gofundmes, he has nothing of interest to say.

> If someone who promotes feminism is a socialist and someone who promotes islamism is a socialist and someone who promotes socialism is a socialist, then someone who promotes fascism, is a liberalist.
t. Carl Benjamin, leader of the National Liberalist Worker's Party of Great Britain

>fuck your youtube ecelebs except Jim and Keem

No they are shit too, you all should be banned for spamming this board with this shit

>no brat poster
new lows.

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i have detected the palindrome at the end of your post, and have noted that you are an agent of thoth's CIA EIDF (e-celeb internet defense force).

though i respect and admire your work on this board, i must ask you, why are they shit? why the immediate call for censorship of anyone interested in discussing this? in regards to spam, i've never seen a similar thread on this topic discussed here, though i'm sure they exist, but i must insist that this is not some sort of astro-turfing campaign or some subversive attempt at spamming the catalog.

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VEE! where are you? you gypsy fuck. I know you're lurking in here.

he's definitely on his way out. i think his girlfriend, who is a tumblrina, pulled him outside the realm of reasonable critique in good faith.

>fuck your youtube ecelebs except Jim and Keem
I'd add Ralph to that list. The Killstream has been pretty fucking awesome lately.

>we are all his stepchildren now
can't believe it's been this long already.

Jim is a psychopath. He only ever gives the outward appearance of friendship with people because it is useful at the time.

dumb phoneposter stop samefagging
02 lost
deal with it

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>Why is Jim friends with that guy that Idubbbz dropped the nukes on?
It's actually much more simple than you realize. Metokur's friendship with Keemstar accomplishes getting the name out there due to Keemstar's insane ability at manipulating outrage culture for views. Furthermore, Idubbbz is leaning more and more towards being a centrist cuck, while Keemstar's not afraid to tell people he'd kill them if they fucked with his family, which fits Metokur's stance on life with telling Ross almost to his face he'd line him and the other virtuous pedophiles along the wall and shoot them all. Basically Keemstar's not a faggot like Idubbbz.

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who cares?

Also iJewbbz and kikeestar made up.

I'd slightly begrudgingly agree. I disliked Ralph as every stream I watched in the past he was drunk and insufferable. Recently he's brought me around a bit. I wouldn't put any trust in him but he runs a decent show.

Keemstar is not interested in race politics at all and has laughed at anyone who has brought it up.

If anything I'd see Metokur cucking to make sure he doesn't offend Keemstar, certainly Ralph did with Eric Striker.

>i-it must be someone samefagging

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ecelebs... kys OP